Page 1407 - All Industrial Tool Supply | General Catalog
P. 1407

PLUNGERS • Ball & Spring, Eye Bolts

               Ball Plungers                      Benefits:               feAtures:
               Steel & Stainless Steel            •  The controlled and repeatable   •  Stainless steel ball.
                                                   spring pressure ensures reliable   •  Hardened plunger for
                                                   and consistent operation.  extra side load strength.
                                                  •  Used in positioning, indexing
                                                   and retention.
                                                                           StEEl                  StainlESS StEEl
          thrEaD    BoDy    ExPoSED    Ball
         __SizE__  lEngth   lEngth   DiamEtEr  _____EnD ForcE (n)_____  moDEl   orDEr   PricE  moDEl   orDEr   PricE
           a         B        c         D      initial   Final
         #5-40     0.250"   0.020"   0.0620"    0.25     0.75    —            —       —   SSW10-12BP† 83-052-931*  $3.49
         8-32      0.344    0.025    0.0940     0.5      1.25    —            —       —   SSW10-22BP† 83-052-933   3.39
         10-32     0.513    0.025    0.0937     1.5      3       SW10-3BP†  83-010-050  $3.19  —        —       —
         10-32     0.513    0.025    0.0937     0.5      1.5     SW10-3BLP†  83-010-051   3.19  SSW10-3BLP† 83-052-936*  3.19
         10-32     0.513    0.025    0.0937     2        5       SW10-3BHP†  83-010-052   3.19  SSW10-3BHP† 83-052-937   3.39
         1/4"-20   0.531    0.035    0.1250     3        7       SW10-4BPT  83-010-053   3.19  —        —       —
         1/4-20    0.531    0.035    0.1250     2        4       SW10-4BLPT  83-010-054   3.19  SSW10-4BLPT 83-052-939   3.89
         1/4-20    0.531    0.035    0.1250     4        12      SW10-4BHPT  83-010-055   3.19  SSW10-4BHPT 83-052-940   3.89
         5/16-18   0.578    0.040    0.1560     4        9       SW10-5BPT  83-010-056   3.19  SSW10-5BPT  83-052-941*  3.99
         5/16-18   0.578    0.040    0.1560     2        4.5     SW10-5BLPT  83-010-057   3.19  —       —       —
         3/8-16    0.625    0.048    0.1875     2.5      5       SW10-6BLPT  83-010-060   3.29  —       —       —
         3/8-16    0.625    0.048    0.1875     6        21      SW10-6BHPT  83-010-061   3.29  —       —       —
         1/2-13    0.750    0.072    0.2813     3        6       SW10-8BLPT  83-010-063   3.39  —       —       —
       †Includes nylon patch. *Limited Supply.
               Spring Plungers
               Steel & Stainless Steel            APPLiCAtiOns:           feAtures:
                                                                          •  Combine positive, controlled spring
                                                  •  Used extensively in fixtures,
                                                   dies and assemblies.    pressure with a long-travel plunger.
                                                                          •  Low-carbon steel for the nose.
                                                                          Stainless Steel
                                                                          •  Bodies have a stainless steel nose.
                                                                           StEEl                  StainlESS StEEl
          thrEaD    BoDy     noSE      noSE
         __SizE__  lEngth   lEngth   DiamEtEr  _____EnD ForcE (n)_____  moDEl  orDEr  PricE  moDEl     orDEr  PricE
           a         B        c         D      initial   Final
         #8-32     5/8"      3/32"    0.069"    2.7      7.3     —            —       —   SSW10-2P†  83-033-145*  $1.77
         8-32      5/8       3/32     0.069     0.7      2.3     SW10-2AP†  83-033-231   $3.39  —       —       —
         10-32     3/4       1/8      0.092     2.9      11.1    SW10-3P†  83-033-133   3.39  SSW10-3P†  83-033-146*  1.77
         1/4"-20   3/4       1/8      0.118     2        9       SW10-4XPT  83-033-134   3.39  —        —       —
         1/4-20    3/4       1/8      0.118     0.5      2       SW10-4XAPT  83-033-233   3.39  —       —       —
         1/4-20    1         3/16     0.118     3        13      SW10-4PT  83-033-135   3.39  —         —       —
         1/4-20    1         3/16     0.118     1        4       SW10-4APT  83-033-234   3.39  —        —       —
         5/16-18   1         3/16     0.134     3        15      SW10-5PT  83-033-137   3.39  SSW10-5PT  83-033-150*  4.19
         3/8-16    1-1/8     3/16     0.186     5.5      14.5    SW10-6PT  83-033-138   3.39  —         —       —
         1/2-13    1-1/4     1/4      0.248     6.6      17.4    SW10-8PT  83-033-139   3.49  —         —       —
         5/8-11    1-1/2     5/16     0.311     10.5     25.5    —            —       —   SSW10-10PT  83-033-153*  10.49
         1-8       2-13/32   1/2      0.498     16       68      SW10-14PT  83-033-142*  9.49  —        —       —
       †Includes nylon patch. *Limited Supply.
       Eye Bolts                                  APPLiCAtiOns:
                                                  •  Used in many applications in the construction of machinery, jigs, fixtures and other tooling.
                                                  TTC                        TE-CO
                                                  •  Made from cold finished steel with a   •  Heat treated alloy steel.
                                                   black oxide finish.       •  Black oxide finish.
                                                  •  Threaded eye bolts are case hardened.

                                      ___________________________DimEnSionS___________________________  orDEr  PricE  orDEr  PricE
                                      a        B        c       D        E       F        #     Each    #     Each
                                    1/4"-20   3/4"    2"       3/16"    1/4"    1/2"     —        —  83-021-201  $7.19
                                    1/4-20    1-1/4   3        3/16     1/4     1/2   83-021-218  $5.19  —      —
                                    5/16-18   1-1/2   3        1/4      5/16    5/8   83-021-219  5.59  83-021-203  10.39
                                    3/8-16    1-1/2   3        3/8      3/8     3/4      —        —  83-021-208  10.49
                                    3/8-16    2-1/2   5        3/8      3/8     3/4      —        —  83-021-210  12.59
                                    1/2-13    1-1/2   3-3/4    3/8      1/2     1     83-021-226  8.59  83-021-211  15.19
                                    1/2-13    2       5        3/8      1/2     1     83-021-227  8.79  83-021-212  16.29
                                    5/8-11    2       4-1/2    5/8      5/8     1-1/4  83-021-228  13.89  83-021-213  22.49
                                    5/8-11    2-1/2   6        5/8      5/8     1-1/4  83-021-229  14.99  —     —
                                    3/4-10    2       4-1/2    3/4      3/4     1-1/2  83-021-230  16.79  —     —
                                  All sizes conform to NIJFCM standards
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