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P. 340

END MILLS • Multiple Flute Single End

       Multiple Flute Long Length High Speed Steel Single End Mills                       ToLErancES:
       Center Cutting • Uncoated Or TiN Coated • 30° Helix                                niagara cuTTEr  +.001" / -.000"
                                                                                          Mill Diameter:

                                          APPLICATIONS:                         FeATureS:
                                          •  For general milling operations for slots, grooves and   •  Right hand (clockwise rotation) cutting direction.
                                           other similar features.              •  The spiral flute design permits a faster and smoother
                                          •  For pocketing, die sinking, tracer controlled and cavity   cutting action and the end mills are sized to provide a
                                           milling operations.                   good cutting range while affording adequate rigidity.
                                          •  For use in a variety of ferrous and nonferrous materials.   TiN Coated
                                          •  The end cutting edges are ground to permit    •  Offers improved cutter life, better surface finishes,
                                           center cutting.                       closer cutting tolerances and less resharpening costs.
                                          •  Designed for use in machine tools.
       TiN COATED

                                                              uncoaTEd [D6]     uncoaTEd [SLC-410]  Tin coaTEd [SLC-410T]
                  SHank      FLuTE     ovEraLL    # oF      ordEr     PricE    ordEr     PricE    ordEr     PricE
                 diaMETEr   LEngTH     LEngTH     FLuTES     #        EacH      #        EacH       #        EacH
         3/16"    3/8"       3/4"      2-5/8"      4         —          —    08-942-061  $26.80  08-942-060  $28.30
         7/32     3/8        7/8       2-11/16     4         —          —    08-942-071  28.20   08-942-070  29.50
         1/4      3/8        1-1/4     3-1/16      4      08-016-020  $13.75  08-942-081  25.90  08-942-080  27.20
         9/32     3/8        1-3/8     3-1/8       4         —          —    08-942-091  26.80   08-942-090  28.30
         5/16     3/8        1-3/8     3-1/8       4      08-016-040  13.75  08-942-101  25.90   08-942-100  27.20
         11/32    3/8        1-1/2     3-1/4       4         —          —    08-942-111  26.80   08-942-110  28.30
         3/8      3/8        1-1/2     3-1/4       4      08-016-060  13.75  08-942-121  25.00   08-942-120  26.10
         13/32    3/8        2         3-11/16     4         —          —    08-942-131  36.30   08-942-130  38.10
         7/16     3/8        2         3-11/16     4         —          —    08-942-141  34.30   08-942-140  36.10
         1/2      1/2        2         4           4      08-016-080  18.62  08-942-162  34.70   08-942-160  36.40
         17/32    1/2        2-1/2     4-1/2       4         —          —    08-942-172  48.60   08-942-170  51.00
         9/16     1/2        2-1/2     4-1/2       4         —          —    08-942-182  53.00   08-942-180  55.70
         5/8      5/8        2-1/2     4-5/8       4      08-016-100  26.11  08-942-203  48.60   08-942-200  51.00
         11/16    5/8        3         5-1/8       4         —          —    08-942-223  52.60   08-942-220  55.30
         3/4      3/4        3         5-1/4       4      08-016-120  30.30  08-942-244  59.30   08-942-240  62.40
         13/16    3/4        3-1/2     5-3/4       4         —          —    08-942-264  71.80   08-942-260  75.30
         7/8      7/8        3-1/2     5-3/4       4      08-016-140  37.13     —          —     08-942-280  77.70
         1        1          4         6-1/2       4      08-016-160  50.33  08-942-326  99.50   08-942-320  104.00
         1-1/8    1          4         6-1/2       6         —          —       —          —     08-942-360  138.00
         1-1/4    1          4         6-1/2       6         —          —    08-942-406  155.00  08-942-401  162.00
         1-1/4    1-1/4      4         6-1/2       6         —          —    08-942-407  155.00  08-942-400  162.00
         1-1/2    1-1/4      4         6-1/2       6         —          —       —          —     08-942-480  192.00
         2        1-1/4      4         6-1/2       8         —          —    08-942-647  290.00  08-942-640  305.00

       Multiple Flute High Speed Steel Extra Long Length Single End Mills                 ToLErancES:
       Center Cutting • Uncoated Or TiN Coated • 30° Helix                                niagara cuTTEr  +.001" / -.000"
                                                                                          Mill Diameter:


                                                                            uncoaTEd [D7]  uncoaTEd [SXC-412]  Tin coaTEd [SXC-412T]
                                                 SHank  FLuTE  ovEraLL  # oF  ordEr  PricE  ordEr  PricE  ordEr  PricE
       TiN COATED                           SizE  diaMETEr  LEngTH  LEngTH  FLuTES  #  EacH  #   EacH    #     EacH
                                           3/16"  3/8"  1-1/8"  3"    4     —        — 08-944-061 $32.70 08-944-060 $34.10
                                           7/32  3/8    1-3/4  3-9/16  4    —        — 08-944-071  33.70 08-944-070  35.50
                                           1/4   3/8    1-3/4  3-9/16  4  08-017-020 $15.52 08-944-081  30.60 08-944-080  32.10
       APPLICATIONS:                       9/32  3/8    2     3-3/4   4     —        — 08-944-091  34.10 08-944-090  36.00
       •  For pocketing, die sinking, tracer controlled   5/16  3/8  2  3-3/4  4  08-017-040  16.25 08-944-101  32.10 08-944-100  33.70
        and cavity milling operations.     11/32  3/8   2-1/2  4-1/4  4     —        —    —        — 08-944-110  36.00
       •  For machining materials of medium hardness   3/8  3/8  2-1/2  4-1/4  4  08-017-060  17.09 08-944-121  32.70 08-944-120  34.10
        such as steel, brass, bronze and iron.  13/32  3/8  2-5/8  4-5/16  4  —      — 08-944-131  42.80 08-944-130  44.90
       •  For general purpose milling including profiling   7/16  3/8  2-5/8  4-5/16  4  —  — 08-944-141  40.50 08-944-140  42.50
        and open-ended slots and keyways.  1/2   1/2    3     5       4  08-017-080  22.03 08-944-162  41.80 08-944-160  43.90
                                           9/16  1/2    4     6       4     —        — 08-944-182  57.50 08-944-180  60.40
       FeATureS:                           5/8   5/8    4     6-1/8   4  08-017-100  32.25 08-944-203  60.20 08-944-200  63.20
       •  Large core diameter provides rigidity and reduces   11/16  5/8  4  6-1/8  4  —  — 08-944-223  59.90 08-944-220  62.90
        deflection while cutting geometry allows for rapid   3/4  3/4  4  6-1/4  4  08-017-120  37.30 08-944-244  70.50 08-944-240  74.20
        stock removal.                     13/16  3/4   5     7-1/4   4     —        — 08-944-264  90.30 08-944-260  94.70
                                           7/8   7/8    5     7-1/4   4  08-017-140  48.44  —      — 08-944-280  97.30
                                           1     1      6     8-1/2   4  08-017-160  65.65 08-944-326 122.00 08-944-320 128.00
                                           1-1/4  1-1/4  6    8-1/2   6     —        — 08-944-407 182.00 08-944-400 191.00
                                           1-1/2  1-1/4  8    10-1/2  6     —        — 08-944-487 287.00 08-944-480 302.00
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