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P. 728

TURNING • Live Centers

                 Value-Turn Live Centers

                                                              •  Excellent for light/medium-duty work on manual and CNC lathes.
                                                              •  ±0.0001" TIR guaranteed.
                                                              •  Dual radial bearings and a thrust bearing combine to provide solid load ratings.
                                                              •  One-piece point/case is hardened for long life.
                                                              •  Sealed rear bearing protects assembly from coolant and chips.

         MorSe    _____________________________DiMenSionS____________________________  MaxiMuM  WeighT of  ThruST  MoDeL  orDer  priCe
         Taper    a      B       C      D       e      f       g      rpM  WorkpieCe  LoaD   #        #       eaCh
         1 MT   2-1/8"  1-11/16"  2-3/8"  4-13/16"  1-9/16"  7/8"  3/4"  5,000  390 lbs.  3,730 lbs.  10851  69-204-251†  $257.99
         2 MT   2-9/16  1-11/16  2-13/16  5-1/4  1-9/16  7/8  3/4    5,000  390    3,730   10852  69-204-252  238.99
         3 MT   3-3/16  1-11/16  3-7/16  5-7/8  1-9/16  7/8   3/4    5,000  390    3,730   10853  69-204-253  256.99
         4 MT   3-1/16  2-7/16  4-7/16  7-11/16  2-1/32  1-3/16  1-1/8  4,500  750  4,990  10854  69-204-254  311.99
         5 MT   4-3/16  2-7/16  5-9/16  8-13/16  2-1/32  1-3/16  1-1/8  4,500  750  4,990  10855  69-204-255  349.99
       †Ships direct from factory.
                 Spring Type Live Centers
                 Dual Roller Bearings
                                          •  ±0.00005" TIR guaranteed.
                                          •  Ultra low-profile body provides outstanding tool clearance.
                                          •  Unique spring-loaded design compensates for thermal expansion of the workpiece by allowing the point to slide
                                           axially as the part grows.
       stAnDArD point                     •  A series of heavy disk springs keep the point firmly seated in the center-hole of the workpiece.
                                          •  Dual roller bearings provide solid radial load capacities.
                                          •  Axial loads are handled by a special thrust bearing located between the point and springs.
                                          •  Body and point are hardened for wear resistance and long life.
                                          •  Bearings are protected from coolant and chips by a neoprene seal.
                                          •  Extended point provides tool clearance for CNC applications.  Multiple Point Styles To Suit All
                                                                                            Applications Available, Please Call
                                          STanDarD poinT
                                                 ______DiMenSionS______  Spring  MaxiMuM  WeighT of  ThruST  MoDeL  orDer  priCe
                                                  B     f    g    TraVeL  rpM   WorkpieCe  LoaD  #     #      eaCh
                                           2 MT  0.70"  0.88"  0.39"  0.11"  5,000  540 lbs.  150 lbs.  10522  69-204-122†  $419.99
                                           3 MT  0.94  1.16  0.55  0.14  5,000  940    315    10523  69-204-123  491.99
                                           4 MT  1.23  1.38  0.63  0.18  4,500  1,400  435    10524  69-204-124†  581.99
                                           5 MT  1.75  2.00  1.10  0.19  4,500  2,340  785    10525  69-204-125†  861.99
                                          †Ships direct from factory.
       eXtenDeD CnC point
                                          exTenDeD CnC poinT
                                                 __________DiMenSionS__________  Spring MaxiMuM WeighT of ThruST  MoDeL  orDer  priCe
                                                  B     f    g     h   TraVeL  rpM  WorkpieCe  LoaD  #  #     eaCh
                                           2 MT  0.70"  0.88"  0.39"  0.19"  0.11"  5,000  150 lbs. 150 lbs. 10532 69-204-132  $450.99
                                           3 MT  0.94  1.16  0.55  0.25  0.14  5,000  260  315  10533 69-204-133  518.99
                                           4 MT  1.23  1.38  0.63  0.38  0.18  4,500  580  435  10534 69-204-134  615.99
                                           5 MT  1.75  2.00  1.10  0.50  0.19  4,500  1,050  785  10535 69-204-135†  861.99
                                          †Ships direct from factory.
                                       Helpful Hints for CHoosing A live Center

         Choosing a live center doesn't have to be a difficult job. royal offers a wide array of different styles, but following these basic steps will help you determine
         which live center is best for your type of work.
                 1. Determine the machine's taper. Most lathes have Morse tapers,   with extended points offer additional tool clearance often
                 while Jarno and Brown & Sharpe tapers are common on many   needed on CNC lathes, but there is a workpiece weight trade
                 grinders. This information can often be found in the owner's manual.  off. Carbide-tipped points are available for applications where
                                                                         point wear is a problem.
                 2. Determine the weight of the workpiece, including anticipated
                 cutting forces. Royal gives a value for the maximum workpiece   5. Determine the required operating speed. Many lathes don't
                 weight each center can handle safely. Be wary of manufacturers who   reach speeds exceeding 3,000 RPM, which is no problem for
                 only give a value called “Load Rating”, and then say the workpiece   most Royal centers.
                 weight is less than half this rating. How much less than half is
                 necessary to be safe?                                   6. If more than one center seems as if it will suit your needs,
                                                                         remember this – “You get what you pay for.” It is better to invest
                 3. Determine the thrust load necessary to keep the part firmly seated   a few dollars now for a center that will do the job and last than it
                 on the center. Typically this value must be 2/3 of the workpiece   is to pay later for out-of-tolerance parts or machine downtime.
                 weight, including cutting forces. Once again, Royal calls out the
                 maximum thrust load for each center while other manufacturers do
                 not.                                                           “America's Best”
                 4. Determine the point style which best suits your needs. Centers
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