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P. 845

Accessories • VISES

                            Vise With         Accessories

                               $736.36 if purchased

          Model #DX6 Crossover Precision Machine Vise
          •  Permits clamping in 4 positions                                                  clIp-on chIp &
                                                                                              coolAnt dEflEctor
          Model #TSP-400 Thin Style Steel Parallel Set
          •  Complete set of 10 pairs.
          •  1/8" width x 6" overall length.
          Model #IGB-101 Adjustable Mill Stop
          •  1/2" hole for T-slot mounting, 3/8" diameter rod.  AdjuStAblE
          Spring Loaded Work Stop                          MIll Stop                    SprIng loAdEd
                                                                                        Work Stop
          •  Fits all milling vises with 3/8" thru 3/4" wide jaws.
          Model #CCD-1 Clip-On Chip & Coolant Deflector
          •  Fits most 6" mill vises.

              Order        Price
                #          Per Set                             plAIn bASE prEcISIon MAchInE VISE
            99-998-022    $629.99                           ModEl #dX6 croSSoVEr             thIn StylE StEEl pArAllEl & SEt
                                                            prEcISIon MAchInE VISE
                             Hardened Standard Vise Keys

                                                                 •  Standard keys are used when the
              ViSe     BASe    OVerAll  MOdel    Order    Price   keyway in the vise is the same as
              Size     WidtH   HeigHt    #         #      eAcH    your table.
           4" Vises   1/2"     1/4"    D30-50  61-421-050  $37.99
           6" Vises   11/16"   3/8"    D50-50  61-421-051  31.99
           8" & 10" Vises  13/16"  7/16"  D80-50  61-421-052  36.99

                             Hardened Step Keys

                ViSe      BASe  t-SlOt  MOdel    Order    Price  APPlIcATIOns:
                Size     WidtH  WidtH    #         #      eAcH   •  Step keys are used when the
           For 3" & 4" Vises  1/2"  5/8"  D30-33A  61-421-053  $35.99  keyway in the vise is different
           For 5" & 6" Vises  11/16"  5/8"  D50-33A  61-421-054  31.99  than that of the machine T-slot.
           For 5" & 6" Vises  11/16"  13/16"  D50-33B  61-421-055  31.99
           For 5" & 6" Vises  11/16"  3/4"  D50-33C  61-421-056  31.99
           For 5" & 6" Vises  11/16"  9/16"  D50-33D  61-421-057  31.99
           For 5" & 6" Vises  11/16"  18mm  D50-33M18  61-421-058  51.99
           For 8" & 10" Vises  13/16"  11/16"  D80-33B  61-421-059  35.99
           For 8" & 10" Vises  13/16"  5/8"  D80-33D  61-421-060  35.99
                            Sine Plate Kit

          BenefITs:                  feATures:
          •  Installs quickly and easily.  •  Can be used as parallels.
          •  increase the versatility  •  Parallels remain on the vise
                                      and can be quickly changed
          APPlIcATIOns:               to any of the other angles or
          •  Fast and easy way to set-up   also be used as a parallel.
           workpieces for machining at three   •  Rectangle parts can be clamped
           common angles: 30°, 45° and 60°  precisely and quickly, and will
          Includes:                   also clamp round workpieces.
          •  (2) Sine plates.        •  Squares up parts at 90°.
          •  (2) Universal jaw bolts.  •  Hold rounds parts.
          •  (2) Sine plate screws.  •  Precision ground.
                                     •  No need to remove jaw plates
            MOdel     Order   Price   to use them.
              #        #      eAcH
           SP63045  61-421-012  $69.99
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