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P. 963


                       Vertical & Horizontal Type Dial Test Indicators

          •  For measurement at 12°.  •  Inclined, easy-to-read dial.  •  Jeweled mechanism fitted
          •  Carbide point diameter: .080"  •  One piece, solid case.  with ball bearings.
          •  Adapter shank diameter: 5/32"  •  Very high sensitivity, very light    •  Variety of mounting positions.
          •  Revolution counter.      measuring pressure.
          DIal TEST InDICaToRS
                              DIal   CaRBIDE PoInT  DIal  moDEl  oRDER  PRICE
            TRaVEl  GRaDUaTIon
                             DIamETER  lEnGTH  REaDInG  #       #     EaCH
          VERTICal TyPE
            .016"   .0001"    1-1/2"  11/16"  0-4-0  312B-3V  57-030-069 $368.99
            .060    .0005     1-1/2   11/16   0-15-0  312B-1V  57-030-064  295.99
            .060    .0005     1-1/2   2-3/4   0-15-0  312B-15V  57-030-074  388.99
            .060    .0005     1       11/16   0-15-0  312B-2V  57-030-059  290.99
            .060    .001      1       11/16   0-15-0  312B-20V  57-030-071  280.99
          HoRIzonTal TyPE                                                    MODEL #312B-1V (VERTICAL TYPE)
            .016"   .0001"    1-1/2"  11/16"  0-4-0  312B-3  57-030-070 $341.99
            .060    .0005     1-1/2   11/16   0-15-0  312B-1  57-030-065  277.99
            .060    .0005     1-1/2   2-3/4   0-15-0  312B-15  57-030-075  388.99
            .060    .0005     1       11/16   0-15-0  312B-2  57-030-060  275.99  MODEL #T-481
            .060    .001      1       11/16   0-15-0  312B-20  57-030-072  280.99
          CaRBIDE PoInTS                                                     MODEL #T-479                 MODEL #312B-3
                                                                                                          (HORIZONTAL TYPE)
                                                       moDEl  oRDER   PRICE
                                                         #      #     EaCH
           Carbide Point .080" Diameter x 11/16" long for model #312B-1, 2, 3  T-481 57-030-076  $27.79
           Carbide Point .080" Diameter x 2.750" long for model #312B-15V  T-479 57-030-077  34.79
                    Extended Range Dial Test Indicators & Contact Points
                       Certified by an ISO/IEC
                       17025:2005 laboratory!
          Features:                  Includes:                   MODEL #500-82-1
          •  Jeweled bearing design and resistant   •  Long form calibration
           to magnetic fields.        certificate.               MODEL #500-82-2
          •  Carbide contact point swivel 210°.
          •  Stem diameter: 3/8" (8mm)
                                                                 MODEL #500-82-3
          DIal TEST InDICaToRS
                          DIal                 FaCE   moDEl   oRDER   PRICE
           RanGE  GRaDUaTIon   aCCURaCy  STylE
                         REaDInG             DIamETER   #       #     EaCH
          0 ~ 0.060"  .001"  0-15-0  ±.0012"  Horizontal 1.18" (30mm)  503-06-1  57-031-072 $151.29
          0 ~ 0.060"  .0005"  0-15-0  ±.0012"  Horizontal 1.18" (30mm)  503-56-1  57-031-060  151.29
          0 ~ 0.060"  .001"  0-15-0  ±.0012"  Vertical  1.18" (30mm)  503-06-3  57-031-071  151.29
          0 ~ 0.060"  .0005"  0-15-0  ±.0012"  Vertical  1.18" (30mm)  503-56-3  57-031-059  151.29
          0 ~ 0.060"  .0005"  0-15-0  ±.0012"  Horizontal 1.50" (38mm)  504-56-1  57-031-065  151.29
          0 ~ 0.060"  .0005"  0-15-0  ±.0012"  Vertical  1.50" (38mm)  504-56-3  57-031-064  151.29
          ConTaCT PoInTS                                                                           MODEL #503-56-3
                           TIP        Tool         moDEl      oRDER   PRICE
                         DIamETER    maTERIal       #           #     EaCH
             21.8mm     2mm (.079")  Steel        500-82-1  57-031-073  $3.69
             21.8mm     2mm (.079")  Carbide      500-82-2  57-031-074  7.39      MODEL #503-06-1
             21.8mm     2mm (.079")  Ruby         500-82-3  57-031-075  7.39
                     Universal Back Plunger Dial Test Indicators & Sets

          aPPlIcatIOns:              Includes:                   Features:
          •  Useful as a dedicated gage for   •  (1) Tool post holder: #PT99438  Indicator
           production inspection.    •  (1) Clamp: #PT99437      •  Indicator can be
                                     •  (1) Sleeve: #PT18718      adjusted at any angle.
                                     •  (1) Hole attachment: #196F  •  Complete with (3) contact
                                                                  points and adapter.
                                                                 •  Dial is adjustable - knurled rim.
                                          moDEl   oRDER   PRICE  •  Jewel bearing allows for extra
           RanGE  GRaDUaTIon REaDInG  InClUDES
                                            #      #      EaCH    smooth action.
          InDICaToRS only                                        •  Dial face diameter: 1-1/2"
          0~.200"  .001"  0-100  3 Contact Points  196B1  57-052-196 $142.99  •  Dial indicator stem:
          0~2.5mm  .02mm  0-100   And Adapter  196MB1  57-052-197  166.99  1/4" diameter x 1-1/2"
          InDICaToR SETS
          0~.200"  .001"  0-100  3 Contact Points, 196A1Z  57-051-196 $248.99
                              All Attachments
          0~2.5mm  .02mm  0-100          196MA1Z 57-052-198  257.99
                              And Case                                                                       MODEL #196A1Z
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