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P. 959


                       Certified Precision Dial Test Indicator Sets

                          Certified by an ISO/IEC
                          17025:2005 laboratory!

          •  Used for general production and for the testing of parts.

          •  Outer ring diameter: 1.25"
          •  Fully jeweled movement.
          •  Point length: .515"
          •  Shock-proof design.

          •  (1) Carbide contact point (installed): .080"
          •  (3) FREE steel contact points: .040", .080" & .120"
          •  (2) Dovetail extensions: 5/32" & 3/8"
          •  (1) Point wrench.
                                                                     MODel #e30.15B    MODel #e30.15W    MODel #e08.04B
                                                                                   ConTaCT PoInTS
          InDICaTor SeTS                                                               Ball     PoInT    orDer   PrICe
                                                 DIal     moDel     orDer   PrICe    DIameTer  maTerIal   #      eaCh
            Travel  reaDIng  graDuaTIon  aCCuraCy
                                                Color       #         #     Per SeT   .040"    Steel   57-030-752  $4.99
            0.030"  0-15-0   .0005"   0.0004"   Black    E30.15B  57-030-756  $69.99  .080"    Steel   57-030-753  4.99
            0.030"  0-15-0   .0005"   0.0004"   White    E30.15W  57-030-757  69.99   .080"    Carbide  57-030-754  7.99
            0.008"  0-4-0    .0001"   0.00015"  Black    E08.04B  57-030-755  79.99   .120"    Steel   57-030-758  4.99
                                  Dial Test Indicators           APPLICATIONS:

                                                                 •  Used for testing of parts and for
                                                                  general production.
                                                                 •  Certified for accuracy and traceability.
          WhITe DIal FaCe                                        White Dial Face
                                  DIal   moDel    orDer   PrICe  •  Constant clockwise rotation.
           Travel  reaDIng  graDuaTIon                           •  Automatic reversal.
                                DIameTer  #        #      eaCh
            .008"  0-4-0  .0001"  1"   599-7032-3  57-016-926 $268.99  •  MonoBloc  (precision watch) body
            .008  0-4-0  .00005  1-1/2  599-7033-3  57-016-928  311.99  design.
            .020  0-4-0  .0001   1-1/2  599-7023-3  57-016-927  309.99  •  Universal mounting, swiveling point.
            .030  0-15-0  .001   1     599-7029-3  57-016-923  231.99  •  Anti-magnetic and corrosion resistant.
            .030  0-15-0  .0005  1     599-7030-3  57-016-924  237.99
            .030  0-15-0  .0005  1-1/2  599-7031-3  57-016-925  245.99  INCLudeS:
                                                                 •  .080" carbide contact points.
          BlaCk “JeT-ConSole” DIal FaCe                          •  (1) Point wrench
                                                                 •  (1) Durable molded case.
                              DIal  PoInT  moDel   orDer  PrICe
          Travel reaDIng graDuaTIon                              White Dial Face
                             DIameTer lengTh  #     #     eaCh   •  (1) Rectangular bar.
          .008"  0-4-0  .0001"  1"  1/2"  599-7032-5 57-016-916 $244.99  •  (1) Swivel clamp.
          .008  0-4-0  .00005  1-1/2  1/2  599-7033-5 57-016-918  257.99  Black Dial Face
          .020  0-10-0  .0005  1   1-7/16  599-7034-5 57-016-920  227.99
          .020  0-10-0  .0005  1-1/2  1-7/16  599-7035-5 57-016-922  247.99  •  (1) .250" diameter extension dovetail.
          .030  0-15-0  .001  1    1/2  599-7029-5 57-016-910  178.99
          .030  0-15-0  .0005  1   1/2  599-7030-5 57-016-912  182.99  Additional Contact Points
          .030  0-15-0  .0005  1-1/2  1/2  599-7031-5 57-016-914  203.99  Available, Please Call           BlACK FACe
                          Dial Test Indicator Sets               INCLudeS:
                                                                 •  (3) Carbide tip contact points: .040", .080" and .120"
                            Certificate of accuracy              •  (1) 1-1/2" long x .250" diameter extension with dovetail.
                            & traceability                       •  (1) 1-1/2" long x .220" diameter extension with dovetail.
                                                                 •  (1) Contact point wrench.
                                                                 •  Durable molded case.

           Travel  reaDIng  graDuaTIon  DIameTer  moDel  orDer  Per SeT
          ±.0001" rePeaTaBIlITy, ±.0005" CalIBraTIon aCCuraCy
            .030"  0-15-0   .0005"    1"     599-7030-6  57-016-941 $224.99
            .030   0-15-0   .0005     1-1/2  599-7031-6  57-016-942  254.99
          ±.00002" rePeaTaBIlITy, ±.0001" CalIBraTIon aCCuraCy
            .008"  0-4-0    .0001"    1"     599-7032-6  57-016-943 $255.99
            .008   0-4-0    .0001     1-1/2  599-7023-6  57-016-944  282.99                                MODel #599-7031-6
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