Page 1736 - All Industrial Tool Supply | General Catalog
P. 1736


                 JLH Series Lever Hoists

                                  Benefits:                                              features:
                                  •  Grade 100, corrosive resistant plated load chain is a smaller, more compact link that   •  1/4 ton to 9 ton load
                                   is 20% stronger than grade 80 load chain.              capacities available.
                                  •  Heat treated load plates, case hardened and corrosive resistant coated internal parts   •  Innovative, patented handle design.
                                   extend the life of the hoist in the harshest environments.  •  Allows extra clearance between
                                  •  Overload protection on 3/4 to 9 ton models.          operator's hand and load chain.
                                  •  Slip clutch overload protection.                    •  New improved grip design.
                                  •  Prevents lifting or pulling damaging loads beyond the rated capacity of the hoist.  •  Allows for greater operator control
                                  •  Easily reset in the field by lowering the load.      and increased comfort.
                                  •  Fused break design.                                 •  Cast-steel safety latches secured
                                  •  Revolutionary single-piece brake design fuses 3 components into the safest    with allen screws and lock nuts.
                                   and most durable brake system  on the market backed by a lifetime    •  More durable than stamped
                                   replacement warranty.                                  steel latches.
                                  •  Break wear indicator provides visual indication when to replace worn friction disks.  •  Will not bend out of compliance
                                  •  Weston style double ratchet pawl brake design that splits the load to opposite sides   with lifting regulations.
                                   of the ratchet gear for greater load security and safety.  •  Shipyard hook models available in
                                  •  Improved free chaining.                              1-1/2 ton and 3 ton load capacities.
                                  •  Easy free chain design is a 2-step, no load, free chaining system that allows for   •  Blunt tip, point loading hooks virtually
                                   quicker hoist positioning and take up of slack chain.  eliminate stretched hooks, reducing
                                                                                          downtime for maintenance and repair.
                                   Standard  Load           deSCription        Load CHain  WeigHt  modeL  order  priCe
                                     Lift  CapaCity                            diameter         #      #      eaCH
                                     5'   1/4 ton  Without Overload Protection  3.2 x 9 mm   3.5 lbs.  181205 99-025-718  $260.00
                                                                             3.2 x 9 mm
                                                 Without Overload Protection
                                                                                       4.5 lbs.
                                          1/4 ton
                                                                                              181210 99-025-719
    material Handling, Storage & BookS  15'  1/2 ton  Without Overload Protection  4.3 x 12 mm  8.5 lbs.  181515 99-025-723  440.00
                                                 Without Overload Protection
                                          1/4 ton
                                                                                       5.5 lbs.
                                                                             3.2 x 9 mm
                                                                                              181215 99-025-720
                                                                                       5.5 lbs.
                                                                             4.3 x 12 mm
                                          1/2 ton
                                                                                              181505 99-025-721
                                                 Without Overload Protection
       Model #181205
                                                                                              181510 99-025-722
                                          1/2 ton
                                                 Without Overload Protection
                                                                                       7 lbs.
                                                                             4.3 x 12 mm
                                                                             5.6 x 15.7 mm  13 lbs.
                                          3/4 ton
                                                 With Overload Protection
                                                                                              376100 99-025-724
                                                 With Overload Protection
                                                                             5.6 x 15.7 mm  15 lbs.
                                          3/4 ton
                                                                                              376101 99-025-725
                                          3/4 ton
                                                 With Overload Protection
                                                                             5.6 x 15.7 mm  17 lbs.
                                                                                              376102 99-025-726
                                                                                              376103 99-025-727
                                                                             5.6 x 15.7 mm  20 lbs.
                                          3/4 ton
                                                 With Overload Protection
                                                 With Overload Protection
                                                                             5.6 x 15.7 mm  13 lbs.
                                          1 ton
                                                                                              376200 99-025-728
                                          1 ton
                                                                             5.6 x 15.7 mm  16 lbs.
                                                                                              376201 99-025-729
                                                 With Overload Protection
                                                                             5.6 x 15.7 mm  18 lbs.
                                                                                              376202 99-025-730
                                          1 ton
                                                 With Overload Protection
                                                                                              376203 99-025-731
                                          1 ton
                                                                             5.6 x 15.7 mm  21 lbs.
