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P. 919

Inside & Accessories • MICROMETERS

                     Triga-Bore  3-Point Bore Gaging System
                     For The Accurate And Precise Measurement Of Internal Diameters

          APPLICATIONS:              FeATureS:
          •  Suited for simple or integrated   •  Repeatability: .0001"
           measurements.             •  Measuring range: .236" to 7.87"
                                      (Larger sizes available upon request)              TRIga-BORE ™  HandlE
                                     •  Self-centering operation.
                                     Fowler Indicator
                                     •  Resolution: .00005"

          How To order:
          1) Choose handle by range needed.               TRIga-BORE ™    MOdEl    MaSTER
          2) Choose correct gage head.                    gagE HEad  #54-530-155  SETTIng RIng
          3) Choose the corresponding master setting ring.
          4) Choose an indicator, or use your own
              (must have 1" travel).             MArk VI elecTronIc IndIcATor

              MeASurInG   Model    order  PrIce      rAnGe      Model     order  PrIce
               rAnGe        #        #     eAcH                   #        #     eAcH
          TrIGA-Bore  HAndleS only               0 ~ 1" (0 ~ 25mm)  54-530-155  57-052-086 $588.29
            .236" - .630"  20308  57-016-642 $358.99  MASTer SeTTInG rInGS
            .630" - 7.874"  20309  57-016-643  358.99  For uSe     Model  order  PrIce   TRIga-BORE™ SySTEM SHOwn aSSEMBlEd
          TrIGA-Bore  GAGe HeAdS only              wITH rAnGe  SIze  #     #     eAcH
            .236" - .315"  20312  57-016-644 $438.99  .236" - .315"  0.2912"  21162 57-016-656 $104.99
            .315" - .394"  20313  57-016-645  438.99  .315" - .394"  0.3437"  21164 57-016-657  104.99
            .394" - .511"  20314  57-016-646  369.99  .394" - .511"  0.4375"  21167 57-016-658  114.99
            .511" - .630"  20315  57-016-647  369.99  .511" - .630"  0.5025"  21172 57-016-659  119.99
            .630" - .787"  20316  57-016-648  369.99  .630" - .787"  0.7187"  21177 57-016-660  119.99
            .787" - 1.023"  20317  57-016-649  369.99  .787" - 1.023"  0.9062"  21185 57-016-661  130.99
                          Style A Intrimiks  Bore Gages               Sets, Setting Rings And Up To 12" Bore Gages Available,
                                                                      Please Call

                             MeASurInG dePTH
             rAnGe  GrAduATIon (wITH exTenSIonS)  Model  order  PrIce
                            none one  Two
          .275" ~ .350"  .0001"  2"  6"  10"  599-281-3  57-016-843 $578.99
          .351 ~ .425  .0001  2  6   10  599-281-4  57-016-844  580.99  APPLICATIONS:
          .426 ~ .500  .0001  2  6   10  599-281-5  57-016-845  586.99  •  Can read bore sizes directly without set-up or transfer.
          .501 ~ .600  .0002  3  9   15  599-281-6  57-016-846  594.99
          .601 ~ .700  .0002  3  9   15  599-281-7  57-016-847  598.99  FeATureS:
          .701 ~ .800  .0002  3  9   15  599-281-8  57-016-848  612.99
          .801 ~ 1.000  .0002  3  9  15  599-281-10 57-016-849  655.99  •  Three contact points are spaced 120° apart, ensuring proper centering and
          1.001 ~ 1.200  .0002  3  9  15  599-281-12 57-016-850  663.99  alignment - even in deep holes.
          1.201 ~ 1.400  .0002  3  9  15  599-281-14 57-016-851  671.99  •  Accuracy: reads like a micrometer, eliminating errors associated with fixed,
          1.401 ~ 1.600  .0002  3  9  15  599-281-16 57-016-852  682.99  transfer & comparator gages
          1.601 ~ 2.000  .0002  3  9  15  599-281-20 57-016-853  775.99  •  Intrimik 's measuring arms move at right angles to the shaft.
          2.001 ~ 2.400  .0002  3  9  15  599-281-24 57-016-854  786.99  •  Unique cone-generated movement eliminates wear problems common to
          2.401 ~ 2.800  .0002  3  9  15  599-281-28 57-016-855  801.99  tools with acutely angled arms.
          2.801 ~ 3.200  .0002  3  9  15  599-281-32 57-016-856  822.99  •  Consistency: ratchet setting eliminates man-to-man measuring variations,
          3.201 ~ 3.600  .0002  3  9  15  599-281-36 57-016-857  837.99  providing reliable repeat accuracy.
          3.601 ~ 4.000  .0002  3  9  15  599-281-40 57-016-858  850.99  †Ships direct from factory.
                     Tubular Inside Micrometer Sets
          •  Highly useful for internal linear measurements such as measuring cylinders, rings,
           setting calipers and parallel surfaces.
          •  Rods attachable to either one or both ends of the head. (approximately 3/8" diameter)
          •  Hardened and ground anvils on rods.
          •  Convenient 5-1/2" handle furnished on A, B & F models.
          •  Interchangeable anvils on both 1/2" and 1" heads.
          •  1" head furnished with locknut.
                          # oF   MoVeMenT  Model  order   PrIce
            rAnGe  GrAduATIon
                         exT. rodS  oF Screw  #     #     Per SeT
          1-1/2 ~ 8"  .001"  5  1/2"       823AZ 57-052-460 $313.99
          1-1/2 ~ 12  .001  8  1/2         823BZ 57-052-461  383.99
          4 ~ 24   .001    7   1           823CZ 57-052-462  483.99
          4 ~ 32   .001    8   1           823DZ 57-052-463  535.99
          4 ~ 40   .001    10  1           823EZ 57-052-464  592.99
          1-1/2 ~ 32  .001  10  1/2" & 1"(2 heads) 823FZ  57-052-465  734.99
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