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P. 719

Quick Change Tooling • TURNING

                #4D Boring Bar Holders                                 #71 Cut-Off And Grooving Holders

                   Cuts smoothly
                   without chattering

                         ♦  Tools Not Included.                                   ♦  Tools Not Included.
          BeNeFIts:                                              aPPLICatIONs:
          •  Grips bar with extreme rigidity.                    •  For high rigidity under heavy duty conditions.
          aPPLICatIONs:                                          Features:
          •  Use optional split bushing to                       •  Cool chatter-free operations at higher speed.
           accommodate boring bar of                             •  Self-locking throw away blade can be used.
           smaller diameter.            Other Holders And Aloris Products  •  Simple adjustment of blade position.
                                        Available, Please Call   •  Chip brakes an integral part of blade.
          _______________DImenSIOnS_______________  mODeL  OrDer  PrICe  ___DImenSIOnS___  USeD WITH  mODeL  OrDer  PrICe
              A         B        D        #       #       eACH      A      B       BLADe WIDTHS  #       #      eACH
             3/4"     1-1/2"    3/4"    AXA4D  55-300-820  $87.99  15/16"  1-13/16"  1/8", 3/16" or 1/4"  AXA71  55-300-850  $206.99
             1        2         1       BXA4D  55-300-821  106.99  15/16  2      1/8, 3/16 or 1/4  BXA71  55-300-851  209.99
             1        2         1       CXA4D  55-300-822  123.99  1-5/16  2-3/8  1/8, 3/16 or 1/4  CXA71  55-300-852  241.99
             1-3/8    2-3/4     1-1/4   CA4D   55-300-823  151.99  1-7/16  2-3/8  3/16 or 1/4  CA71   55-300-853†  252.99
             1-5/8    3-1/4     1-1/2   DA4D   55-300-824  223.99  2     3-1/4   3/16 or 1/4   DA71   55-300-854†  285.99
             2-1/4    4-1/2     2-1/2   EA4D   55-300-825†  356.99  2-1/16  3-3/8  3/16 or 1/4  EA71  55-300-855†  379.99
          †Ships direct from factory.                            †Ships direct from factory.
                #1S & 2S Oversize Turning And Facing Holders

          •  Takes various sizes of bits.
          •  Turning and facing tool can be locked in together.
          •  Saves time and labor when changing operations.        MODEL #AXA-1S             MODEL #AXA-2S
          •  Oversizes dimensions which allow larger tools to be used.
                                                                     1S                            2S
             TOOL      SLOT     SLOT    OverALL   TOOL BIT  mODeL    OrDer   PrICe             mODeL    OrDer   PrICe
            HeIGHT    HeIGHT    DePTH    HeIGHT    SIze      #         #      eACH   SHAnk      #        #      eACH
            1"        5/8"      7/16"   1"        5/8"     AXA-1S  55-300-860  $86.99  1/2"   AXA-2S  55-300-865  $90.99
            1-3/16"   3/4"      1/2"    1-3/16"   3/4"     BXA-1S  55-300-861  96.99  5/8"    BXA-2S  55-300-866  102.99
            1-9/16"   1"        5/8"    1-9/16"   1"       CXA-1S  55-300-862  126.99  3/4"   CXA-2S  55-300-867  132.99
            2"        1-1/4"    3/4"    2"        1-1/4"   CA-1S   55-300-863  156.99  1"     CA-2S   55-300-868  167.99
            2-5/16"   1-1/2"    1"      2-5/16"   1-1/2"   DA-1S   55-300-864  233.99  1-1/4"  DA-2S  55-300-869  248.99
                #20 Universal Toolholders                              #8 High Speed Threading Blades

          rePLACemenT PArT                                           MODEL #P-4               MODEL # P-6
              mODeL     OrDer   PrICe
               #          #     eACH                             Features:
          CRT-20 Cartridge 55-300-874  $89.99  MODEL #AXA-20
                                                                 •  Exclusive blade design with two precision ground cutting edges,
          TOOLHOLDerS                                             assures unusually long life.
              OverALL      TOOL        mODeL     OrDer   PrICe   •  All blades are uniformly designed to fit any Aloris threading holder.
              HeIGHT      HeIGHT        #          #      eACH         CAPACITy            mODeL        OrDer   PrICe
              1-1/8"      1-1/8"      AXA-20   55-300-870  $196.99                          #             #      eACH
              1-3/16"     1-3/16"     BXA-20   55-300-871  210.99    4 or more T.P.I.      P-4        55-300-878  $51.99
              1-3/8"      1-3/8"      CXA-20   55-300-872  225.99    6 or more T.P.I.      P-6        55-300-879  51.99
              1-3/4"      1-3/4"      CA-20    55-300-873  261.99    10 or more T.P.I.     P-10       55-300-880  51.99

                #71 Self-Locking Throwaway Insert Blades

                                       mODeL     OrDer   PrICe
           WIDTH  HeIGHT   SerIeS
                                         #         #      eACH
           .120"  1.50  For AXA, BXA, CXA  71-125-1BSL  55-300-881  $74.99
           .187  1.50  For AXA, BXA, CXA  71-187-1BSL  55-300-882  82.99  Features:
           .250  1.50  For AXA, BXA, CXA  71-250-1BSL  55-300-883  90.99  •  Designed for extremely high rigidity under heavy duty conditions and
           .187  2.00  For CA, DA, EA  71-187-2BSL  55-300-884  94.99  cool, chatter free operation at higher speeds.
           .250  2.00  For CA, DA, EA  71-250-2BSL  55-300-885  100.99  •  Two different blades.
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