                                                 With Overload Protection
                                                                             7.1 x  19.9 mm 22 lbs.
                                          1-1/2 Tons With Overload Protection
                                                                                              376301 99-025-733
                                                                                              376302 99-025-734
                                          1-1/2 Tons With Overload Protection
                                                                             7.1 x  19.9 mm 26 lbs.
                                          1-1/2 Tons With Overload Protection
                                                                             7.1 x  19.9 mm 30 lbs.
                                                                                              376303 99-025-735
                                                                                              376800 99-025-736
                                          1-1/2 Tons With Overload Protection & Shipyard Hooks 7.1 x  19.9 mm 18 lbs.
                                     5'   1-1/2 Tons With Overload Protection  7.1 x  19.9 mm 18 lbs.  376300 99-025-732  520.00
                                     10'  1-1/2 Tons With Overload Protection & Shipyard Hooks 7.1 x  19.9 mm 22 lbs.  376801 99-025-737  550.00
                                     15'  1-1/2 Tons With Overload Protection & Shipyard Hooks 7.1 x  19.9 mm 26 lbs.  376802 99-025-738  590.00
                                     20'  1-1/2 Tons With Overload Protection & Shipyard Hooks 7.1 x  19.9 mm 30 lbs.  376803 99-025-739  660.00
                                     5'   2-1/2 Tons With Overload Protection  8.8 x 24.6 mm 25 lbs.  376400 99-025-740  720.00
                                     10'  2-1/2 Tons With Overload Protection  8.8 x 24.6 mm 31 lbs.  376401 99-025-741  770.00
                                     15'  2-1/2 Tons With Overload Protection  8.8 x 24.6 mm 36 lbs.  376402 99-025-742  820.00
                                     20'  2-1/2 Tons With Overload Protection  8.8 x 24.6 mm 42 lbs.  376403 99-025-743  860.00
                                     5'   3 Tons  With Overload Protection   10 x 28 mm  33 lbs.  376500 99-025-744  810.00
                                     10'  3 Tons  With Overload Protection   10 x 28 mm  41 lbs.  376501 99-025-745  870.00
                                     15'  3 Tons  With Overload Protection   10 x 28 mm  48 lbs.  376502 99-025-746  940.00
                                     20'  3 Tons  With Overload Protection   10 x 28 mm  56 lbs.  376503 99-025-747  999.00
                                     5'   3 Tons  With Overload Protection & Shipyard Hooks 10 x 28 mm  33 lbs.  376900 99-025-748  810.00
                                     10'  3 Tons  With Overload Protection & Shipyard Hooks 10 x 28 mm  41 lbs.  376901 99-025-749  870.00
                                     15'  3 Tons  With Overload Protection & Shipyard Hooks 10 x 28 mm  48 lbs.  376902 99-025-750  940.00
                                     20'  3 Tons  With Overload Protection & Shipyard Hooks 10 x 28 mm  56 lbs.  376903 99-025-751  999.00
                                     5'   6 Tons  With Overload Protection   10 x 28 mm  58 lbs.  376600 99-025-752  1,270.00
                                     10'  6 Tons  With Overload Protection   10 x 28 mm  73 lbs.  376601 99-025-753  1,380.00
                                     15'  6 Tons  With Overload Protection   10 x 28 mm  88 lbs.  376602 99-025-754  1,490.00
                                     20'  6 Tons  With Overload Protection   10 x 28 mm  103 lbs. 376603 99-025-755  1,660.00
                                     5'   9 Tons  With Overload Protection   10 x 28 mm  95 lbs.  376700 99-025-756  2,190.00
                     Model #376701   10'  9 Tons  With Overload Protection   10 x 28 mm  118 lbs. 376701 99-025-757  2,410.00
                                     15'  9 Tons  With Overload Protection   10 x 28 mm  140 lbs. 376702 99-025-758  2,740.00
                                     20'  9 Tons  With Overload Protection   10 x 28 mm  163 lbs. 376703 99-025-759  3,060.00
                          Storage problems? We carry a wide selection of bins, cabinets and
                               other tool and part storing needs. See pages 1650-1700.
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