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P. 856


                  T-Slot Clamping Kit                                     T-Slot Toe Clamps
                  5/8" Table Slot                                         Two Clamping Edges

                                                                            Low profile cam action clamp
                                                                            with positive downforce

       Features:                                              •  Smooth for machined surfaces.
       •  Shop hardened case.                                 •  Serrated for rough cut material.
       •  Brass hex washer prevents damage to cutter.
                                                               T-SloT  ___________diMENSioNS___________  ModEl  ordEr  PriCE
       Includes:                                                SizE  a    B     C    d    E     #      #     EaCh
       •  (4) T-Nuts.                                          9/16"  1.94"  1.12"  .62"  1.00"  .38"  24128  83-010-990 $49.99
       •  (6) Fixture clamps        ModEl    ordEr    PriCE    5/8   1.94  1.12  .62  1.00  .38  24148  83-010-991  49.99
       •  (2) Hex keys.               #        #      PEr SET  11/16  1.94  1.12  .62  1.00  .38  24168  83-010-992  49.99
       •  (1) Fitted plastic case.  223-620  83-010-994  $86.59  3/4  1.94  1.12  .62  1.00  .38  24188  83-010-993  52.89
                   Multi-Fixture Clamps & Stops
                     Can be mounted vertically                                           aPPlIcatIOns:
                     or horizontally                                                     •  Provides flexible set ups for hard
                                                                                          to hold parts.
                                                                                         •  Works in both plates with tapped hole
                                                                                          layouts or T-slot configurations.
                                                                                         •  Larger sizes are ideal for mold
                                                                                          shop applications.
                                                                                         •  Tapered mounting slot prevents
                                                                                          movement when clamping pressure
                                                                                          is applied.
                                                                                         •  Cam action clamp provides positive
                                                                                          down force.
                                                                                         •  Components made of hardened steel.
                                                                                         •  Workpiece is elevated for thru milling
                                                                                          and drilling.
                                                                                         •  Stops locate workpiece for
                                                                                          repeat positioning.
                _______diMENSioNS_______  d     _____________diMENSioNS____________  MouNTiNg  ModEl  ordEr   PriCE
         iTEM                                                                        SloT
                 a      B      C    +.0000/-.0005  E    F     g       h      SCrEw            #        #      EaCh
        Clamp   2.50"  .75"   .62"    .4600"    .31"  .83"   .53"   MB-6     5/16"   Closed  23140  83-010-885  $67.49
        Clamp   3.75   1.12   .62     .4800     .37   1.68   .50    MB-8     1/2     Closed  23150  83-010-887  74.49
        Stop    3.75   1.12   .87     .4800     .37   1.68   .50    NA       1/2     Closed  23200  83-010-888  67.49
        Stop    4.21   1.50   2.00    1.3780    .37   1.82   NA     NA       5/8     Open    23240  83-010-890†  179.99
       †Ships direct from factory.
              Nuzzler  Edge Clamps
              Low Grip
                                                                  Standard And High Grip
                              aPPlIcatIOns:                       Available, Please Call
                              •  Clamp washer is included with each clamp.
                              •  “L” nose style.             SloT For SoCKET __________diMENSioNS__________ adj. SCrEw  ordEr  PriCE
                                                                                             wrENCh SizE
                                                              CaP SCrEwS
                              •  Clamp material: 1018 steel     5/16"  5/8" 1" B  2"  C  1/4"  1/8"  5/32"  83-033-817 $42.99
                              •  Black oxide finish.            5/16   5/8  1  2-1/2  3/4  1/8  5/32  83-033-819  45.49
                              •  Features a double action, adjustable nose   5/16  5/8  1  3  1-1/4 1/8  5/32  83-033-821  47.69
                               which exerts clamping pressures both   3/8  5/8  1-1/4 2-1/8  3/8  7/32  3/16  83-033-801  47.69
                               downward and inward through a 45° angle.  3/8  5/8  1-1/4 4-1/4  2  7/32  3/16  83-033-803  49.79
                              •  Noses have serrations for better gripping of   1/2  3/4  1-1/2 3-7/16  3/4  3/8  1/4  83-033-805  51.69
                               non-finished or semi-finished workpieces.  1/2  3/4  1-1/2 5-3/8  2-3/4 3/8  1/4  83-033-807  53.19
       BeneFIts:              •  Tapered slots prevent clamp from sliding off   1/2  7/8  1-1/2 4-1/16  1-1/4 1/4  1/4  83-033-823  49.19
       •  Low profile nose provides a   the workpiece during tightening.  1/2  7/8  1-1/2 5-1/2  2  1/4  1/4  83-033-825  51.69
        greater machining clearance.  •  Length “C” is calculated with nose raised 1/8".  1/2  1-1/4 1-1/2 5-15/16 2-1/4 3/8  1/4  83-033-809  82.49
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