Page 1752 - All Industrial Tool Supply | General Catalog
P. 1752

Inch To Metric Conversion Chart
       Multiply         By       To Obtain  Multiply        By        To Obtain  Multiply        By       To Obtain

       Atmospheres     29.92     Inches of mercury  Cubic yards    202    Gallons  Grains (troy)    0.04167   Pennyweights (troy)
       Atmospheres     33.90       Feet of water  Cubic yards    764.6     Liters  Grains (troy)    2.0833x10-3    Ounces (troy)
       Atmospheres     10,333    Kgs./square meter  Cubic yards    1616   Pints (liquid)  Grains/U.S. gallon    17.118   Parts/million
       Atmospheres     14.70     Lbs./square inch   Cubic yards    807.9   Quarts (liquid)  Grains/U.S. gallon    142.86   Lbs./million gallons
       Atmospheres     1.058     Tons/square foot  Cubic yards/minute    0.45   Cubic feet/second  Grains/Imperial gallon    14.254   Parts/million
       Barrels-oil      42          Gallons-oil  Cubic yards/minute    3.367   Gallons/second  Grams  15.43    Grains
       Barrels-cement    376      Pounds-cement  Cubic yards/minute    12.74   Liters/second  Grams  10-3     Kilograms
       Bags or sacks-cement    94   Pounds-cement  Decigrams    0.1        Grams  Grams          103          Milligrams
       British Thermal Units    0.2520   Kilogram-calories  Deciliters    0.1   Liters  Grams   0.03527        Ounces
       British Thermal Units    777.5   Foot-lbs.  Decimeters    0.1      Meters   Grams        0.03215     Ounces (troy)
       British Thermal Units    3.927x10-4    Horsepower-hours  Degrees (angle)    60   Minutes  Grams   2.205x10-3    Pounds
       British Thermal Units    107.5   Kilogram-meters   Degrees (angle)    0.01745   Radians  Grams/centimeter    5600x10-3    Pounds/inch
       British Thermal Units    2.928x10-4   Kilowatt-hrs.  Degrees (angle)    3600   Seconds  Grams/cubic centimeter   62.43   Pounds/cubic foot
       B.T.U./min.     12.96     Foot-lbs./second  Degrees/second  0.01745  Radians/second  Grams/cubic centimeter   0.03613   Pounds/cubic inch
       B.T.U./min.     0.02356     Horsepower  Degrees/second  0.1667  Revolutions/minute  Grams/liter    58.417   Grains/gallon
       B.T.U./min.     0.01757       Kilowatts  Degrees/second  0.002778  Revolutions/second  Grams/liter    8.345   Pounds/1000 gallons
       B.T.U./min.     17.57          Watts  Dekagrams       10            Grams  Grams/liter    0.062427   Pounds/cubic foot
       Centares (Centiares)    1   Square meters   Dekaliters    10        Liters  Grams/liter    1000       Parts/million
       Centigrams       0.01          Grams  Dekameters      10           Meters   Hectares      2.471          Acres
       Centiliters      0.01          Liters  Drams        27.34375        Grains  Hectares     1.076x105    Square feet
       Centimeters     0.3937         Inches  Drams         0.0625        Ounces  Hectograms     100           Grams
       Centimeters      0.01          Meters   Drams       1.771845        Grams  Hectoliters    100            Liters
       Centimeters      10          Millimeters   Fathoms    6              Feet  Hectometeri    100           Meters
       Centimeters of mercury    0.01316   Atmospheres  Feet  30.48     Centimeters  Hectowatts    100          Watts
       Centimeters of mercury    0.4461   Feet of water  Feet    12        Inches  Horsepower    42.44      B.T.U./minute
       Centimeters of mercury    27.85   Lbs./square foot  Feet    0.3048   Meters  Horsepower    33,000   Foot-lbs./minute
       Centimeters of mercury    0.1934   Lbs./square inch  Feet    1/3    Yards   Horsepower    550       Foot-lbs./second
       Centimeters/second  1.969   Feet/minute  Feet of water    0.0295   Atmospheres  Horsepower   1.014   Horsepower (metric)
       Centimeters/second  0.03281  Feet/second  Feet of water    0.8826   Inches of mercury  Horsepower  10.70  Kg.-calories/minute
       Centimeters/second  0.036  Kilometers/hour  Feet of water    304.8   Kgs./square. meter  Horsepower  0.7457  Kilowatts
       Centimeters/second  0.6    Meters/minute  Feet of water    62.43   Lbs./square foot  Horsepower  745.7   Watts
       Centimeters/second  0.02237  Miles/hour  Feet of water    0.4335   Lbs./square inch  Horsepower (boiler)    33,479   B.T.U./hour
       Centimeters/second   3.728x10-4    Miles/minute  Feet/minute  0.508  Centimeters/second  Horsepower (boiler)    9.803   Kilowatts
       Cubic centimeters    3.531x10-5   Cubic feet  Feet/minute  0.01667  Feet/second  Horsepower-hours    2547   B.T.U.
       Cubic centimeters    6.102x10-2   Cubic inches  Feet/minute  0.01829  Kilometers/hour  Horsepower-hours    1.98x106    Foot-lbs.
