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P. 859

Clamping Sets & Straps • WORKHOLDING

                  52 Piece Deluxe Clamping Sets                         50 Piece Deluxe Clamping Sets

                     Fits Bridgeport type                               All Steel Blocks & Clamps
          Includes:                                              Includes:
          •  (24) Studs - (4) of  •  (4) Coupling nuts.          •  (1) Step block and clamp set
           each length: 3", 4",  •  (6) Step blocks               which includes: (6) step blocks,
           5", 6", 7", 8"  and clamps.                            (6) serrated end clamps
          •  (6) T-slot nuts.  •  (1) Fitted rack.               •  (1) T-nut and stud set which
          •  (6) Flanged nuts.                                    includes: (4) coupling nuts,
                             MODeL #11257                         (4) flange nuts, (4) T-slot nuts,
                                                                  (1) T-slot cleaner
          ClAMPiNg SeTS                  rePlACeMeNT rACkS       •  (24) Studs with flats - (4) of each
           STuD  TAble  MoDel  orDer  PriCe  for 1/2"-13 SeTS     length: 3", 4", 5", 6", 7" and 8"
            Size  SloT  #    #     eACh            orDer  PriCe  •  (1) Wooden base holder.
          3/8"-16 7/16" CC3437 83-010-255 $79.99  DeSCriPTioN  #  eACh
          3/8-16  1/2  CC3501 83-010-256  76.49  Metal  83-011-000* $17.49
          1/2-13  5/8  11257  83-010-257  74.79  Plastic  83-011-001*  9.99  TAble  STuD  T-NuT &  SeT CoNSiSTS of 2 eACh  MoDel  orDer  PriCe
          5/8-11  3/4  CC3750 83-010-258 114.79  *Limited Supply.  SloT  Size  STuD #  STeP ClAMPS STeP bloCkS  #  #  Per SeT
                                                                 WiTh STANDArD bloCkS 1" WiDe
                 52 Piece Deluxe Clamping Sets                                      25-S38,   1-S, 2-S,
                                                                 1/2"  3/8"-16 500-TS  40-S38,    20203 83-011-103  $224.79
                    Fits Bridgeport type                                            60-S38  3-S
                    machines                                                        25-S12,   1-S, 2-S,
                                                                 5/8"  3/8"-16 625-TS  40-S12,    20206 83-011-106  249.99
                                                                                    60-S12  3-S
          Includes:                                              WiTh heAvy DuTy bloCkS 1-1/2" WiDe
          •  (24) Studs - (4) of  •  (4) Coupling nuts.                             25-S12,
           each length: 3", 4",  •  (6) Step blocks              5/8"  1/2"-13 625-TS  40-S12,   4-S, 5-S,   20212 83-011-112  $336.99
           5", 6", 7", 8"  and clamps.                                              60-S12
          •  (6) T-slot nuts.  •  (1) Fitted rack.                                  25-S12,   4-S, 5-S,
          •  (6) Flanged nuts.                                   11/16"  1/2"-13 680-TS  40-S12,   6-S  20213 83-011-113  336.99
           TAble  STuD  T-NuT &  SeT CoNSiSTS of 2 eACh  MoDel  orDer  PriCe  3/4"  5/8"-11 750-TS  40-S58,   4-S, 5-S,   20215 83-011-115  377.99
           SloT  Size  STuD #  SeT ClAMPS STeP bloCkS  #  #  Per SeT                60-S58  6-S
          WiTh STANDArD bloCkS 1" WiDe WiTh CASe                                    25-S58,   4-S, 5-S,
          7/16" 3/8"-16 437-TS  25-S38  1-S  20412  83-011-152  $227.49  13/16"  5/8"-11 800-TS  40-S58,   6-S  20216 83-011-116  399.99
