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P. 767

Compression Holders & Adapters  • TAPPING

               Quick-Change Tension & Compression Holders

          BeNeFITS:                  FeATureS:
          •  Change tool within seconds.  •  Specifically designed to insure against tool pull out.
          •  Greatly reduces tool change-over time.  •  Utilize with Collis Quick-Change adapters.
          AdApTer       TAp Size      SHAnk  projeCTion  SHAnk  Body  modeL  order  priCe
            Size        rAnge        diAmeTer      LengTH diAmeTer  #  #      eACH
            #1    #0 - 9/16" HT, 1/8" SSPT  1"  3-5/8"  3-5/8"  1.25"  77821  67-806-430  $236.89
            #2    #0 - 7/8" HT, 1/8" - 1/2" PT  1  4-1/2  3-5/8  1.96  77822  67-806-431  288.59
               Quick-Change Tap Adapters

          APPLICATIONS:              FeATureS:
          •  Standard ISO taps may be   •  Coolant through.
           used with these tap adapters.
          #2 AdApTerS                                           #1 AdApTerS
             TAp  TAp SHAnk LengTH diAmeTer TAp enTry  modeL  order  priCe  TAp  TAp SHAnk LengTH diAmeTer TAp enTry  modeL  order  priCe
            Size  diAmeTer  A  B    depTH  #       #      eACH     Size  diAmeTer  A  B    depTH  #       #      eACH
          TAp AdApTerS                                          TAp AdApTerS
          #8       .168"  .32"  1.88"  .92"  78926  67-806-516  $58.79  #0 - #6  .141"  .28"  1.18"  .85"  78911  67-806-500  $39.89
          #10      .194  .32  1.88  .92   78927  67-806-518  58.79  #8   .168  .28  1.18   .92   78912  67-806-501  39.89
          #14 & 1/4"  .255  .32  1.88  .95  78929  67-806-520  58.79  #10  .194  .28  1.18  .92  78913  67-806-502  39.89
          5/16"    .318  .43  1.88  1.49  78931  67-806-521  58.79  #12  .220  .28  1.18   .95   78914  67-806-503  39.89
          3/8      .381  .43  1.88  1.56  78932  67-806-522  58.79  #14 & 1/4"  .255  .28  1.18  .95  78915  67-806-504  39.89
          7/16     .323  .43  1.88  1.59  78933  67-806-523  58.79  5/16"  .318  .28  1.18  .98  78916  67-806-505  39.89
          1/2      .367  .43  1.88  1.62  78934  67-806-524  58.79  3/8  .381  .28  1.18   1.05  78917  67-806-506  39.89
          9/16     .429  .43  1.88  1.68  78935  67-806-525  58.79  7/16  .323  .28  1.18  1.06  78918  67-806-507  39.89
          5/8      .480  .43  1.88  1.74  78936  67-806-526  58.79  1/2  .367  .28  1.18   1.11  78919  67-806-508  39.89
          11/16    .542  .43  1.88  1.81  78937  67-806-527  58.79  9/16  .429  .28  1.18  1.17  78920  67-806-509  39.89
          3/4      .590  .43  1.88  1.87  78938  67-806-528  58.79  pipe TApS
          13/16    .652  .43  1.88  1.87  78939  67-806-529  58.79  1/8" SS  .313"  .28"  1.18"  1.05"  78916  67-806-512  $39.89
          7/8      .697  .43  1.88  1.93  78940  67-806-530  58.79  1/8 LS  .437  .28  1.18  1.05  78921  67-806-511  39.89
          pipe TApS
          1/8" LS  .437"  .35"  1.88"  1.05"  78944  67-806-532  $58.79  QuiCk-CHAnge SeTS
          1/4      .562  .35  1.88  1.18  79841  67-806-533  58.79                                modeL  order   priCe
          3/8      .700  .35  1.88  1.24  78942  67-806-534  58.79            deSCripTion           #     #     per SeT
          1/2      .687  .35  1.88  1.37  78943  67-806-535  58.79  #1 Set Includes (1) Each of #1 Tap Adapters & Pipe Taps Listed 78910 67-806-510  $448.79
                                                                #2 Set Includes (1) Each of #2 Tap Adapters & Pipe Taps Listed 78930 67-806-536 1,099.99
               V-Flange Quick Change Tension & Compression Holders

                  Smooth stroke - even under full torque load,
                  the tension - compression stroke is full & free
          APPLICATIONS:                  FeATureS:
          •  Push back on the holder sleeve and the   •  Adapters and holders are interchangeable with
           adapter with tool is removable.   Universal-Bilz quick change holders and adapters.
          •  Press on the end of the adapter nose and the
           tool is removable - all in a few seconds.
                     AdApTer  AdApTer  projeCTion diAmeTer diAmeTer modeL  order  priCe
           CV40  CV50
                      Size    rAnge     A      B     C     #      #      eACH
           77810  —   #1   0" - 9/16" HT  4.25"  1.25"  2.25"  77810 67-807-210  $307.79
           —    77812  #1  1/8 PT      4.00   1.25  2.75  77812 67-807-212  348.99
           77813  —   #2   0 - 7/8 HT  5.63   1.96  2.00  77813 67-807-213  367.49
           —    77815  #2  1/8 - 1/2 PT  4.75  1.96  2.75  77815 67-807-215  398.49
                     Tension Tap Holders
                     Compact And Economical

                        Eliminates tap breakage caused
                        during machine reversal
          APPLICATIONS:                  FeATureS:
          •  For use on CNC machining centers, screw   •  Easily adapts to machines with 3/4" or 1" holder.
           machines, automatic lathes and chuckers,   •  Can be used in rigid or reversing spindles.
           CNC lathes and milling machines.  •  Tap accuracy assured by Tru-Grip .  ♦  Collets Sold Separately.
                         HoLding     TooL    ACCepTS   modeL    order    priCe
                      ouTSide diAmeTer  LengTH  TAp CoLLeT #  #   #      eACH
            #0 - 1/4"     3/4"      3-1/4"     1       57407  85-070-407  $199.99        Collets
            #6 - 1/2"     1         4-1/4      2       57410  85-070-410  229.99         Page 766
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