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P. 770

TAPPING • Tapping Arms & Adapters

                Tapping Arms         Enhanced productivity, superior
                                     efficiency, exceptional quality

                                                                    •  Allow the operator to move the tap to the work, which makes use of the
                                                                     bearings at all swivel points instead of placing a part under a spindle.
                                                                    •  Tapping cycle starts at the correct speed and can go directly to
                                                                     reverse when the desired depth is reached, allowing acceleration and
                                                                     deceleration to be restricted.
                                                                    •  Tap adapter floats in the machine, which allows the tap to precisely follow
                                                                     the hole without any effect from the spindle.  Because of this float, holes
                                                                     tapped with u-tap are typically less than a quarter turn on a No-Go Gage.
                                                                    •  With the use of adjustable clutch style tap adapters, the clutch built into
                                                                     the adapter clicks when the tap bottoms, hits an interference or begins to
                                                                     dull.  This diminishes broken taps by notifying the operator to reverse the
       model #u81000a                                  model #u83000a  motor or simply change to a new tap.
                                                                    •  Tapping in all types of materials.
                                                                    •  Drill - soft materials, 5/16" & smaller.
                                                                    •  Chamfer & deburr holes.
                                                                    •  STI insertion.
                                                                    •  37" reach with vertical movement of 26".
                                                                    •  Air motor engineered for tapping.
                                                                    •  Utilizes size 1 tap adapters for
                                                                     quick change.
                                                                    •  Single speed motor.
                                                                    •  Made in Spain.
       model #ua0001a
                                                                    †Ships direct from factory.
                                                                                                     drill Tap Table
                                                                                                       PAGE 1498
                                  TApping Arms
                                                                       ____cApAciTy____    moDel     orDer   price
                                          DescripTion       speeD
                                                                      sTeel    Aluminum     #         #      eAch
                                     400 Vertical         400 RPM   1/2" / M12  9/16" / M14  U81000A  85-002-700  $2,594.99
                                     400VH Vertical & Horizontal  400 RPM  1/2" / M12  9/16" / M14  U82000A  85-002-701  2,994.99
                                     1000 Vertical        1000 RPM  5/16" / M8  3/8" / M10  U83000A  85-002-702  1,994.99
                                     1000VH Vertical & Horizontal  1000 RPM  5/16" / M8  3/8" / M10  U84000A  85-002-703  2,394.99
                                  opTionAl clAmps
                                          DescripTion           For use               moDel          orDer   price
                                         Medium Duty        U-TAP Tapping Arms       UA0001A       85-002-732  $164.99
       model #ua0002a                    Heavy Duty         U-TAP Tapping Arms       UA0002A       85-002-733  464.99
                Tap Adapters
                Torque Control & Rigid
                                     u-tap Tap Adapters will change   APPLiCAtiOns:      feAtures:
                                     the way you use your machine!  Torque Control Tap Adapters  •  Diminishes taps and work pieces
                                                              •  Best solution for protecting taps and   from breakage.
                                                               work pieces from tap breakage.   •  Made in Italy.
                                                              •  Blind hole tapping and where chip
                                                               evacuation is a concern.
                                                              Rigid Tap Adapters
                                                              •  Best suited for through holes and in
                                                               applications where tap breakage is
                                                               not a concern.
                                                                              TorQue conTrol           rigiD
       Torque ConTrol                                     TAp      TAp    moDel   orDer  price  moDel  orDer  price
                                    Ansi    iso    sTi  shAnk DiAmeTer enTry DepTh  #  #  eAch   #       #     eAch
                                   #0~6   M1.6~M3.5 #1-4  0.141"  0.85"  U11800B 85-002-710 $89.89 U11600B 85-002-721 $35.89
                                   #8     M4      #5     0.168"   0.92"  U11801B 85-002-711  89.89 U11602B 85-002-722  35.89
                                   #10    M5      #6     0.194"   0.92"  U11802B 85-002-712  89.89 U11604B 85-002-723  35.89
                                   #12     -      #8     0.22"    0.95"  U11803B 85-002-713  89.89 U11605B 85-002-724  35.89
                                   1/4"   M6      #10    0.255"   0.95"  U11804B 85-002-714  89.89 U11606B 85-002-725  35.89
                                   5/16"  M8      1/4"   0.318"   0.98"  U11805B 85-002-715  89.89 U11607B 85-002-726  35.89
                                   3/8"   M10     5/16"  0.381"   1.05"  U11806B 85-002-716  89.89 U11608B 85-002-727  35.89
                                   7/16"  M11      -     0.323"   1.08"  U11807B 85-002-717  89.89 U11611B 85-002-728  35.89
                   rigid           1/2"   M12     3/8"   0.367"   1.11"  U11808B 85-002-718  89.89 U11612B 85-002-729  35.89
                                   9/16"  M14     7/16"  0.429"   1.17"  U11809B 85-002-719  89.89 U11613B 85-002-730  35.89
                                   1/8" NPT  -     -     0.437"   1.05"  U11810B 85-002-720  89.89 U11609B 85-002-731  35.89
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