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P. 607

Drilling Holders & Technical Information • ALLIED MACHINE

              Straight Shank Universal Spade Drill Insert Holders
              Short, Standard & Long Lengths

          APPLICATIONS:              FeATureS:
          •  Used for deep hole drilling.  •  Accepts universal style spade drill inserts.
          •  Hole size range: 31/32" to 8-1/2"  •  Straight flute holders are recommended for
          •  Each holder accepts a cutting diameter   horizontal center machining applications
           range of spade drill inserts.  for maximum chip evacuation.
                                                                                           WItH Coolant  WItHoUt Coolant
                    BlaDe DIameter  neW tool    flUte       SHank      overall    PIPe
            BlaDe                                                                         orDer   PrICe  orDer   PrICe
            SerIeS   CUttIng range  referenCe lengtH  lengtH  DIameter/lengtH  lengtH  _taP_  #   eaCH     #     eaCH
                        a            B           C           D           e         f
                    31/32" - 1-3/8"  3-9/16"    3"        1" x 3-1/2"   6-1/2"    1/8"  01-026-900 $253.28 01-026-916 $166.47
                    31/32 - 1-3/8  3-9/16       3         1-1/2 x 3-1/2  6-1/2    1/8   01-026-901  274.72  —       —
             A      31/32 - 1-3/8  8-5/16       7-3/4     1 x 3-1/2     11-1/4    1/8   01-026-932  267.54  —       —
                    31/32 - 1-3/8  8-5/16       7-3/4     1-1/2 x 3-1/2  11-1/4   1/8   01-026-933  303.86  —       —
                    31/32 - 1-3/8  15-9/16      15        1 x 3-1/2     18-1/2    1/8   01-026-975  418.97  —       —
                    1-1/4 - 1-3/4  8-23/32      8-1/8     1-1/4 x 3-1/2  11-5/8   1/4   01-026-934  318.10  —       —
                    1-1/4 - 1-3/4  8-23/32      8-1/8     1-1/2 x 3-1/2  11-5/8   1/4   01-026-935  361.40  —       —
             B      1-1/4 - 1-3/4  4-3/32       3-1/2     1 x 3-1/2     7         1/4   01-026-902  292.15 01-026-918  188.17
                    1-1/4 - 1-3/4  4-3/32       3-1/2     1-1/4 x 3-1/2  7        1/4   01-026-903  303.86  —       —
                    1-1/4 - 1-3/4  15-19/32     15        1-1/4 x 3-1/2  18-1/2   1/4   01-026-976  476.92  —       —
                    1-1/2 - 2-3/8  5            4         1-1/4 x 3-1/2  8        1/4   01-026-904  325.24 01-026-920  224.43
                    1-1/2 - 2-3/8  5            4         1-1/2 x 4     8         1/4   01-026-905  339.60  —       —
             C      1-1/2 - 2-3/8  9-1/2        8-1/2     1-1/4 x 4     12-1/2    1/4   01-026-936  375.84  —       —
                    1-1/2 - 2-3/8  9-1/2        8-1/2     1-1/2 x 4     12-1/2    1/4   01-026-966  375.84  —       —
                    1-1/2 - 2-3/8  19           18        1-1/2 x 4     22        1/4   01-026-977  541.93  —       —
                    2-2-7/8        5-1/2        4-1/2     1-1/2 x 4     8-1/2     1/4   01-026-906  346.94 01-026-922  253.28
                    2-2-7/8        19           18        1-1/2 x 4     22        1/2   01-026-978  613.89  —       —
                    2-1/2 - 3-3/8  6-1/16       5         1-3/4 x 4     9         1/2   01-026-908  412.05 01-026-924  332.66
             E      2-1/2 - 3-3/8  11-1/16      10        2 x 4         14        1/2   01-026-938  527.63  —       —
                    2-1/2 - 3-3/8  21-1/16      20        2 x 4         24        1/2   01-026-979  837.66  —       —
                    3 - 3-7/8      6-3/4        5-1/2     2 x 4         9-1/2     1/2   01-026-910  491.33 01-026-926  375.84
                    3 - 3-7/8      6-3/4        5-1/2     2-1/2 x 4     9-1/2     1/2   01-026-911  469.64  —       —
                    3 - 3-7/8      12-3/4       11-1/2    2 x 4         15-1/2    1/2   01-026-969  664.56  —       —
                    3 - 3-7/8      21-1/4       20        2-1/2 x 4     24        1/2   01-026-980  982.18  —       —
                    3-1/2 - 4-1/2  8-7/16       6         2-1/2 x 5     11        1/2   01-026-912  520.19  —       —
             G      3-1/2 - 4-1/2  8-7/16       6         3 x 5         11        1/2   01-026-913  450.51  —       —
                    3-1/2 - 4-1/2  14-7/16      13        2-1/2 x 6     18        1/2   01-026-970  729.55  —       —
                    4 - 8 - 1/2    8-9/16       7         2-1/2 x 6     13        1/2   01-026-914  607.03  —       —
                    4 - 8 - 1/2    16-9/16      15        2-1/2 x 4     21        1/2   01-026-971  816.38  —       —
                                                           T-A  DrILL INsErTs rECoMMENDED spEEDs & FEEDs
