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P. 1020

LOCATORS • Edge Finders

                  Edge Finders

              MODEL #827A                MODEL #827B

       APPLICATIONS:              FeATureS:                                                   MoDEl   orDEr   priCE
       •  For fast accurate work location.  •  Body and contacts made of tool steel,   DEsCription  sizE  #  #  EACh
                                   hardened, ground and lapped to close   Single End  .375" x .200"  827A  57-065-827  $27.29
                                   tolerances for concentricity.  Double End Pointed Contact  .500" x .200"  827B  57-065-828  32.99
                                  •  Supplied in plastic pouch.  Single End        10mm x 6mm  827MA  57-065-826  27.29
                             Audible Edge Finders

              MODEL #AA                   MODEL #AB                      MODEL #AH

       APPLICATIONS:              FeATureS:                                               MoDEl       orDEr   priCE
       •  An edge finder that gives the machine   •  Hardened and ground on all   sizE     #            #     EACh
        operator an audible clicking sound   working surfaces.      3/8" x .200"           AA       57-062-042  $14.99
        when the tip jumps.       •  Works equally well on round or   1/2 x .200           AB       57-062-044  15.49
                                   straight surfaces.               10mm x 10mm            AH       57-062-046  16.79
                             Edge & Center Finders

               MODEL #A                       MODEL #E                     MODEL #G

               MODEL #B                       MODEL #F                     MODEL #H
                                                                                                MoDEl  orDEr  priCE
                                                                     DEsCription         sizE
                                                                                                  #      #     EACh
                                                               Edge Finder           3/8" x .200"  A  57-062-030 $16.29
       APPLICATIONS:              FeATureS:                    Edge Finder           1/2" x .200"  B  57-062-032  16.29
       •  Works well on round or straight surfaces.   •  Hardened and ground on all   Combo Edge and Center Finder  3/8" x .200"  E  57-062-034  18.49
       •  A pointed surface may be picked up by   working surfaces.  Combo Edge and Center Finder  1/2" x .200"  F  57-062-036  18.89
        rotating the spindle past the point, as in             Metric Edge Finder    .375" x 10mm  G  57-062-038  16.29
        a round piece.                                         Metric Edge Finder    10mm x 10mm  H  57-062-040  16.29
               Edge & Center Finders
                                                              APPLICATIONS:              FeATureS:
                                                              •  For quickly locating working edges,   •  All parts are hardened and centerless
                                                               shoulders, grooves, center points and   ground to precision tolerance.
                                                               scribed lines.
               MODEL #263                  MODEL #EF/6
                                                              inDiviDuAl EDgE & CEntEr FinDErs
                                                                                                MoDEl  orDEr  priCE
                                                                    DEsCription      sizE  stylE
                                                                                                 #       #     EACh
                                                              Single End Edge Finder  3/8" x .200"  C  263  57-071-263  $9.49
               MODEL #EF/4                 MODEL #264         Combo Edge & Center Finder 3/8 x .200  F  EF/6  57-071-258  11.69
                                                              Single End Edge Finder  1/2 x .200  D  EF/4  57-071-257  9.99
                                                              Combo Edge & Center Finder 1/2 x .200  E  264  57-071-264  9.99
                                                              Single End Edge Finder  1/2 x .500  A  260  57-071-260  9.49
                                                              Double End Edge Finder  1/2 x .200  B  262  57-071-262  10.99
               MODEL #260                  MODEL #262         Single End Edge Finder  10mm x 10mm  H  EF/2M  57-071-259  10.89
                                                                  inCluDEs      MoDEl        orDEr        pEr sEt
               MODEL #EF/2M                                    Styles A, C, E & F   ACEF   57-071-267     $34.49
                                                               Styles A, B, C & E  ABCE    57-071-268      35.99
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