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P. 608

CRITERION / APT • Countersink Sets & Boring Bars

                  Versa-Dex Adjustable Boring Bars
                  For NC Machines

                                                              aPPlIcatIOns:              Features:
                                                              Grade C2                   •  The cantilevered dovetail design
                                                              •  For cast iron and non-ferrous metals.  assures exceptional rigidity even in
                                                              Grade C6                    an off-set position.
       ♦  Insert Not Included.                                •  For steels and alloys.  •  A top locking screw firmly secures
                                                                                          the head when boring.

       BorING BArS                                                                        NoTe:
             mIN.  mAx.                                                                   •  Boring ranges are determined by
        BAr  Bore  Bore  oVerAll  INSerT  moDel  orDer  PrICe                              tool revolving around its own center.
        DIA.           leNGTh  USeD       #       #     eACh
             DIA.  DIA.
       5/8"  3/4"  15/16" 5-1/4"      MD-625TX  85-054-200 $417.02  CArBIDe INSerTS        GrADe C2      GrADe C6
                            TPGT-321A-2C                         INSerT  _____DImeNSIoNS_____  orDer  PrICe  orDer  PrICe
       3/4  15/16  1-3/16 6-5/16      MD-750TX  85-054-201  485.13
                            TPGW-320                               #      I.C.  T  r  h    #     eACh    #     eACh
                            TPGT-321A-2C                      TPGT-2(1.5)1A-2C 1/4" 3/32"1/64".120" 85-054-225 $15.53 85-054-229 $15.53
       1    1-3/16 1-5/8  8-1/4       MD-1000TX 85-054-202  571.62
                            TPGW-320                          TPGW-2(1.5)0  1/4 3/32 0  .120 85-054-226  15.53 85-054-230  15.53
                            TPGT-321A-2C                      TPGT-321A-2C  3/8 1/8  1/64 .177 85-054-227  15.53 85-054-231  15.53
       1-1/4 1-7/16 2-3/8  10-5/16    MD-1250TX 85-054-203  650.37
                            TPGW-320                          TPGW-320   3/8 1/8  0  .177 85-054-228  15.53 85-054-232  15.53
          Indexable Countersink & Chamfering Tools & Sets
          60°, 82° Or 90° • Positive Rake
                                                                 Features:                  Includes:
                                                                 •  Positive rake for smooth cutting   3 Piece Sets
                                                                  without chatter.          •  (1) Each of three different
                                                                 •  Carbide indexable eliminates tool   cutter bodies.
                                                                  resharpening.             •  (1) Each C5/C6 insert per tool.
                                                                                            •  (1) Wood block.
                                                                                                 100° Point Angle Available,
                                                                                                 Please Call
       ♦  Inserts Not Included.
                                          3 PIECE SET modEl #CCS 82  CArBIDe INSerTS    GrADe C2       GrADe C5/C6
                                                                             INSerT   orDer   PrICe   orDer   PrICe
                                                                  I.C.  rADIUS
       ♦  Replacement Screw Available As Model #TF832-285,                     #       #      eACh     #      eACh
        Order #24-599-576, Priced At $2.49                        3/8"  1/64"  TPGH-321  24-599-570  $7.42  24-599-571  $7.42
                                                                  1/2  3/64  SPGH-433  24-599-572  12.94  24-599-573  12.94
       CoUNTerSINkS                            60° PoINT ANGle          82° PoINT ANGle          90° PoINT ANGle
         CUTTer  CUTTer  ShANk   INSerTS  moDel    orDer   PrICe   moDel    orDer    PrICe  moDel    orDer    PrICe
         BoDy    BoDy   DIAmeTer  USeD     #        #       eACh    #        #       eACh    #         #      eACh
         DIA.    mAx.
         1/4"    3/4"    1/2"  TPGH-321  CC 160  24-599-550  $125.84  CC 182  24-599-555  $125.84  CC 190  24-599-560  $125.84
         1/2     1-3/4   1/2   SPGH-433  CC 260  24-599-551  184.47  CC 282  24-599-556  184.47  CC 290  24-599-561  184.47
         1-1/4   2-1/2   3/4   SPGH-433  CC 360  24-599-552  241.67  CC 382  24-599-557  241.67  CC 390  24-599-562  241.67
          3 Piece Set                    CCS 60  24-599-553  559.98  CCS 82  24-599-558  559.98  CCS 90  24-599-563  559.98
          Dyna-Sink Countersink & Deburring Tools & Sets
          82° Or 90° • High Speed Steel Or Carbide Inserts
                                                                 aPPlIcatIOns:              Includes:
                                                                 •  Deburr and countersink large   3 Piece Sets
                                                                  diameter holes.           •  (1) Each tool sizes: #4, 5 and 7
                                                                 •  Use at high surface speeds.  •  (1) Insert for each tool.
                                                                                            •  (1) Wood block.
                                                                 •  Regrind is quick and accurate.
                                                                 •  Inserts need only be replaced after
                                                                  a large number of regrinds.
                                                                 •  Better finishes.
                                          3 PIECE SET modEl #548-SH 8
                                                                 SIze  INSerT  orDer  PrICe
       ♦  Dyna-Sink Resharpening Fixture Available As Model #548R,   #  #      #     eACh  3 PIeCe SeTS
        Order #24-599-676, Priced At $48.53.                     hIGh SPeeD STeel         DeGree  moDel  orDer  PrICe
                                                                  4  548-HA 4 24-599-670 $37.00  #       #    Per SeT
       INDIVIDUAl ToolS       82° PoINT ANGle    90° PoINT ANGle  5  548-HA 5 24-599-671  37.00  hIGh SPeeD STeel
       SIze rANGe of hole DIA. ShANk moDel  orDer  PrICe  moDel  orDer  PrICe  7  548-HA 7 24-599-672  34.00  82°  548-SH 8 24-599-664 $282.10
        #  WhICh CAN Be CUT  DIA.  #  #  eACh  #     #     eACh  CArBIDe                   90°  548-SH 9 24-599-665 282.10
        4  9/16" to 1-1/16" 1/2" 548-48 24-599-654 $39.10 548-49 24-599-657 $39.10  4  548-CA-4 24-599-673 $40.96  CArBIDe
        5  1 to 1-1/2  3/4  548-58 24-599-655  56.50 548-59 24-599-658  56.50  5  548-CA-5 24-599-674  40.96  82°  548-SC 8 24-599-667 $304.88
        7  1-1/2 to 2  3/4  548-78 24-599-656  81.50 548-79 24-599-659  81.50  7  548-CA-7 24-599-675  40.96  90°  548-SC 9 24-599-668 304.88
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