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P. 922

MICROMETERS • Accessories

               Micrometer Stands                                      Micrometer Standards

                                                                                         •  Used for calibration of micrometers,
                                                                                          as a spacing bar for stages or
                                                              INCH                        checking accuracy of calipers.
                                                                    MODEL  ORDER  PRICE
                                                                     #      #      EACH  Features:
                                                                1"  141  57-006-001  $5.99  •  Flat & lapped measuring ends.
                                                                2   142  57-006-002  6.69  •  Sizes 1" - 12": bright finish
                                                                3   143  57-006-003  7.49  •  Sizes 13" - 20": black finish
                                                                4   144  57-006-004  8.99  •  Sizes 25mm - 275mm: bright finish
                                                                5   145  57-006-005  9.69
                                                                6   146  57-006-006  10.99
       MODEL #52-247-000          MODEL #600-0105                                        METRIC
                                                                7   147  57-006-007  11.99
                                                                8   148  57-006-008  12.69  SIzE  MODEL  ORDER  PRICE
                                                                9   149  57-006-009  13.99       #      #     EACH
       Features:                                                10  150  57-006-010  14.69  25mm  25M  57-006-023  $5.99
       •  Provide a desirable measuring position and angle for inside and outside micrometers   11  151  57-006-011  21.59  50  50M  57-006-024  6.69
        and many other instruments.                             12  152  57-006-012  27.79  75  75M  57-006-025  7.49
                                                                13  153  57-006-013  29.39  100  100M 57-006-026  8.99
                                                                14  154  57-006-014  31.49  125  125M 57-006-027  9.69
                 DESCRIPTION          MODEL    ORDER   PRICE    15  155  57-006-015  33.99  150  150M 57-006-028  10.99
                                                                                               175M 57-006-029
        Heavy, cast iron stand that can be  52-247-000  57-101-430  $21.39  17  157  57-006-017  40.69  200  200M 57-006-030  12.69
        adjusted to any position                                18  158  57-006-018  42.79  225  225M 57-006-031  13.99
        Steel body clamp with folding design, can   600-0105  57-101-429  18.99  19  159  57-006-019  43.59  250  250M 57-006-032  14.69
        be adjusted and locked in any position                  20  160  57-006-020  56.59  275  275M 57-006-033  21.59
                    Thread Triangles                                     Ball Attachments
                                                                         For Outside Micrometers
                 with chart
                                  •  Use to check all standard 60° threads.
                                  •  Low cost thread triangles replace a
                                   complete set of thread micrometers or
                                   measuring wires.
                                  Features:                   aPPLICatIONs:
                                  •  One pair gages all 60° threads from   •  Snaps on anvil or spindle of micrometer to measure wall thickness of tubing,
                                   #4-80 pitch, standard and special.  split and full bearings, sleeves and other parts with rounded surfaces.
                                  •  For any thread, “mike” the distance
                                   over the triangles, then refer to the   Features:
                                   chart to determine class of fit.  •  The diameter, .200" (5mm) of each ball used must be subtracted from the
       ♦  Micrometer Not Included.
                                  •  For special threads, add constant to   micrometer reading.
                                   nominal OD and check against “mike”
                                   reading to determine class of fit.                          MODEL  ORDER   PRICE
                                                                                                #       #     EACH
                                                                                          .235"  247A  57-052-340  $14.79
                                                                                          .270  247B  57-052-341  14.79
                                      MODEL    ORDER   PRICE                              .200  247C  57-052-342  14.79
                                       #         #     EACH                               .250  247D  57-052-343  14.79
                                      TT-60  57-004-157  $44.99                           .300  247E  57-052-344  14.79
                  P.D. Check ™
                  Thread Wire Attachment System               BeNeFIts:                  Features:
                                                                                         •  Uses the three wire method.
                                                              •  An accurate and inexpensive way
                                                               to check threads.         •  Fits all micrometers with
                                                              •  Makes thread triangles, thread   .245" to .312" anvils.
                                                               Micrometers and all other current   •  No more lost thread wires in
                                                               methods obsolete.          the chip pans.
                                                                                         •  Specifically designed for rapid
                                                              aPPLICatIONs:               and accurate measurement.
                                                              •  As easy as selecting the proper wire   •  Each part fits two sizes of wire.
                                                               sizes, matching the wire size with the
                                                               proper P.D. Check, slipping two wires   INCLudes:
                                                               into the holder, placing the holder on   •  (1) Purple: .018"~.022"
                                                               the micrometer handle, holding the   •  (1) Blue: .024"~.032"
                                                               micrometer in one hand and the third   •  (1) Yellow: .040"~.045"
                                                               wire in the other, and checking    •  (1) Green: .055"~.063"
                                                               the threads.              •  (1) Red: .072"~.081"
                                                                                             MODEL    ORDER   PRICE
                                                                                              #         #     EACH
                                                                                             16707  57-004-165  $23.99
   917   918   919   920   921   922   923   924   925   926   927