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P. 1731


                     PowerLift Magnets

          Benefits:                                    features:
          •  Safe to use on flat or round items.       •  On/off capability.
          •  Internal release on/off device does not contact or damage the surface  •  Lightweight rare earth design.
           of the part being lifted.                   •  Lifts flat or round loads over 1" thick.
          •  No electricity required for operation so magnetic PowerLift eliminates  •  Easy manual release does not contact
           the fear of dropping the load due to power failures.  the load.
          •  Heat resistant up to 200°F.               †Ships direct from factory.
          •  Holding values: flat from 250 to 2,500 lbs., round from 125 to 1,250 lbs.

           HoLdiNg VaLue   HoLdiNg VaLue   diMeNSioNS  HaNdLe WeigHt   ModeL  order   Price
            fLat iteMS  rouNd iteMS*                         #        #       eacH
            250 lbs.  125 lbs.  3.62"L x 2.44"W x 2.63"H 4.96"  7 lbs.  PNL0250  63-301-200  $335.99
            800 lbs.  400 lbs.  6.38"L x 3.62"W x 3.58"H 6.1"  22 lbs.  PNL0800  63-301-201  660.99
            1,600 lbs.  800 lbs.  9.03"L x 4.80"W x 4.60"H 7.72"  53 lbs.  PNL1600  63-301-202  1,105.99
            2,500 lbs.  1,250 lbs.  9.13"L x 6.93"W x 6.41"H 11.22" 110 lbs. PNL2500  63-301-203**  2,084.99
          *See note box below.  **Truck ship only.                                            Model #PNl0250
          •  Holding values for the PowerLift magnets are stated at 33% of the actual value.
          •  When lifting sheets over 4' x 8', use (2) or more lifts on a spreader bar to prevent sheet flexing, sagging or peel-off. Material less than 3/8" thick are susceptible to
           magnetic bleed through, resulting in two sheets being lifted at once.
          •  Pipe length, wall thickness diameter and surface condition can all effect the magnets performance.
          •  Round item holding values are based on ideal conditions.  Please consult the factory before specifying these magnets for use on round materials.
            Stated   ModeL                        HoLdiNg VaLue & MaxiMuM SHeet Size for SPecified MateriaL tHickNeSS*
           VaLue      #           1/4"          3/8"           1/2"           3/4"            1"              2"
           250 lbs.   PNL0250   180 lbs. (4' x 4')   250 lbs. (4' x 4')   250 lbs. (3' x 3')   250 lbs. (2' x 3')   250 lbs. (2' x 2.5')   250 lbs. (2' x 1')
           800 lbs.   PNL0800   270 lbs. (4' x 6')   500 lbs. (4' x 8')*   615 lbs. (4' x 8')*   800 lbs. (4' x 5')   660 lbs. (4' x 4')   660 lbs. (3' x 2.5')
           1600 lbs.   PNL1600   —          —              800 lbs. (4' x 8')*   1600 lbs. (4' x 8')*   1600 lbs. (4' x 8')   1600 lbs. (4' x 4')
           2500 lbs.   PNL2500   —          —              —              —              1490 lbs. (4' x 8')   2500 lbs. (4' x 8')
          * These maximum sheet sizes are selected due to the sag characteristics of the specified sheet. All other maximum sheet sizes are recommended due to the weight of the
           specified sheet. The item to be lifted must cover the entire length and width of the magnetic poles to properly engage and release the part.
                     VersaLift  Magnets
          Benefits:                                    features:
          •  Safe to use on flat or round items.       •  Supports custom pole shoes.                                   material Handling, Storage & BookS
          •  Internal on/off release device that does not contact or damage the   •  Stationary lift lug(s).
           surface of the parts.                       •  Embedded RFID chip.
          •  No electricity required for operation eliminating fear of dropping   •  3:1 Design factor.
           loads due to power failures.                †Ships direct from factory.
          •  Holding values: flat from 275 to 1,200 lbs. round from 137 to 600 lbs.
          •  Vertical lift capable with optional lift lug attachment.  technical Data:
          •  Compact and lightweight design.           •  Rare earth magnet with a locking on/off
          •  Heat resistant up to 180°F (82°C).         handle & test load feature.
          •  Conforms to ASME B30.20 standards.        To Operate Test Feature:
                                                       •  Pull spring loaded handle out and rotate it to
          oPtioNaL acceSSory                            the “TEST” position.
                 deScriPtioN    ModeL   order   Price  •  Lift load approximately 2-3" to verify the   Model #Vl0600
                                                        magnet has the capacity to lift your load.
           Vertical Lifting Lug Attachment  VLLUG1 63-301-216  $144.99  •  Once verified, place load back down and turn
          MagNetS                                       the handle to the “ON” position.
          HoLdiNg VaLue HoLdiNg VaLue  diMeNSioNS  WeigHt  ModeL  order  Price
            fLat iteMS  rouNd iteMS                  #      #      eacH
           600 lbs.  272 lbs.  5-5/8"L x 5"W x 3-3/4"H 18 lbs.  VL0600 63-301-214 $1,251.99
           1,200 lbs.  544 lbs.  10"L x 5"W x 3-3/4"H  34 lbs.  VL1200 63-301-215  1,796.99
          •  Lifting Values for the VersaLift  Magnets are stated at 33% of the actual value.
          •  We recommend when lifting sheets over 8', use 2 or more lifts on a spreader bar to prevent sheet flexing, sagging or peel-off.
          •  Thin material is susceptible to magnetic bleed through, resulting in two sheets being lifted at once.
          •  Round Lifting Values are based on ideal conditions.
          •  Consult the factory before specifying these magnets for use on round materials.
                                                                                                        Model #VllUG1
                                   LiftiNg VaLue & MaxiMuM SHeet LeNgtH due to Sag for MateriaL tHickNeSS for SiNgLe MagNet uSe*
          ModeL #   1/4" (6' LeNgtH)   3/8" (8' LeNgtH)   1/2" (8' LeNgtH)   3/4" (8' LeNgtH)   1" (10' LeNgtH)   2" (10' LeNgtH)   3" (10' LeNgtH)
          VL0600      260 lbs.      435 lbs.       525 (238) lbs.   550 (249) lbs.   600 (272) lbs.   600 (272) lbs.   600 (272) lbs.
          VL1200      NA            755            960 (435)     1165 (528)    1200 (544)     1200 (544)    1200 (544)
                                          rouNd LiftiNg aPPLicatioNS                           VerticaL Lift (fLat oNLy)
          ModeL #      MaxiMuM Lift        MaxiMuM Lift @ MiNiMuM    diaMeter / tHickNeSS    Lift     MiNiMuM tHickNeSS
          VL0600         300 lbs.              130 lbs.                 2.00" / 0.12"       150 lbs.      1.00"
          VL1200         600                   600                      4.00" / 0.50"       300           1.00"
          *Maximum sheet lengths are selected due to sag characteristics of specified sheet. The item to be lifted must cover the entire length and width of the magnetic poles to
          properly engage and release the part.
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