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P. 1493

SPECIALTY FLUIDS • Cutting & Tapping Fluids

                        High-Performance Tapping Paste
    coolants, lubricants & marking  performance machining lubricants which do not require toxic additives.   feATureS:

       TAPIT ALL Lubricants proprietary manufacturing process produces high
       Their bio based machining lubricants significantly outperform both toxic
                                                              •  Works on titanium, Inconel, all CRS, HRS, SST's, martensitic SST's
       and other green lubricants and negate virtually every regulatory and
                                                               and anodized aluminum.
       legal issue confronting users of petroleum based
                                                              •  Exceptional performance with 100% biobased TAPIT ALL
       and synthetic toxic machining lubricants.
                                                               Lubricants and use less product than with traditional lubricants.
                                                              •  Proprietary lubricant technology delivers superior performance while
                                                               protecting the environment and the health of your employees.
                         •  Higher feed and speed rates,
                                                              •  It's a proprietary high performance tapping paste that will work virtually any metal,
                                                               (except CN3MN or cast Iron), alloy, or super alloy.
                          increased tool life, better         TeChNICAL DATA:
                          finish and easier cleaning.         •  Superior lubricity combined with a unique cooling effect that has superior heat
                         APPLICATIONS:                         dissipation properties guarantees dramatic increases in tool due to less heat stress
                                                               on tools and parts being worked.
                         •  Any metal or alloy at any angle.  •  Increased tool life of approximately 300% working virtually all metals/alloys/super
                         •  Full spectrum (360°) tapping/drilling, reaming etc.  alloys is the norm.
                         •  Tap/work exotic metals and all grades of titanium and   •  Expect better threading with fewer broken parts and tools. Drills, mills, taps and
                          titanium alloys.                     performs any other cutting application.
                         •  Your return on investment in saved tools alone is   •  Produces minimal smoke with no noxious vapors or unpleasant odors.
                          staggering. A little bit goes a long way.
                         •  Apply directly to tool or work surface by bristle brush   ConTAiner  Model  order  PriCe
                          or hand.                                   Size              #            #       eACH
                         •  Less is more! Use sparingly!         4 oz. Plastic Jar   17-09-4     96-002-937  $42.99
                eP-XTrA ozone Friendly Cutting Fluids                  ProTap Biodegradable Cutting Fluids
                         Makes even the hardest
                         cuts nearly effortless
                      BeNefITS:                                              BeNefITS:
                      •  Free of 1,1,1 Trichloroethane.                      •  Biodegradable cutting fluid that is
                                                                              totally free of all regulated chemicals.
                      APPLICATIONS:                                          •  Highly effective for all cutting
                      •  Highly effective for all cutting                     operations on all metals.
                       operations on all metals.
                                                                             •  For projects requiring a cutting fluid that's free of
                                                                              all regulated chemicals.
                                                                             •  Highly effective for all cutting operations on all metals.
       16 OZ. MODEL #10016E                                   16 OZ. MODEL #30016P  •  Completely biodegradable!
                            Model   order   PriCe  CASe  PriCe                  Model   order    PriCe  CASe  PriCe
            Size     WeigHT                                        Size   WeigHT
                             #       #      eACH  QTy.  eACH                      #       #      eACH   QTy.  eACH
        4 oz. Spout Top  .38 lbs.  10004E  81-002-900  $4.19  24  $3.77  4 oz. Spout Top  .38 lbs. 30004P  81-002-914  $4.19  24  $3.77
        12 oz. Aerosol  1  10012EL 81-002-902  13.19  12  11.87  12 oz. Aerosol  1  30012PL 81-002-916  13.19  12  11.87
        16 oz. Spout Top  1  10016E  81-002-904  11.39  12  10.25  16 oz. Spout Top 1.33  30016P  81-002-918  11.39  12  10.25
        1 Gallon Can  9.5  10128E  81-002-906  68.99  2  62.09  1 Gallon Can  9.5  30128P  81-002-920  68.99  2  62.09
        5 Gallon Drum  45  10640E  81-002-908  291.99  —  —   5 Gallon Drum  42  30640P  81-002-922  286.99  —  —
        30 Gallon Drum  263  13840E  81-002-910† 1,349.99  —  —  30 Gallon Drum  235  33840P  81-002-924†  1,349.99  —  —
        55 Gallon Drum  469  17040E  81-002-912† 2,368.99  —  —  55 Gallon Drum  415  37040P  81-002-926†  2,368.99  —  —
       †Ships direct from factory. Truck ship only.           †Ships direct from factory. Truck ship only.
                Xtra-Thick Cutting Fluid                               Aluminum Cutting Fluids
                Extreme Performance

                         APPLICATIONS:                                       BeNefITS:
                         •  Highly effective on inconel, titanium, stainless   •  Improves surface finish and machinability.
                          or any metal up to 45 Rockwell hardness.           •  Extends tool life.
                         •  Highly effective for drilling, tapping, milling -   APPLICATIONS:
                          all cuts on all metals.                            •  When the majority of your work is on
                         Especially Suited For                                aluminum, this is the most effective cutting
                         •  Cuts on hard metals such as inconel, titanium     fluid you can use, providing excellent
                          and stainless.                                      performance for any and all cutting operations.
                         •  Deep-hole cuts (eliminates work hardening).      •  Drilling, boring, reaming, milling, facing,
                         •  Lathe and mill work (fluid clings to work).       turning, threading, tapping, dryseals,
                         •  Pipe threading.
                                                              16 OZ. MODEL #20016A  broaching, engraving and sawing.
                                                                                 Model   order   PriCe  CASe  PriCe
       16 OZ. MODEL #70016T                                        Size   WeigHT  #       #       eACH  QTy.  eACH
                                   Model     order     PriCe  4 oz. Spout Top  .38 lbs. 20004A  81-002-928  $4.19  24  $3.77
             Size       WeigHT
                                    #          #       eACH   12 oz. Aerosol  1  20012AL 81-002-930  13.19  12  11.87
          16 oz. Bottle  1.4 lbs.  70016T  96-002-843  $15.49  16 oz. Spout Top 1.33  20016A  81-002-932  11.39  12  10.25
          1 Gallon      9.1 lbs.  70128T   96-002-844  86.59  1 Gallon Can  9.5  20128A  81-002-934  68.99  2  62.09
          5 Gallon      47 lbs.   70640T   96-002-845  360.99  5 Gallon Drum  42  20640A  81-002-936  286.99  —  —
          30 Gallon     280 lbs.  73840T   96-002-846  1,482.99  30 Gallon Drum  252  23840A  81-002-938†  1,349.99  —  —
          55 Gallon     510 lbs.  77040T   96-002-847†  2,525.99  55 Gallon Drum  456  27040A  81-002-940†  2,368.99  —  —
       †Ships direct from factory. Truck ship only.           †Ships direct from factory. Truck ship only.
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