       Cubic centimeters    10-6   Cubic meters   Feet/minute  0.3048  Meters/minute  Horsepower-hours  641.7  Kilogram-calories
       Cubic centimeters    1.308x10-6   Cubic yards   Feet/minute  0.01136  Miles/hour  Horsepower-hours   2.737x105    Kilogram-meters
       Cubic centimeters    2.642x10-4   Gallons  Feet/second  30.48  Centimeters/second  Horsepower-hours  0.7457  Kilowatt-hours
       Cubic centimeters    10-3      Liters  Feet/second   1.097     Kilometers/hour  Inches    2.54        Centimeters
       Cubic centimeters    2.113x10-3    Pints (liquid)  Feet/second  0.5921  Knots  Inches of mercury   0.03342   Atmospheres
       Cubic centimeters    1.057x10-3    Quarts (liquid)  Feet/second  18.29  Meters/minute  Inches of mercury   1.133   Feet of water
       Cubic feet     2.832x104    Cubic centimeters  Feet/second  0.6818  Miles/hour  Inches of mercury   345.3   Kgs./square meter
       Cubic feet      1728        Cubic inches  Feet/second  0.01136   Miles/minute  Inches of mercury   70.73   Lbs./square foot
       Cubic feet      0.02832     Cubic meters   Foot-pounds    1.286x10-3    British Thermal Units  Inches of mercury   0.4912   Lbs./square inch
       Cubic feet      0.03704     Cubic yards   Foot-pounds   5.050x10-7    Horsepower-hours  Inches of water   0.002458   Atmospheres
       Cubic feet      7.48052       Gallons  Foot-pounds   3.241x10-4    Kilogram-calories  Inches of water   0.07355   Inches of mercury
       Cubic feet      28.32          Liters  Foot-pounds   0.1383    Kilogram-meters  Inches of water   25.4   Kgs./square meter
       Cubic feet      59.84       Pints (liquid)  Foot-pounds    3.766x10-7    Kilowatt-hours  Inches of water   0.5781   Ounces/square inch
       Cubic feet      29.92      Quarts (liquid)  Foot-pounds/minute    1.286x10-3    B.T.U./min.  Inches of water   5.202   Lbs./square foot
       Cubic feet/minute    472   Cubic centimeters/second  Foot-pounds/minute    0.01667   Foot-pounds/second  Inches of water   0.03613   Lbs./square foot
       Cubic feet/minute    0.1247   Gallons/second  Foot-pounds/minute    3.030x10-5   Horsepower  Kilograms   2.205    Lbs.
       Cubic feet/minute    0.472   Liters/second  Foot-pounds/minute    3.241x10-4    Kg.-calories/minute  Kilograms   1.102x10-3    Tons (short)
       Cubic feet/minute    62.43   Pounds of water/minute  Foot-pounds/minute    2.260x10-5    Kilowatts  Kilograms  103  Grams
       Cubic feet/second    0.646317   Millions gallons/day  Foot-pounds/second    7.717x10-2    B.T.U./minute  Kilograms-calories    3.968   B.T.U.
       Cubic feet/second    448.831   Gallons/minute  Foot-pounds/second    1.818x10-3    Horsepower  Kilograms-calories    3086   Foot-pounds
       Cubic inches    16.39     Cubic centimeters   Foot-pounds/second    1.945x10-2    Kg.-calories/minute  Kilograms-calories    1.558x10-3    Horsepower-hours
       Cubic inches    5.787x10-4    Cubic feet  Foot-pounds/second    1.356x10-3    Kilowatts   Kilograms-calories    1.162x10-3    Kilowatt-hours
       Cubic inches    1.639x10-5    Cubic meters   Gallons   3785   Cubic centimeters   Kilogram-cal./min.    51.43    Foot-pounds/second
       Cubic inches    2.143x10-5    Cubic yards   Gallons   0.1337      Cubic feet  Kilogram-cal./min.    0.09351    Horsepower
       Cubic inches    4.329x10-3    Gallons  Gallons       231         Cubic inches  Kilogram-cal./min.    0.06972    Kilowatts
       Cubic inches    1.639x10-2     Liters  Gallons      3.785x10-3    Cubic meters   Kgs./meter    0.6720    Lbs./foot
       Cubic inches    0.03463     Pints (liquid)  Gallons   4.951x10-3   Cubic yards  Kgs./square meter    9.678x10-5    Atmospheres
       Cubic inches    0.01732    Quarts (liquid)  Gallons  3.785          Liters  Kgs./square meter    3.281x10-3    Feet of water
       Cubic meters     106      Cubic centimeters   Gallons   8        Pints (liquid)  Kgs./square meter    2.896x10-3    Inches of mercury
       Cubic meters    35.31        Cubic feet  Gallons      4         Quarts (liquid)  Kgs./square meter    0.2048    Lbs./square foot
       Cubic meters    61.023      Cubic inches  Gallons-Imperial    1.20095   U. S. Gallons  Kgs./square meter    1.422x10-3    Lbs./square inch
       Cubic meters    1.308       Cubic yards   Galhlons-U.S.    0.83267   Imperial Gallons  Kgs./square millimeter    106    Kgs./square meter
       Cubic meters    264.2         Gallons  Gallons water    8.3453   Pounds of water  Kiloliters    103      Liters
       Cubic meters     103           Liters  Gallons/minute    2.228x10-3    Cubic feet/second  Kilometers    105    Centimeters
       Cubic meters    2113        Pints (liquid)  Gallons/minute    0.06308   Liters/second  Kilometers    3281   Feet
       Cubic meters    1057       Quarts (liquid)  Gallons/minute    8.0208   Cubic feet/hour  Kilometers    103    Meters
       Cubic yards    7.646x105    Cubic centimeters   Gallons/minute     8.0208 Area    Overflow rate   Kilometers    0.6214    Miles
       Cubic yards      27          Cubic feet  (square feet)   (feet/hour)     Kilometers       1094           Yards
       Cubic yards     46,656      Cubic inches  Gallons water/minute    6.0086   Tons water/24 hours  Kilometers/hour   27.78    Centimeters/second
       Cubic yards     0.7646      Cubic meters   Grains (troy)    0.0648   Grams  Kilometers/hour   54.68    Feet/minute
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