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P. 927


                     Dial Depth Calipers

                        ISO 17025 laboratory
           Features:                 Includes:
           •  Resolution: .001"      •  Warranty card.
           •  Both of measuring surfaces are   •  Instuction manual.
            precision ground for accuracy.  •  Calibration certificate.                                    MOdEl #324-12-1
            Range  gRaDuation  Length  aCCuRaCy  MoDeL  oRDeR  PRiCe
           0 ~ 6"  .001"  4" (100mm)  ±.001"  324-06-1  57-020-728  $95.99
           0 ~ 12"  .001"  4" (100mm)  ±.0015"  324-12-1  57-020-729  213.59
                     aBs Digital Depth Calipers
                        ISO 17025 laboratory
           Features:                 Includes:
           •  Both of the measuring surfaces are   •  Battery.
            precision ground for accuracy.  •  Warranty card.
           •  Inch/metric conversion.  •  Instuction manual.                                               MOdEl #327-06-7
                                     •  Calibration certificate.
                                    Base              MoDeL   oRDeR   PRiCe
              Range     ResoLution          aCCuRaCy
                                    Length             #        #     eaCh
           0 ~ 6" (150mm)  .0005" (.01mm)  4" (100mm)  ±0.001"  327-06-7  57-020-725 $107.19
           0 ~ 8" (200mm)  .0005" (.01mm)  4" (100mm)  ±0.0015"  327-08-7  57-020-726  127.49
           0 ~ 12" (300mm)  .0005" (.01mm)  4" (100mm)  ±0.0015"  327-12-7  57-020-727  181.29
                     Digital Depth Micrometers

                        ISO 17025 laboratory
           BeneFIts:                 Features:                   Includes:
           •  The battery life is maximized with   •  The measurement mode of absolute   •  Flat depth rod set.
            the automatic on/off feature.  or incremental is displayed when   •  Battery.
                                      turned on.                 •  Y-wrench.
                                     •  Inch/metric conversion.  •  S-wrench.
                                     •  Ratchet stop.            •  Warranty card.                         MOdEl #205-06-3
                                                                 •  Instruction manual.
                                                                 •  Calibration certificate.

                                       Base     # of  MoDeL   oRDeR   PRiCe   •  The integrity of the measurements are maintained
           Range    ResoLution  aCCuRaCy
                                       Length   RoDs    #       #     eaCh     throughout the total range of the measuring rods. However
           0 ~ 6"  .00005" (.001mm) ±.0002"  4" (101.5mm)  6  205-06-3 57-031-143 $445.29  the measuring rods must be kept as a set and may not be
           0 ~ 12"  .00005" (.001mm) ±.00028" 4" (101.5mm)  12  205-12-3 57-031-144  555.39  interchangeable with other depth micrometer sets.
                     Depth Micrometers

                        ISO 17025 laboratory
           Features:                 Includes:
           •  Ratchet stop.          •  Flat depth rod set.
                                     •  Y-wrench.
                                     •  S-wrench.
                                     •  Hex wrench.
                                     •  Torque wrench.
                                     •  Warranty card.
                                     •  Instruction manual.
                                     •  Calibration certificate.
                                  Base               MoDeL    oRDeR   PRiCe                                MOdEl #201-06-3
             Range   gRaDuation            aCCuRaCy
                                 Length                #        #     eaCh
            0 ~ 4"     .001"   2.5" (63mm)  ±.0002"  201-04-1  57-031-137 $112.39
            0 ~ 4"     .001"   4" (101.5mm)  ±.0002"  201-04-3  57-031-138  119.19  note:
            0 ~ 6"     .001"   2.5" (63mm)  ±.0002"  201-06-1  57-031-139  130.49  •  The integrity of the measurements are maintained
            0 ~ 6"     .001"   4" (101.5mm)  ±.0002"  201-06-3  57-031-140  146.39  throughout the total range of the measuring rods. However
            0 ~ 12"    .001"   2.5" (63mm)  ±.00028"  201-12-1  57-031-141  280.99  the measuring rods must be kept as a set and may not be
            0 ~ 12"    .001"   4" (101.5mm)  ±.00028"  201-12-3  57-031-142  305.29  interchangeable with other depth micrometer sets.
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