Page 1018 - All Industrial Tool Supply | General Catalog
P. 1018

LOCATORS • Center Finders & Z Setter


                                                              •  Precision and versatility allow quick and easy determination of workpiece zero
                                                               points and lengths.
                                                              •  Large travel paths, limited by mechanical stops, have been integrated into the
                                                               probing unit for better protection.
                                                              •  Probing unit tip has a breaking point that is mounted near the top.
                                                              •  If your 3D probes are damaged by the effect of an external force, a simple repair
                                                               is economically possible.
                                                              •  The probing can be performed in all axis directions (X/Y/Z) with identical resolution.
                                                              •  As soon as the pointer shows “0”, the spindle axis stands precisely on the
                                                               workpiece edge.
                                                              •  Graduation: .0005"
                                                              •  Made in Germany.
                                                              •  Adjustable scale.

                                                              Model #00163d003  Model #00163d006
          Model #00163B05i  Model #00163V05i  Model #00163d05i
                                                             SenSing TiPS
                                                                  TiP          TiP         Model      order   PriCe
                                                                diaMeTer      Size           #          #     eaCh
                                                               0.11" (3mm)  1.06" (27mm) long  00163D003  57-030-453  $42.99
                                                               0.23" (6mm)  2.44" (62mm) long  00163D006  57-030-454  67.69
       3d TeSTerS
                    diSPlay       lengTh           Body                           Shank      Model    order   PriCe
          TyPe                                                     reading
                     Size      (WiThouT Shank)    WidTh                          diaMeTer     #         #     eaCh
        SLIMplus  1.53" (39mm)  4.88" (124.5mm)  1.75" (44.5mm)     0-40          1/2"     00163D05I  57-030-450 $489.99
        SAVEplus  1.53" (39mm)  5.27" (134mm)  1.73" (44mm)         0-20          1/2"     00163B05I  57-030-451  359.99
        VIplus    2.12" (54.8mm)  5.70" (145.2mm)  2.25" (57.2mm)   0-40          1/2"     00163V05I  57-030-452  539.99
                  Centering Microscope                                   Mirage Tool Set

                                                                            A must for
                                                                            CNC operations!

                                                                                         •  An easy and affordable way to set Z
                                                                                          depths quickly and accurately!
                                                                                         •  Can be operated directly off table or
                                                                                          from machine vise.
                                                                                         •  Aluminum contact face eliminates
                                                                                          carbide chipping on cutting tools.
                                                                                         •  Batteries included.
                                           Shown with caSe
       •  To pick up edges, centers, contours, irregular shapes and layout lines.
                                                              Slowly lower cutting tool
       features:                                              toward tool Set...
       •  Adapts to any machine spindle with maximum accessibility to the operator.
       •  45X magnification for optical position accuracy of .0001".
       •  Single dash line reticle for easy observation of the work reference line.
       •  Unique compensation of spindle runout by adjustment screw.
       •  Straight shank 1/2" diameter, eyepiece angle 60°.
       •  Field of view: .100" diameter, focal length 5/8"
                                                              ...indicator will light up
                                                              on contact!
            Optional Edge Block & V-Block Gage Available,
            Please Call
                                     Model    order   PriCe       BloCk      rePeaTaBiliTy  Model    order   PriCe
                                       #        #      eaCh      diMenSionS                 #          #     Per SeT
                                     17272  57-017-272  $694.99  1" x 2" x 3"  .0002"    54-575-750  57-062-028  $96.69
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