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P. 864


              Flanged Nuts

                                                              APPLICATIONS:              FeATureS:
                                                              •  Flange provides large bearing surface   •  Heat treated steel.
                                                               and lessens possible damage to part   •  Black penetrate finish.
                                                               being clamped.
       Model #14-FN NatioNal Coarse  Model #14-sFN spheriCal
        Thread  __________diMeNSioNS__________  Model  order  PriCe  Thread  __________diMeNSioNS__________  Model  order  PriCe
         Size    a     B     C     d     #       #     eaCh     Size    a     B     C     d     #       #     eaCh
       NaTioNal CoarSe                                        NaTioNal FiNe
        1/4"-20  5/8"  1/2"  5/16"  3/32"  14-FN  83-015-001  $1.99  1/2"-20  1-1/8"  7/8"  11/16"  5/32"  12-NFN  83-015-105  $2.59
        5/16-18  3/4  9/16  3/8   3/32  56-FN  83-015-002  2.19  3/4-16  1-5/8  1-1/4  1  1/4  34-NFN  83-015-107  4.89
        3/8-16  7/8  11/16  1/2   1/8  38-FN  83-015-003  2.29  7/8-14  1-3/4  1-7/16  1-1/8  1/4  78-NFN  83-015-108  6.89
        7/16-14  1   3/4   9/16   5/32  76-FN  83-015-004  2.59  1-14  2    1-5/8  1-1/4  1/4  10-NFN  83-015-109  7.99
        1/2-13  1-1/8  7/8  11/16  5/32  12-FN  83-015-005  2.69  SPheriCal
        5/8-11  1-3/8  1-1/16  13/16  3/16  58-FN  83-015-006  3.29  5/16"-18  3/4"  9/16"  3/8"  3/32"  56-SFN  83-015-202  $2.79
        3/4-10  1-5/8  1-1/4  1   1/4  34-FN  83-015-007  4.89  1/2-13  1-1/8  7/8  11/16  5/32  12-SFN  83-015-205  3.19
        7/8-9  1-3/4  1-7/16  1-1/8  1/4  78-FN  83-015-008  6.39  5/8-11  1-3/8  1-1/16  13/16  3/16  58-SFN  83-015-206  3.99
        1-8    2     1-5/8  1-1/4  1/4  10-FN  83-015-009  7.99  3/4-10  1-5/8  1-1/4  1  1/4  34-SFN  83-015-207  5.69
                                                               1-8    2     1-5/8  1-1/4  1/4  10-SFN  83-015-209  8.49

              Coupling Nuts                                           Coupling Nuts

                                  APPLICATIONS:                                          APPLICATIONS:
                                  •  Couple two or more studs together to                •  Used for set up work on machine tools
                                   create a stud of any length needed.                    or to conjoin two or more threaded
                                                                                          pieces to make one larger part.
                                  •  Heat treated steel.                                 FeATureS:
                                  •  Black penetrate finish.                             •  Made from cold finished steel, case
                                                                                          hardened with a black oxide finish.
                                                                  Thread        hex                    order  PriCe
          Thread     hex      leNgTh   Model    order  PriCe       Size         Size        leNgTh      #     eaCh
           Size      Size               #        #     eaCh       1/4"-20      9/16"        7/8"     71-405-806  $2.19
          1/4"-20   1/2"      5/8"     14-CN  83-013-001  $2.19   5/16-18      9/16         7/8      71-405-807  2.19
          5/16-18   9/16      7/8      56-CN  83-013-002  2.29    3/8-16       11/16        1-1/8    71-405-808  2.29
          3/8-16    11/16     1        38-CN  83-013-003  2.69    1/2-13       7/8          1-1/2    71-405-809  2.79
          1/2-13    7/8       1-1/4    12-CN  83-013-005  3.19    5/8-11       1-1/16       1-3/4    71-405-810  3.79
          5/8-11    1-1/16    1-5/8    58-CN  83-013-006  4.79    3/4-10       1-1/4        2        71-405-811  4.79
          3/4-10    1-1/4     1-7/8    34-CN  83-013-007  6.39    7/8-9        1-3/8        2-1/4    71-405-812  5.69
          7/8-9     1-7/16    2-1/4    78-CN  83-013-008  10.49   1-8          1-1/2        2-1/2    71-405-813  6.99

              Swivel Flange Nuts                                     Metric Flange Nuts

                                  •  Used in places where you need to
                                   keep the nut square with the stud.
                                  •  Black oxide case finish, case hardened.
                                  •  Material: 12L14
                                  •  Head rotates but washer remains                     FeATureS:
       BeNeFITS:                   stationary upon contact.                              •  Material: 12L14 steel
       •  Washer will not damage surface since   •  Holds rigidly without marring        •  Black oxide finish.
        it does not rotate with the nut.  the workpiece.                                 •  Case hardened.
        Thread  FlaNge  FlaNge  FlaNge  diSTaNCe  Model  order  PriCe  Thread Size  __________diMeNSioNS__________  Model   order   PriCe
         Size  diaMeTer  heighT  ThiCkNeSS aCroSS FlaT  #  #  eaCh  a      B    C     d    e     #      #     eaCh
        1/4"-20  5/8"  3/8"  1/8"  1/2"  42001 83-015-220  $4.19  6mm x 1.0mm  16mm  8mm  2mm  10mm  61601  83-014-083  $2.69
        5/16"-18  3/4"  7/16"  9/64"  9/16"  42002 83-015-221  4.39  8 x 1.25  19  10  2.5  13  61602  83-014-084  2.79
        3/8"-16  7/8"  17/32"  5/32"  11/16"  42003 83-015-222  4.79  10 x 1.5  22  13  3  17  61603  83-014-085  3.29
        1/2"-13  1-1/8"  23/32"  7/32"  7/8"  42004 83-015-223  5.49  12 x 1.75  27  17  4  19  61604  83-014-086  3.79
        5/8"-11  1-3/8"  29/32"  1/4"  1-1/16"  42005 83-015-224  6.69  16 x 2.0  33  21  5  24  61605  83-014-087  4.19
        3/4"-10  1-5/8"  1-1/64"  9/32"  1-1/4"  42006 83-015-225  8.29  20 x 2.5  40  25  6  30  61606  83-014-088  5.89

            BrandedShim  eliminates the time involved identifying the shim
          stock with a micrometer. Type, thickness, size and tracking number
               are all printed right on the product. Starting on page 1462.
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