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P. 928


                  EZ-Read Depth Micrometers                              Depth Gage Micrometer Sets

                     Direct reading to .0001"                               Protective, fitted
                     without a vernier                                      case included
                                                                                               •  Excellent for measuring the
                                                                                                depth of most holes, slots,
                                                                                                shoulders and projections.
                                  •  Friction thimble.                                         Features:
                                  •  Smooth ratchet movement.                                  •  With ratchet stop and lock nut.
                                  •  Positive knurled locking screw.                           •  Satin chrome finish - no glare.
                                  •  Base is hardened and precision ground.                    •  The bases are hardened,
                                  •  Rod diameter: .176"                                        ground and lapped for long
                                  •  Furnished in fitted case.                                  lasting precision.

                                                                             BaSE  # of  RoD  MoDEL   oRDER   PRicE
                                                               RanGE GRaDuation
                                                                            LEnGth  RoDS DiaMEtER  #   #     PER SEt
                                                               0 ~ 3"  .001"  2-1/2"  3  1/8"  440Z-3RL  57-052-440  $253.99
                                                               0 ~ 3  .001  3      3   5/32  445AZ-3RL 57-052-311  254.99
                                                               0 ~ 3  .001  4      3   5/32  445BZ-3RL 57-052-312  273.99
                                                               0 ~ 6  .001  2-1/2  6   1/8  440Z-6RL  57-052-444  303.99
                                                               0 ~ 6  .001  2-1/2  6   1/8  440Z-6L  57-052-314*  296.99
                                                               0 ~ 6  .001  3      6   5/32  445AZ-6RL 57-052-445  307.99
                                   Shown Complete with         0 ~ 6  .001  4      6   5/32  445BZ-6RL 57-052-446  321.99
                                   Fitted wooden CaSe
                                                               0 ~ 9  .001  4      9   5/32  445BZ-9RL 57-052-318  401.99
                                                              SEtS With non-RotatinG BLaDES**
                                                               0 ~ 3"  .001"  2-1/2"  3  1/8"  449AZ-3R  57-052-313  $295.99
                      BaSE         MoDEL       oRDER   PRicE
          RanGE                                                0 ~ 3  .001  4      3   1/8  449BZ-3R  57-052-224  307.99
                     LEnGth         #            #     Each    0 ~ 6  .001  2-1/2  6   1/8  449AZ-6R  57-052-316  360.99
          0 ~ 4"      2.5"       52-225-264  57-015-162  $98.99  0 ~ 6  .001  4    6   1/8  449BZ-6R  57-052-317  379.99
          0 ~ 6       4          52-225-278  57-015-166  119.99  *No ratchet stop. **No lock nut.
       Depth Gage Micrometer Sets
                     Supplied with   aPPLICatIONs:            Features:
                     fitted case  •  Measures the depth of small holes   •  Accuracy: ±.0003"  TTC
                                   and slots.                 •  Satin-chrome finish.    •  Rod diameter: .175"
                                                              •  Ratchet stop for consistent and    Mitutoyo
                                                               repetitive measurements.  •  Rod diameter: .160"

                                                            BaSE  # of  MoDEL  oRDER   PRicE  MoDEL   oRDER   PRicE
                                               RanGE GRaDuation
                                                           LEnGth  RoDS  #       #     PER SEt  #       #    PER SEt
                                               0 ~ 4"  .001"  2-1/2"  4  201-150  57-015-580  $99.99  129-127  57-015-550 $186.99
                                               0 ~ 6  .001  2-1/2  6   201-153  57-015-582  129.99  129-128  57-015-555  225.99
                                               0 ~ 4  .001  4     4    201-151  57-015-584  113.89  129-131  57-015-560  206.99
                                               0 ~ 6  .001  4     6    201-152  57-015-586  132.69  129-132  57-015-565  241.99
                       Depth Gage Micrometer Sets

                   Supplied in a
                   mahogany case

                                                              aPPLICatIONs:              Features:
                                                              •  Covers a wide range of   •  1/8" measuring rods.
                                                               measuring applications.   •  Friction thimble.
                                                                                         •  Ring lock.
                                                                                         •  Hardened, precision base.
                                                                                         •  Satin-chrome finish.

       model #599-603-123-3                                     RanGE  GRaDuation  # of  BaSE  MoDEL  oRDER   PRicE
                                                                              RoDS  LEnGth   #          #    PER SEt
                                                                0 ~ 3"  .001"  3    2.5"  599-603-123-3  57-016-978 $309.99
                                                                0 ~ 3   .001   3    4    599-603-143-3  57-016-979  314.99
                                                                0 ~ 6   .001   6    4    599-603-146-3  57-016-981  375.99
                                                                0 ~ 12  .001   12   4    599-603-148-3  57-016-983  552.99
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