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P. 1490

Cutting & Tapping Fluids • SPECIALTY FLUIDS

                 Corena  S3 R
                 Premium Rotary Air Compressor Oil

          •  Rotary air compressors – suitable for most sliding vane and  •  Up to 29% faster air release than Shell basic
           screw compressors, including oil-flooded and oil-injected   compressor oil*, which helps to improve
           systems with oil-drain intervals of up to 6,000 hours.  lubrication and prevent cavitation damage.           coolants, lubricants & marking
          •  Stationary and mobile applications – including   •  Increase production by extending oil-drain
           construction-site and railway use. It provides excellent   intervals by two times.
           performance at air discharge temperatures of up to   •  Solve filter-blocking, foaming and
           212°F/100°C, and at pressures of up to 20 bar in screw   water-separation problems.
           compressors and 10 bar in sliding-vane compressors.  •  Increase availability and cutting maintenance
          •  Up to 6,000 hours' oil life in many less-demanding   costs: one customer has reduced the high
           applications, as demonstrated in real applications and the   operating temperatures caused by thickening
           Shell Hydro vane test running at 248°F/120°C. This test is   of the original oil, which prevented the oil
           two to three times more severe than normal operations at   valves from working efficiently.
           around 212°F/100°C.
          •  Over twice the oil life of Shell basic compressor oil* in                5 GALLon     55 GALLon
           industry-standard oxidation tests.                                       MoDEL #550026665  MoDEL #55002664
          •  Up to 40% faster water separation than Shell basic   FeATureS:
           compressor oil*, which helps promote efficient        •  Suitable for compressors from a wide range of manufacturers and it meets
           protection and lubrication.                            ISO 6743-3A-DAG requirements.
                                      MOdel      ORdeR   PRiCe   •  Provides excellent bearing-wear protection, as it passes the four-ball weld load
               SiZe       WeigHT                                  test at >330 lb./150 kg. (IP 23 test method).
                                        #         #      eaCH
           5 Gallon Pail  39.839 lbs.  550026665  81-006-244  $111.99  •  Designed to help you operate your compressors for longer without interruption –
           55 Gallon Drum  430.276 lbs.  550026664  81-006-245  1,084.99  for reduced maintenance requirements and enhanced productivity.
                Hyspin ZZ
                Anti-Wear Hydraulic Oils
          FeATureS:                                              TeChNICAL DATA:
          •  Good thermal and oxidative stability   •  Excellent filterability characteristic   Classified As
           provides reliable performance and   (including in the presence of water)   •  DIN 51502 classification - HLP.
           extended oil life in severe applications.  enables cost savings to be made   •  ISO 6743/4 - Hydraulic Oils Type HM.
          •  Minimal deposit formation gives a   from increased filter life and reduced   Meet The Requirements For
           cleaner system and reduced frequency   maintenance.   Appropriate Viscosity Grade Of
           of filter changes.        •  Excellent water separation and   •  DIN 51524 Part 2.
          •  Excellent anti-wear performance   hydrolytic stability means reduced   •  Cincinnati Lamb (Milacron) P 68-69-70.
           provides extended wear protection for   down time through prolonged lubricant   •  Denison (Parker Hannafin) HF-0.
           hydraulic pumps. Reduced down time   life and increased equipment reliability.  •  US Steel 126 & 127.
           due to unscheduled maintenance and                    •  Eaton (formerly Vickers) I-286-S &
           savings from replacement part costs.                   M-2950-S.
                                                                 •  Bosch Rexroth RE90220.
               SiZe    ViSCOSiTy WeigHT  MOdel   ORdeR   PRiCe
           55 Gallon Drum  32  393 lbs.  12087-AEDR  81-006-289  $1,129.99
           55 Gallon Drum  46  398 lbs.  12088-AEDR  81-006-290  1,129.99                          55 GALLon
           55 Gallon Drum  68  398 lbs.  12089-AEDR  81-006-291  1,129.99                       MoDEL #12087-AEDR
                 Tonna S2 MX                                                       Hyspin  Spindle Oil
                 Machine Tool Slideways Oils                                       Light-Bodied Oil
          FeATureS:                                                          APPLICATIONS:
          •  Specially designed for the lubrication of machine               •  Designed for use in all types of
           tool slides, tables and feed mechanisms.                           spindle bearings, including
          •  Enhanced tackiness and stick-slip characteristics combine        high-speed spindle bearings.
           to offer superior frictional performance on slideways.
          •  Specially recommended in cases where high                       FeATureS:
           adherence is required and where high                              •  Corrosion-resistant on all
           exposure to soluble cutting fluids exist.                          lubricated surfaces.
          •  Slideway oil can be decisive in managing                        •  The selection of the base
           tramp oils. Better separation between the                          oils and other ingredients
           coolant and the slideway oil enables the                           provides a long service life.
           slideway oils to be easily removed, thereby                       •  Excellent wear protection for
           limiting the development of bacteria and fungi                     precision bearing surfaces.
           in the coolant. In the industry-standard test,                    •  Controlled foaming to provide
           Shell Tonna S2 M achieved: exceptional levels                      consistent lubrication under
           of separation from all types of coolants:                          the high agitation conditions
                                               5 GALLon
           synthetic, semi-synthetic and emulsions.  MoDEL #550026768  5 GALLon MoDEL   found in spindle bearings.
                                                  MOdel      ORdeR   PRiCe
                SiZe       ViSCOSiTy  WeigHT
                                                    #         #      eaCH
            5 Gallon Pail   68      40.39 lbs.   550026768  81-006-229  $125.99  SiZe   WeigHT  MOdel   ORdeR   PRiCe
            55 Gallon Drum  68      436.224 lbs.  550026777  81-006-230  1,272.99                #       #      eaCH
            55 Gallon Drum  220     443.66 lbs.  550026769  81-006-231  1,277.99  55 Gallon Drum  384 lbs.  12027-BEDR 81-006-249  $1,109.99
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