Page 1756 - All Industrial Tool Supply | General Catalog
P. 1756

       gear blank-A stamping, casting or any   index plate-A metal disk or plate punched   lip of a drill-The sharp cutting edge on the   nitrating-A case hardening process in
       piece of material from which a gear is to be   with many holes arranged in a series of   end of a twist drill.   which ammonia or some other form of
       machined.                  rings, one outside, the other containing a   loading-A condition caused by grinding the   nitrogen is introduced to the surface of
       gib-A tapered strip of metal placed between  different number  of holes.   wrong material with a grinding wheel or   certain alloys.
       the bearing surface of two machine parts   indicator-A high precision instrument    using too heavy a grinding action.   non-ferrous-Metal containing no iron,
       to ensure a precision fit and provide an   which shows variations of thousandths of   machinability-The degree of difficulty with   such as brass and aluminum.
       adjustment for wear.       an inch or less when testing the trueness   which a metal potentially may be machined;   normalizing-Process of heating a
       half nut-A lever-operated mechanism that   or alignment of a workpiece, fixture or   may be found in appropriate handbooks.   ferrous metal or alloy to above its critical
       resembles a split nut that can be closed on   machine.   machine tool-A power-driven machine   temperature and cooling in still air to room
       the lead screw of a lathe when threads are   jacobs chuck-Common term for the drill   designed to bore, cut, drill, or grind metal or   temperature to relieve internal stresses.
       being cut.                 chuck used in either the headstock spindle   other materials.   off center-Not centered; offset, eccentric
       handwheel-Adjusting or feeding   or in the tailstock for holding straight-shank   machining, finish-Machining a surface to   or inaccurate.
       mechanism shaped like a wheel and   drills, taps, reamers, or small diameter   give it the desired  finish.   oil hardening-The process of quenching
       operated by hand.          workpieces.                 machining, rough (rough finishing)-  in oil when heat treating alloy steel to bring
       hardening-A heat-treating process    jarno-A standard taper having 0.600-inch   Removing excess stock (material) with a   out certain qualities.
       for steel which increases its hardness    taper per foot used on a variety of machine   machine tool thus shaping it in preparation   oilstones-Molded abrasives in various
       and tensile strength and reduces its   tools.          for finish machining.      shapes used to hand-sharpen cutting tools.
       ductility.                 johannson blocks (Jo blocks)-   magnesium-A lightweight, ductile    overarm-The support for the end of a
       headstock-The fixed or stationary end of a   Common term for the precision  gage    metal similar to but lighter than    milling cutter which is on the opposite side
       lathe or similar machine tool.   blocks used and accepted  as dimensional   aluminum.   of the cutter from the spindle and column.
       heat treatment-The process of heating    standards by machinists, toolmakers and   magnetic chuck-A flat smooth-surfaced   pack hardening-A heat-treating process
       and cooling a solid metal or alloy to      inspectors.   work holding device which operates   in which the workpiece is packed into a
       obtain certain desired properties or   kerf-The width of cut made by a saw.   by magnetism to hold ferrous metal   metal box together with charcoal, charred
       characteristics.           key-One of the several types of small  metal   workpieces for grinding.   leather or other carbonaceous material to
       helical gear-A gear with teeth cut at some   objects designed to fit mating slots in a   malleable-Capable of being extended or   case-harden the part.
       angle other than at a right angle across the   shaft and the hub of a gear or pulley to   shaped by hammering or rolling.   parallels-Hardened steel bars accurately
       face of the gear, thus permitting more than   provide a positive drive between them.  Also   mandrel-A precision-made tapered    ground to size and ordinarily made in pairs
       one tooth to be engaged at all times and   the name of the T-handle wrench used on   shaft to support work for machining   in many different sizes to support work in
       providing a smoother and quieter operation   chucks.   between centers.           precision set-ups.
       than the spur gear.        key seat-A recessed groove (slot) machined   mesh-To engage, as the teeth between two   parting-The operation of cutting off a piece
       helix-A path formed as a point advances    into a shaft or a part going on the shaft   gears.  from a part held in the chuck of a lathe.
       uniformly around a cylinder, as the thread   (usually a wheel or gear).   mic; mike-A term used for a micrometer or   pawl-A pivoted lever or sliding  bolt that
       on a screw or the flutes on a drill.   knee-That part of a column of a knee-type   to measure with a micrometer.   secures an automatic directional table
       helix angle-The angle between the    milling machine which carries the saddle   micrometer, depth-A micrometer in   control on a  grinder.
       direction of the threads around a screw and   and the table and provides the machine   which the spindle projects through a flat,   peen-To draw, bend or flatten. Also the
       a line running at a right angle to the shank.   with vertical feed adjustments. Also, the   accurately machined bar, used to measure   formed side of a hammer opposite the face.
