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P. 551

Threading Holders, Sets & Inserts • CARMEX

                     Miniature & Ultra Miniature Threading Inserts
                     60° Inserts • T20 Coated Grade                                 One insert eliminates the need of
                                                                                    hundreds of different taps

          ParTIal ProfIle InSerTS                     rIghT hand     lefT hand
             InSerT     I.C.    ______PITCh range______  order  PrICe  order  PrICe
              STyle              mm         T.P.I.    #     eaCh    #     eaCh
           06 IR/L A60  5/32"  0.5 - 1.25  48-20   22-411-258 $19.51 22-411-259 $23.13
           08 IR/L A60  3/16   0.5 - 1.5   48-16   22-411-260  16.53 22-411-261  20.51
           08 IR/L U60  3/16U  1.75 - 2.0  14-11   22-411-262  20.51 22-411-263  20.51
          fUll ProfIle Un Thread                                                            INSERT ACTUAL SIZE
          STandard InSerTS             rIghT hand               lefT hand
           PITCh  I.C.  _X_  _y_  InSerT   order  PrICe  InSerT    order  PrICe
           T.P.I.      (mm)  (mm)  STyle    #     eaCh    STyle     #     eaCh
           32  6 (5/32")  0.8  0.5  06 IR 32 UN  22-411-300 $19.19  06 IL 32 UN  22-411-310 $23.13
           28  6 (5/32")  0.8  0.6  06 IR 28 UN  22-411-301  19.19  —  —    —
           24  6 (5/32")  0.7  0.6  06 IR 24 UN  22-411-302  19.19  06 IL 24 UN  22-411-312  23.13
           20  6 (5/32")  0.6  0.6  06 IR 20 UN  22-411-303  19.19  06 IL 20 UN  22-411-313  23.13
           18  6 (5/32")  0.6  0.7  06 IR 18 UN  22-411-304  19.19  06 IL 18 UN  22-411-314  23.13  U-TYPE  STANDARD TYPE
           32  8 (3/16")  0.6  0.5  08 IR 32 UN  22-411-320  16.53  08 IL 32 UN  22-411-330  20.51
           28  8 (3/16")  0.6  0.6  08 IR 28 UN  22-411-321  16.53  08 IL 28 UN  22-411-331  20.51  Features:
           24  8 (3/16")  0.6  0.6  08 IR 24 UN  22-411-322  16.53  08 IL 24 UN  22-411-332  20.51
           20  8 (3/16")  0.6  0.7  08 IR 20 UN  22-411-323  16.53  08 IL 20 UN  22-411-333  20.51  •  Unique I.C. 5/32" and 3/16" threading inserts with special
           18  8 (3/16")  0.6  0.7  08 IR 18 UN  22-411-324  16.53  08 IL 18 UN  22-411-334  20.51  T-20 grade TiN coated insert for “super low speeds”.
           16  8 (3/16")  0.6  0.8  08 IR 16 UN  22-411-325  16.53  08 IL16 UN  22-411-335  20.51  •  All inserts have 3 cutting edges.
           14  8 (3/16")  0.6  0.8  081R 14 UN  22-411-340  20.51  08IL 14 UN  22-411-339  20.51
           13  8U (3/16"U) 1.0  4.0  08UIR 13 UN 22-411-341  20.51  08UIL 13 UN  22-411-341  20.51
           12  8U (3/16"U) 0.9  4.0  08UIR 12 UN 22-411-342  20.51  08UIL 12 UN  22-411-342  20.51  Metric, NPT And NPTF Available,
           11  8U (3/16"U) 0.9  4.0  08UIR 11 UN 22-411-343  20.51  08UIL 11 UN  22-411-343  20.51  Please Call
                     Toolholder                           Miniature Threading Tool Sets
                     Spare Parts                          Right Hand

            INSERT SCREw                      BeneFIts:
                           ANvIL SCREw        •  Better surface quality.
                                              •  Reduces the amount of taps required.
                     ToRX ®  kEY              •  Cuts machining time & cost.
            deSCrIPTIon  Model   order   PrICe   aPPlIcatIOns:
                                              •  One CNC operation.
           Insert Screw  S6   22-411-400  $2.13  •  For blind hole threading.
           Insert Screw  S8   22-411-402  1.70
           Insert Screw  S11  22-421-107  1.91  Includes:
           Insert Screw  S16  22-421-108  1.24  Model #KU-601 (5/32" I.C.)
           Insert Screw  S22  22-421-109  1.64  •  (10) 06 IR A60 T20 Grade inserts.
           Insert Screw  S27  22-421-110  2.49  •  (1) SIR 0205 H06 toolholder.
           Torx  Key   K6     22-411-401  4.25         ®
           Torx  Key   K8     22-421-112  5.71  •  (1) K-6 Torx  key.
           Torx  Key   K11    22-421-113  6.04  •  (2) S-6 screws.
           Torx  Key   K16    22-421-114  6.04  •  (1) Fitted case.
           Torx  Key   K22    22-421-115  6.52  Model #KM-60I (3/16" I.C.)
           Torx  Key   K27    22-421-116  7.25  •  (10) 08IR A60 T20 Grade inserts.
           Anvil Screw  A16   22-421-117  1.91  •  (1) SIR 0265 K08 toolholder.
           Anvil Screw  A22   22-421-118  2.35  •  (1) K-8 Torx  key.
           Anvil Screw  A27   22-421-119  3.24  •  (2) S-8 screws.
           Anvil       AE16   22-421-120  9.97  •  (1) Fitted case.
           Anvil       AI16   22-421-121  9.97
           Anvil       AE22   22-421-122  16.88  SeTS                         SPare ParTS
           Anvil       AI22   22-421-123  16.88                                  I.C.   deSCrIPTIon  Model  order  PrICe
           Anvil       AE22U  22-421-126  16.88  I.C.  Model   order   PrICe                       #      #      eaCh
           Anvil       AI22U  22-421-127  16.88         #       #     Per SeT  5/32"    Torx  Screw  S-6  22-411-400  $2.13
           Anvil       AE27   22-421-124  29.76  5/32"  KU-601  22-411-253 $214.27  3/16  Torx  Screw  S-8  22-411-402  1.70
           Anvil       AI27   22-421-125  29.76  3/16  KM-601  22-411-255  214.27  5/32, 3/16  Torx  Key  K-6  22-411-401  4.25
                     Miniature Internal Threading Toolholders
          Features:                         Includes:
          •  Accepts miniature threading inserts.  •  (1) Torx  key.
          •  Select right hand or left hand threading toolholder.  •  (1) Torx  screw (specify right or left hand).  RIGHT HAND
                                                               rIghT hand     lefT hand
            Toolholder  InSerT ______dIMenSIonS______ MIn. USe TorX USe InSerT  order  PrICe  order  PrICe
              STyle    I.C.  ød  ød1  l  l1  Bore  Key #  SCrew #  #  eaCh   #     eaCh
          SIR/L 0205 H06  5/32"  .50" .20"  4"  .47"  .24"  K6  S6  22-411-370  $95.83  22-411-371 $114.98
          SIR/L 0265 K08  3/16  .62  .26  5  .70  .31  K8  S8  22-411-375  83.51  22-411-376  99.93
          SIR/L 0310 K08U 3/16U .62  .29  5  .83  .35  K8  S8  22-411-380  83.51  22-411-381  99.93
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