Page 431 - Tungaloy Catalog
P. 431

           Inserts: Single Edge                                                                       CGSS-D

            Applicable inserts

           For general parting                                 For traversing
           off and grooving     w
                              r ε
                                                                                   r ε

                              Grades           Dimensions (in)
            Cat. No.     Coated       Cermet                                      Grades          Dimensions (in)
                    T9125 GH730 AH120 NS9530 NS530  w  L  h  rε   Cat. No.   Coated       Cermet
             GE20                        .078                     T9125 GH730 AH120 NS9530    w  L  h  rε
             GE30                        .118  .393  .137  .008  GT30    s                .118  .137
             GE40                        .157   .157       GT40     s    s                 .157  .393  .157  .016
             GE50         s               .196 .472 .177    GT50         s                 .196 .472 .177

                                  r ε    L
           For parting off                                     For profiling
           (with hand)            w                                                   w
                                                                                    r ε
                                    8˚                                                                             6
            Right hand (R) shown.  h

                                 Grades        Dimensions (in)
                   Cat. No.      Coated                                           Grades           Dimensions (in)
                           GH730 AH120         w  L   h  rε     Cat. No.    Coated        Cermet   w  L  h  rε
                           R   L  R  L                                 T9125 GH730 AH120 NS9530
               GE30R/L     s   s            .118  .393  .137  GR30          s         s        .118  .393  .137 .059
               GE40R/L     s   s            .157   .157  .008  GR40        s         s        .157  .157 .078
               GE50R/L                      .196 .471 .177    GR50         s         s        .196 .472 .177 .098  Parting and Grooving Tools
           For aluminum
           and non-ferrous      w                            (Mono block type)
                              r ε                                                          Clamping screw   Wrench
                                                                         Cat. No.

                            Grades        Dimensions (in)                                   CHHM5-18     P-4
                Cat. No.   Uncoated                           CGSSR/Lhhhh-hh-D
                            KS05F     w     L     h     rε   Note: Apply to GR/GL cartridges.
               GE20-AL              .078        .137
               GE30-AL              .118  .393  .157  .016
               GE40-AL              .157  .472  .177
             Standard cutting conditions
                                                                                 Feed: f (in/rev)
             Work materials  Recommended Cutting speed  Operation               Groove width: W (in)
                                      vc (SFM)
                             T9125   260 ~ 650                      2           3            4           5
           Low carbon steels  AH120  260 ~ 550    Grooving
              Alloy steels   NS9530                (GEhh)       .002 ~ .008  .002 ~ .009  .002 ~ .010  .002 ~ .012
              ( ~ 150HB)             330 ~ 650    Parting off
                             GH730   160 ~ 590                  .001 ~ .003  .001 ~ .006  .001 ~ .006  .001 ~ .006
                             T9125   260 ~ 590    (GEhhR/L)
           Medium carbon steels  AH120  260 ~ 500  Traversing
               Alloy steels                        (GThh)           -      ap = .008 ~ .060 ap = .020 ~ .078 ap = .020 ~ .098
              (150 ~ 250HB)  NS9530  260 ~ 590                             f = .002 ~ .006  f = .002 ~ .009  f = .002 ~ .010
                             GH730   160 ~ 500
                             T9125   260 ~ 500     Profiling               ap = .050 ~ .055 ap = .008 ~ .060 ap = .020 ~ .062
           High carbon steels  AH120  260 ~ 400    (GRhh)           -      f = .002 ~ .009  f = .002 ~ .010  f = .002 ~ .012
              Alloy steels
              (250HB ~ )     NS9530  260 ~ 500   Grooving for
                             GH730   160 ~ 400  Aluminum alloys  .001 ~ .003  .001 ~ .003  .001 ~ .003   -
                             AH120   260 ~ 500    (GEhh-AL)
            Stainless steels
                             GH730   160 ~ 400
               Grey and      AH120   260 ~ 650                                                      : Stocked items
           ductile cast irons  GH730  160 ~ 590                                                    : Stocked in Japan
          Aluminum alloys, Non-ferrous metals  KS05F  200 ~ 300                                      : Discontinued

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