       hex-Anything shaped like a hexagon.   name  of a precision angle plate called a   the depth of holes or recesses.   pilot-A guide at the end of a
       high-speed steel-An alloy steel commonly   ‘toolmaker's knee’.   micrometer, thread-A micrometer in which   counterbore which keeps it aligned with
       used for cutting tools because of its ability   knurl-A decorative gripping surface of    the spindle is ground to a point having a   the hole.
       to remove metal at a much faster rate than    straight-line or diagonal design made by   conical angle of 60°. The anvil, instead of   pilot hole-A starting hole for large drills to
       carbon steel tools.        uniformly serrated rolls called knurls.   being flat has a 60° v-shaped groove which   serve as a guide, reduce the resistance, and
       hob-A cylindrical cutting tool shaped like a   knurling-The process of finishing a part by   fits the thread.   aid in maintaining the accuracy of the larger
       worm thread, used in industry to cut gears.   scoring (also known as pressing) patterns   mild steel-A term used for low-carbon   hole. Also called a lead hole.
       hobbing-cutting gears with a hob.   on the surface of the work.   machine steel.   pinning-A term used to describe the
       hog-To remove in excess of what is   land-That surface on the periphery  of a   mill-A milling machine; the act of    condition of a file clogged with metal filings
       considered normal, sometimes causing   rotary cutting tool, such as a milling cutter,   performing an operation on the milling   causing it to scratch the work.
       accidents or tool breakage; also, to rough   drill tap, or reamer, which joins the face   machine.   pitch-The distance from any point on a
       out haphazardly.           of the flute or tooth to make up the basic   milling cutter-A cutting tool,  generally   thread to the corresponding point on the
       hole saw-A cutting tool used to cut a   cutting edge.   cylindrical in shape. used on a milling   adjacent thread. measured parallel to
       circular groove into solid material.   lap-A tool made of soft metal and charged   machine and operated essentially like a   the axis. Also applied to spur gears see
       honing-The process of finishing ground   with fine abrasives for precision finishing   circular saw.   diametral pitch.
       surfaces to a high degree of accuracy and   of metal surfaces. To perform the operation   minor diameter-The smallest diameter   pitch circle-The line (circle) of contact
       smoothness with abrasive blocks applied to   using  a lap.  of a screw thread. Also known as the ‘root   between two meshing gears.
       the  surface under a very light  controlled   lard oil-A cutting oil made from animal fats   diameter’.   pitch diameter-The diameter of a thread
       pressure and with a combination of rotary   usually mixed with mineral oils to reduce its   morse taper-A self-holding standard taper   at an imaginary point where the width of
       and reciprocating motions.   cost and improve its qualities.   largely used on small cutting tools such as   the groove and the thread are equal.
       hot-rolled steel-Steel which is rolled to   layout-To locate and scribe on  blank stock   drills, end mills and reamers and on some   pitch line-An imaginary line which passes
       finished size while hot. Identified by a dark   the shape and size dimensions required to   machines, spindles in which these tools    through threads at such  points that the
       oxide scale left on the surface.   machine or form the part.   are used.          length of the part of the line between
       idler-A gear or gears placed between two   lead-The distance a thread will advance   multiple-thread screw-A screw  made of   adjacent threads is equal to the length of
       other gears to transfer motion from one   along its axis in one complete revolution.   two or more threads to provide an increased   the line within  a thread.
       gear to the other gear without changing   Also, a heavy, soft, malleable metal having   lead with a specified pitch.   plain cutter-A milling cutter with cutting
       their speed or ratio.      a low melting point. It has a bright silvery   music wire-A high-quality steel wire    teeth on the periphery (circumference) only.
       independent chuck-A chuck in which    color when freshly cut or poured and turns   used for making springs. Also called piano   play-The looseness of fit (slack) between
       each jaw may be moved independently of   to a dull gray with aging.   wire.       two pieces.
       the others.                lead screw-The long, precision  screw   necking-Machining a groove  or undercut    punch, prick-A solid punch with a sharp
       indexing-The process of positioning a   located in front of the lathe  bed geared to   in a shaft to permit mating parts to be   point, used to mark centers or other
       workpiece for machining it into equal   the spindle and used for cutting threads.    screwed tightly against a shoulder or to   locations on metal.
       spaces, dimensions or angles using an   Also, the table screw on the  universal   provide clearance for the edge of a grinding   pyrometer-A device for measuring the high
       index or dividing head.    milling machine when geared to the   wheel.            temperatures in a heat-treating furnace.
       indexing fixture-A complete indexing unit   indexing head for helical milling.   nickel-An alloying element which increases   quench-To rapidly cool heated metal in
       composed of a dividing head and rootstock.   limits-The smallest and largest dimension   the strength, toughness, and wear and   water, oil brine or air in the process of
       ( dividing head.)          which are tolerable.        corrosion resistance of steels.   heat treating.
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