Page 1730 - All Industrial Tool Supply | General Catalog
P. 1730


                  Sheet Handler Magnets

       Model #B100

                 Models #B250, #B400 & #B600
                                                            OveraLL  Magnet  Magnet   WeigHt  HOLding MaxiMuM  MOdeL   Order   Price
                                                             HeigHt  WidtH  LengtH  vaLue PenetratiOn  #  #   eacH
       Features:                                             4-1/2"  3-5/8" 6-1/8" 3.75 lbs. 50 lbs.  3/16"  B100 96-002-237  $197.99
       •  Lift or move sheets, plates, hot or oily parts.  •  Increase productivity.  4-1/2"  7-1/4" 6-1/8" 8.25 lbs. 125 lbs.  5/16"  B250 96-002-238  264.99
       •  Handle sheets stacked horizontally or vertically.  •  No electricity required.  4-1/2"  7-1/4" 6-1/8" 8.25 lbs. 200 lbs.  5/16"  B400 96-002-239  288.99
       •  Protect workers from cuts, slivers, nicks and burns.  †Ships direct from factory.  4-1/2"  7-1/4" 6-1/8" 8.25 lbs. 300 lbs.  5/16"  B600 96-002-240  373.99
                  On/Off Magnetic Hanging Hooks
                                                                                      •  Attaches to flat or round surfaces with ease.
    material Handling, Storage & BookS                                                •  Locking on/off handle.
                                                                                      •  Can hold nuts, bolts, screws etc. to sides
                                                                                       when turned on.
                                                                                      •  Attaches to flat or round surfaces with ease.
                                                                                      •  Unique hook design prevents lines and
                                                                                       hoses from popping off.
                                                                                      Model #HH035R
                                                                                      •  Inside loop length: 1-5/8"
                                                                                      •  Inside loop width: 1-1/8"
                                                                                      Model #HH110R
                                                                                      •  Inside loop length: 1-7/8"
                                                                                      •  Inside loop width: 1-3/8"
                                              Model #HH110R In Use
                                                              FOrce  diaMeter  HeigHt  WeigHt  MOdeL  Order  Price
                                                             35 lbs.  1-3/4"  5-3/4"  0.95 lbs.  HH035R  96-002-990  $60.19
       Model #HH110R                                         110 lbs.  2-1/2"  7-5/8"  4.65 lbs.  HH110R  96-002-991  126.99
                  BasicLift  Magnets

       Model #Bl0400         Model #Bl1000                 Model #Bl1500
       •  Permanent lift magnet for a broad   •  Lightweight design.  HOLding vaLue            MOdeL  Order   Price
        range of lifting applications.  •  Durable stainless steel casing.  FLat iteMS  diMenSiOnS  WeigHt  #  #  eacH
       •  Tall lift lug for easy use with crane   •  Heat resistant up to 300°F (148°C).  400 lbs.  6-1/2"L x 6-1/2"W x 5"H  13 lbs.  BL0400 63-301-210 $316.99
        hooks and sling.          •  2:1 Design factor.       1,000 lbs.  9-1/2"L x 6-1/2"W x 5"H  18 lbs.  BL1000 63-301-211  463.99
       •  Full width cam release.                             1,500 lbs.  13-3/4"L x 6-1/2"W x 5"H  28 lbs.  BL1500 63-301-212  618.99
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