          1/2  3/8-16 500-TS  40-S38  2-S  20413  83-011-153  227.49                60-S58
          9/16  3/8-16 560-TS  60-S38  3-S  20414  83-011-154  244.99               40-S34,   4-S, 5-S,
          9/16  1/2-13 562-TS  25-S12  1-S  20401  83-011-155  249.99  13/16"  3/4"-10 812-TS  60-S34,   6-S  20217 83-011-117  497.79
          5/8  1/2-13 625-TS  40-S12  2-S  20402  83-011-156  219.99                80-S34
          5/8  1/2-13 —   —        —     20402PL 83-011-175*  98.49                 40-S34,   4-S, 5-S,
          11/16 1/2-13 680-TS  60-S12  3-S  20403  83-011-157  229.99  7/8"  3/4"-10 875-TS  60-S34,   6-S  20218 83-011-118  499.99
          11/16 5/8-11 687-TS  25-S58  1-S  20415  83-011-158  278.99               80-S34
          3/4  5/8-11 750-TS  40-S58  2-S  20416  83-011-159  281.49                40-S34,   4-S, 5-S,
          13/16 5/8-11 800-TS  60-S58  3-S  20417  83-011-160  307.49  1"  3/4"-10 102-TS  60-S34,   6-S  20219 83-011-119  509.99
          WiTh heAvy DuTy bloCkS 1-1/2" WiDe WiThouT CASe                           80-S34
          9/16" 1/2"-13 562-TS  25-S12  4-S  20420  83-011-161  $292.49             40-S34,   4-S, 5-S,
          5/8  1/2-13 625-TS  40-S12  5-S  20421  83-011-162  292.49  1-1/16" 3/4"-10 1060-TS  60-S34,   6-S  20222 83-011-120  509.99
          11/16 1/2-13 680-TS  60-S12  6-S  20422  83-011-163  294.49
          11/16 5/8-11 687-TS  25-S58  4-S  20423  83-011-164  331.49  WiTh exTrA heAvy DuTy bloCkS 2" WiDe
          3/4  5/8-11 750-TS  40-S58  5-S  20424  83-011-165  331.49  1"  7/8"-9  100-TS  60-S10,   7-S, 8-S,   20220 83-011-121  $699.99
          *No wrench flats on studs, import rack.                                   80-S10  9-S
                 38 Piece T-Nut And Stud Sets
                                                   •  (4) Coupling nuts.   •  (24) Studs - (4) of   •  (1) T-Slot cleaner.
                                                   •  (4) Flange nuts.  each length: 3", 4",  •  (1) Holder.
                                                   •  (4) T-Slot nuts.  5", 6", 7" & 8"
           TAble  STuD  T-NuT &  MoDel  orDer  PriCe  TAble  STuD  T-NuT &  MoDel  orDer  PriCe
           SloT  Size  STuD #  #     #      Per SeT  SloT  Size  STuD #  #     #     Per SeT
          3/8"  5/16"-18 375-TN  20601  83-040-001  $71.59  11/16" 5/8"-11  687-TN  20608  83-040-008  $111.29
          7/16  3/8-16  437-TN  20602  83-040-002  74.39  3/4  5/8-11  750-TS  20609  83-040-009  112.79
          1/2   3/8-16  500-TN  20603  83-040-003  77.29  13/16  5/8-11  800-TS  20610  83-040-010  123.59
          9/16  1/2-13  562-TN  20605  83-040-005  84.59  13/16  3/4-10  812-TS  20611  83-040-011  163.39
          5/8   1/2-13  625-TN  20606  83-040-006  85.99  7/8  3/4-10  875-TS  20612  83-040-012  166.29
                     Strap Clamps         Low profile design promotes  BenefIts:
                                          superior clamping      •  Guaranteed replacement if permanently
                                                                  distorted on your machine.
                            SloT   TAPPeD  MoDel  orDer   PriCe  •  Safer clamping because the clamp
                           leNgTh   hole    #       #     eACh    does not bend.
             3-5/8" - 7/16"  3/8" - 1-1/4"  —  35100  83-010-900  $32.79
             5-3/4       1/2 - 1-7/8  1/2"-13  35200  83-010-901  55.49  features:
             6-7/8       5/8 - 2-1/8  5/8-11  35300  83-010-902  63.49  •  Rigid -150,000 PSI ultimate yield.
             7 - 1-1/16  3/4 - 2-1/4  3/4-10  35400  83-010-903  71.49  •  Heat treated 17-4P.H. stainless steel.
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