Page 717 - All Industrial Tool Supply | General Catalog
P. 717

Quick Change Tooling & Accessories • TURNING

                      Tool Post Indicator

          •  Quick installation and more rigid
           than a magnetic base holder.
          •  High resolution 0.0005"
           indicator included.
          •  Mounts in any tool post
           tool holder.
          •  Body made from high
           strength aluminum.
          •  Durable anodized finish.
          •  Padded case.

            Model    order    PrIce
             #        #       each
           42-000  55-400-998  $62.49
                      Quick change Toolholders, Posts & Sets

                         Safe and simple
                         to operate
          Benefits:                     features:
          •  Wedge type tool posts are precision   •  All working parts hardened and ground.
           engineered to ensure repetitive accuracy.  •  Rugged - no chatter or vibration.
          •  Rugged - no chatter or vibration.                                                       #4
          •  Increases productivity of all lathe operations. includes:
          •  Change tools in seconds.   Tool Post Sets                      #1                                  #41
          •  No time wasted with shims.  •  (1) Tool post.                       Tool posT
                                        •  (1) Each of toolholders: #1, #2, #4
          aPPlicatiOns:                   and #7
          •  Holders fit Aloris, Dorian & Yuasa tool posts.
          ♦  Toolholders Do Not Include Tool Bits, Boring Bars, Drills Or Carbide Inserts.
          ♦  Base Nut May Require Some Machining To Fit Your Lathe.           #2
                        Tool PoST oNly       Tool PoST SeTS
            laThe  Model  order  PrIce  Model  order  PrIce   Tool PoST dIMeNSIoNS:
            SwINg   #      #     each    #      #     Per SeT  TyPe   a      B      c      d      e      h       r
           9" - 12"  100W 55-405-510 $159.99  100WS 55-405-911 $249.99  100  2-1/2"  3-7/8"  2-1/4"  9/16"  1-3/8"  4-11/16"  5-3/4"
           10 - 15  200W 55-405-520  209.99  200WS 55-405-912  319.99  200  3  4-5/8  2-3/4  5/8  1-5/8  5-9/16  7-5/16
           13 - 18  300W 55-405-530  279.99  300WS 55-405-913  419.99  300  3-1/2  5-1/8  3  3/4  1-7/8  6-1/8  7-7/8
           14 - 20  400W 55-405-540  389.99  400WS 55-405-914  559.99  400  4  6-1/4  3-5/8  7/8  2-1/8  7      9

          TurNINg aNd FacINg holder #1                           uNIverSal ParTINg Blade Toolholder #7
            _____dIMeNSIoNS_____  Tool   order  PrIce  Takes various sizes of   _______dIMeNSIoNS________  Blade  order  PrIce  For bevel as well as
            a    B   c   d      BIT     #     each  bits. Turning and facing   a  B  c  d  heIghT  #  each  T-cut blades. Enables
          15/16"  1/2" 7/16" 1-1/2" 3/16" - 1/2" 55-405-101 $33.49  tools can be locked   13/16"  1/2"  3/16" 1-1/2" 1/2"  55-405-107 $53.79  you to cut off close
          1-1/8  5/8  1/2  1-3/4  1/4 - 5/8  55-405-201  36.99  in together. Saves   1  11/16 3/16  1-3/4  11/16 55-405-207  56.99  to chuck. Absence
                                                   time and labor when
                                                                                                         of vibration prevents
          1-7/16  3/4  5/8  2-1/8  1/2 - 3/4  55-405-301  49.99  changing operations.  1-3/16  3/4  3/16  2  3/4  55-405-307  69.99  breaking blades.
          1-11/16 1  3/4  2-1/2  1/2 - 1  55-405-401  62.99       1-7/16  7/8  1/4  2-1/2  7/8  55-405-407  98.79

          BorINg, TurNINg aNd FacINg holder #2                   kNurlINg, TurNINg & FacINg holder #10
            ___dIMeNSIoNS___  Tool     order  PrIce  “V” groove holds round   _______dIMeNSIoNS_______  Tool  order  PrIce  For turning & facing
            a  B  c   d     BIT  ShaNk   #     each  shank boring bars and   a  B  c  e  e1  BIT  #  each  as well as knurling.
          15/16" 1/2" 7/16" 1-1/2" 3/16" - 1/2" 7/16"  55-405-102 $34.99  tools as well as square   7/8"  2-1/2" 1-9/16" 1/2" 3/8" 3/16" - 1/2" 55-405-110 $64.99  Supplied with a
                                                                                                         set of high speed
                                                   tool bits.
          1-1/8  5/8 1/2  1-3/4  1/4 - 5/8  1/2  55-405-202  39.99  1  2-5/8 1-3/4  5/8 1/2 1/4 - 5/8  55-405-210  77.49  precision ground
          1-7/16 3/4 5/8  2-1/8  1/2 - 3/4  3/4  55-405-302  53.79  1-3/16 3-1/8 2  3/4 5/8 1/2 - 3/4  55-405-310  86.39  & lapped medium
          1-11/16 1  3/4  2-1/2  1/2 - 1  13/16 55-405-402  69.49  1-7/16 3-3/4 2-1/2  1  3/4 1/2 - 1  55-405-410 102.89  diamond knurls.

          heavy duTy BorINg Bar holder #4          Equipped with a   heavy duTy BorINg Bar holder #41    Equipped with a
              _________dIMeNSIoNS_________  order  PrIce  split bushing to   ________dIMeNSIoNS________  order  PrIce  split bushing to
            a     B     d      d1       #     each  accommodate a   a     B     d     d1      #     each  accommodate a
           3/4"  1-1/2"  3/4"  5/8"  55-405-104 $49.99  boring bar of smaller   7/8"  1-3/4"  1"  3/4"  55-405-141 $59.99  boring bar of smaller
                                                                                                         diameter. It grips bar
                                                   diameter. It grips bar
           3/4  1-3/4  1      3/4    55-405-204  59.99  with extreme rigidity,   1  2  1-1/4  1  55-405-241  73.99  with extreme rigidity,
           1    2     1       3/4    55-405-304  75.99  cuts smoothly    1-1/8  2-1/4  1-1/4  1  55-405-341  81.99  cuts smoothly
           1-3/8  2-3/4  1-1/4  1    55-405-404  89.99  without chatter.  1-3/8  2-3/4  1-1/2  1-1/4  55-405-441 103.79  without chatter.
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