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P. 778

DRILLING  • Drill Chucks & Holders

                  Wrench-Lock V-Flange Drill Chucks With Integral Shank

       Benefits:                  features:                       CapaCITy  SHaNK MaxIMuM WeIgHT  CHuCK  oRDeR  pRICe
       •  Wrench-lock chucks incorporate wrench   •  Wrench-lock chucks have integral   Type  RpM  (LbS.)  MoDeL  #  eaCH
        flats for additional tightening force.  shanks (CAT and BT tapers).  V-FLaNge CaT TapeRS
                                  •  Integral shank design provides for   1/32" - 1/2" (1 - 13mm) CAT 40  6,500  4.6  WL130-CAT40 63-005-565  $595.99
                                   greater accuracy.          1/16 - 5/8 (1.5 - 16mm) CAT 40  6,500  5.1  WL160-CAT40 63-005-566  671.99
                                  •  Balanced.                1/16 - 5/8 (1.5 - 16mm) CAT 50  6,500  6.2  WL160-CAT50 63-005-567  781.99
                                  •  Wrench is included.      V-FLaNge bT TapeRS
                                  •  Made in Germany.         1/32" - 1/2" (1 - 13mm) BT 40  6,500  4.2  WL130-BT40  63-005-568  $595.99
                  Key-Lock CNC Drill Chucks                   Benefits:                  features:
                  CAT 40                                      •  The key-operated worm and gear   •  Increased capacity and
                                                               assembly generates very high grip   better clearance.
                     Coolant-thru feature is standard          force and ensure that the chuck can't   •  Extremely accurate.
                     on all key-lock chucks                    loosen during operation.  •  Unique worm/gear arrangement
                                                              aPPLiCatiOns:               transmits extremely high gripping
                                                                                          force to the jaws.
                                                              •  Balanced for use on all CNC machines   •  Short length and integral shank
                                                               up to 7,000 RPM.           provide exceptional rigidity.
                                                                                         •  Thru-coolant feature.
                                                                                         •  Non-rotating hood.
                                                                                         •  Can be operated in both clockwise
                                                                                          and counterclockwise directions.
                                                                                         •  Made in Germany.
                                                                             MaxIMuM        MoDeL    oRDeR    pRICe
                                                                   CapaCITy         WeIgHT
                                                                               RpM           #         #      eaCH
                                                              1/64"-3/8" (0.5-10mm)  7,000  2.9 lbs. KL100-CAT40 63-005-571  $678.99
                                                              1/32"-5/8" (1-16mm)  7,000  4.0 lbs. KL160-CAT40 63-005-572  621.99
                CNC Drill Chucks
                CAT Taper

                  Safe since drill chuck is bolted            Benefits:
                  down to the shank body                      •  Rigid when tightened by wrench generates over 300% more gripping power.
                                                              •  Short, one piece construction increases accuracy.

                                                                     gRIppINg  _DIMeNSIoNS_  STuD  MoDeL  oRDeR  pRICe
                                                                     DIaMeTeR  D   L   THReaD  #       #      eaCH
                                                              CaTeRpILLaR #40 TapeRS
                                                                40  0 - 13mm  51mm 110mm 5/8"-11 337-400 67-808-020  $389.99
                                                                40  3 - 16mm  57  128  5/8"-11 337-402 67-808-021  469.99
                                                              CaTeRpILLaR #50 TapeRS
                                                                50  0 - 13mm  51mm 110mm 1"-8  337-406 67-808-022†  $439.99
                                                                50  3 - 16mm  57  128  1"-8  337-408 67-808-023†  489.99
                                                              †Ships direct from factory.
            V-Flange 40-50 Jacobs Taper Holders

                                                                       JaCobS   __DIMeNSIoNS__  MoDeL    oRDeR    pRICe
                                                                       TapeR    b      C       #       #      eaCH
                                                               CV 40    1     2.156"  1.496"  67681  67-807-000  $119.89
                                                               CV 40    2     2.437   1.562  67682  67-807-001  119.89
                                                               CV 40    3     2.812   1.594  67683  67-807-002  119.89
                                                               CV 40    4     3.250   1.594  67684  67-807-003  119.89
                                                               CV 40    6     2.594   1.594  67685  67-807-004  119.89
                                                               CV 40    33    2.594   1.594  67686  67-807-005  119.89
                                                               CV 50    2     2.437   1.562  67872  67-807-013  143.99
                                                               CV 50    3     2.812   1.594  67873  67-807-014  143.99
                                                               CV 50    4     3.250   1.594  67874  67-807-015  146.79
                                                               CV 50    6     2.594   1.594  67875  67-807-016  143.99
                                                               CV 50    33    2.594   1.594  67876  67-807-017  143.99
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