                Page 600
           *  Super and premium cobalt tools      MATERIAL  *TOOL  FEED (IPR)                FEED (IPR)
            should be used primarily when   MATERIAL  HARDNESS  STEEL  TiN  TICN  **TiAlN  3/8" – 1/2" 33/64" – 11/16" 23/32" – 1" 1" – 1-1/4" 1-1/4" – 2" 2" – 3" 3" – 4"
            drilling exotic and high alloy         (BHN)  GRADE  SFM  SFM  SFM
            materials. Super and premium    Free Machining Steel  100-150  HSS  200  260  280  .007  .010  .013  .016  .020  .025  .028
            cobalt tools may also be used in   1118, 1215, 12L14, etc.  150-200  HSS  180  235  260  .007  .010  .013  .016  .020  .025  .028
            normal applications to increase       85-125  HSS  170  220  250  .006  .009   .012  .015  .020  .025  .027
            SFM and as a buffer against    Low Carbon Steel  125-175  HSS  160  210  240  .006  .009  .012  .015  .020  .025  .027
                                  1010, 1020, 1025, 1522, 1144,
            rapid tool wear once the coating   etc.  175-225  HSS  150  195  225  .005  .008  .010  .014  .018  .022  .024
            is worn away. Super cobalt tools      225-275  HSS  140  180  210  .005  .008  .010  .014  .018  .022  .024
            has high abrasion resistance and   Medium Carbon Steel  125-175  HSS  160  210  240  .006  .009  .012  .015  .020  .025  .027
            premium cobalt has high abrasion   1030, 1040, 1050, 1527, 1140,  225-275  HSS  140  180  210  .005  .008  .010  .014  .018  .022  .024
            resistance along with very high    1151, etc.  275-325  SC, PC  130  170  195  .004  .007  .090  .012  .016  .020  .022
            red hardness.                         125-175  HSS  150  195  210  .006  .008  .010  .014  .017  .020  .022
                                  Alloy Steel     175-225  HSS  140  180  195  .005  .008  .010  .014  .017  .020  .022
           Hss = CPM-M4 High speed steel  4140, 5140, 8640, etc.  225-275  HSS  130  170  180  .005  .007  .010  .014  .017  .020  .022
                                                        SC, PC
           sC =  CPM-T15 Super cobalt high        235-375  SC, PC  110  145  155  .003  .006  .009  .012  .015  .018  .020
              speed steel                         225-300  SC, PC  80  100  110  .005  .007  .009  .010  .014  .018  .020
           pC =  Premium cobalt high    High Strength Alloy  300-350  SC, PC  60  80  85  .004  .007  .009  .010  .014  .018  .020
                                  4340, 4330V, 300M, etc.
              speed steel                         350-400  PC  50  65   70   .003   .006   .008  .009  .012  .016  .018
                                  Structural Steel  100-150  HSS  140  180  200  .006  .010  .012  .014  .018  .022  .026
           ** The speeds recommended for    A36, A285, A516, etc.  250-350  HSS  100  130  140  .004  .008  .009  .010  .014  .017  .020
                                                        SC, PC
            TiAlN coated tools are based on   High Temperature Alloy  140-220  SC, PC  30  35  40  .003  .007  .008  .010  .012  .015  —
            empirical data obtained under   Hastelloy B, Inconel 600, etc.  220-310  PC  25  30  35  .003  .006  .007  .008  .010  .012  —
            “optimal conditions”. Because    Stainless Steel  135-185  HSS  75  95  105  .006  .008  .009  .011  .014  .016  .020
            many applications do not exhibit   303, 416, 420, 17-4 PH, etc.  185-275  HSS  60  80  90  .005  .007  .008  .010  .012  .014  .018
            “optimal conditions”, reductions    Tool Steel  150-200  SC  80  105  110  .004  .006  .008  .010  .012  .015  .017
                                                        SC, PC
                                  H-13, H-21, A-2, 0-2, S-3, etc. 200-250
            in speed paramater may be             30    HSS   600  750  850  .008   .013   .016  .020  .022  .025  .025
            required due to excessive tool    Aluminum  180  HSS  300  400  450  .008  .013  .016  .018  .022  .025  .025
            wear generated in the                 120-150  HSS  170  220  250  .007  .012  .016  .020  .024  .028  .030
            application.                          150-200  HSS  150  195  225  .006  .011  .014  .018  .022  .026  .028
                                  Cast Iron       200-220  HSS  130  170  195  .006  .009  .012  .016  .018  .022  .024
                                                  220-260  SC, PC  110  145  165  .005  .007  .009  .012  .014  .017  .020
                                                  260-320  SC, PC  90  120  135  .004  .006  .007  .009  .011  .014  .016
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