Page 1757 - All Industrial Tool Supply | General Catalog
P. 1757

          quick return-Mechanism on some machine   shims-Very thin sheets of metal made in   stop-A device attached to a machine tool   thread root-The bottom surface joining the
          tools that provides rapid movement of the   precise thickness and used between parts   to limit the travel of the worktable and   sides of two adjacent threads.
          ram or table on the return or anointing   to obtain desired fits. Sometimes they are   sometimes the work head.   throw-The crankpin on a crankshaft.  Also,
          stroke of the machine.     laminated, to be pulled off to the desired   straddle milling-A milling setup where   the length of the radius of a crank, eccentric
          rack-Array of gears spaced on a straight   depth.      two side milling cutters are spaced on an   or a cam.
          bar.                       shoulder-A term for the step made   arbor to machine two parallel surfaces with   tolerance-The allowable deviation from a
          radial-In a direction directly outward from   between two machined surfaces.   a single cut.   standard size.
          the center of a circle or sphere or from the   shrink fit-A class of fit made when the   stress-The internal force or resistance   tool steel-A general classification for
          axis of a cylinder.        outer member is expanded by heating to fit   developed in steel which was hardened,   high-carbon steel that can be heat treated
          radius-Distance from the center of a circle   over a shaft, and then contracts or shrinks   extensively machined or cold worked.   to a hardness required for metal cutting
          to its circumference (the outside edge).   tightly to the shaft when cooled.   surface grinding-The process of grinding   tools such as punches, dies, drills, taps,
          rake-That surface of a cutting tool    side cutter-A milling cutter that has cutting   flat surfaces on a surface grinding machine.   reamers.
          against which the chips bear while being   teeth on the side as well as on the periphery  With special setups, angular and form   traverse-One movement across the surface
          severed. If this surface is less than 90° from   or circumference.   surfaces may also be ground.   of the work being machined.
          the surface being cut, the rake is positive if   side rake-Surface which slopes to the   surface plate-An accurately machined and   truing-The act of centering or aligning
          more, the rake is negative.   side of cutting edge. It may be positive or   scraped flat metal piece (usually of cast   a workpiece or cutting tool so that an
          ram-That part of a shaper which moves   negative &  is combined with the back rake.     iron) used to check the flatness of surfaces.   operation may be performed accurately,
          back and forth  and carries the tool head    See rake.   swing-The dimension of a lathe    correcting the eccentricity or out of round
          assembly.                  sine bar-A precision instrument for laying   determined by the maximum diameter of   condition when dressing a grinding wheel.
          rapid traverse-A lever-controlled,  power-  out, setting, testing and otherwise dealing   the work that can be rotated over the ways   T-slot-The slots made in the tables of
          operated feature of machines that permits   with angular work.   of the bed.      machine tools for the square-head bolts
          rapid movement of the worktable from one   slabbing cutter-Wide, plain milling cutter   tailstock-That part of a machine tool such   used to clamp the workpiece, hh
          position to another.       having helical teeth. Used for producing   as a lathe or cylindrical grinder which   attachments or   workholding fixtures in
          reaming, line-Process of reaming two or   large, flat surfaces.   supports the end of a workpiece with a   position for performing the machining
          more holes to bring them into very accurate,   slitting saw-A narrow milling cutter    center. It may  be positioned at any point   operations.
          precise alignment.         designed for cutoff operations or for cutting   along the way of the bed and may be offset   tumbler gears-A pair of small lever-
          recalescence-An increase of temperature   narrow slots.   from center to machine tapers.   mounted gears on a lathe used to engage or
          that occurs while cooling metal through    slotter-An attachment which operates with   tang-The flat on the shank of a cutting tool,   to change the direction of the lead screw.
          a range of temperatures in which metal   a reciprocating motion. Used for machining   such as a drill, reamer or end mill, that fits a   two-lip end mill-An end milling cutter
          change.                    internal slots and other surfaces.   slot in the spindle of a machine to keep the    designed with teeth that cut to the center
          relief-A term for clearance or clearance   soft hammer-A hammer made of brass,   tool from slipping. Also, the part of a file that   so that it may be used to feed into the work
          angle.                     copper, lead or plastic to a non-marring   fits into a handle.   like  a drill.
          roughing-The fast removal of stock   finished surface.   tap-A tool used to cut threads on the inside   universal grinder-Grinding machine
          to reduce a workpiece to approximate   spherodizing-A process of heat treating   of a round hole.   designed to perform both internal and
          dimensions, leaving only enough material to   steel to produce a grain structure that is   taper-A uniform increase or decrease in the   external grinding operations including
          finish the part to specifications.   relatively soft and machinable.   size or diameter of a workpiece.  straight and tapered  surfaces on tools
          running fit-A class of fit intended for use   spindle-A rotating device widely used   tapping-Cutting screw threads in a round   and cutters.
          on machinery with moderate speeds, where   in machine tools such as lathes, milling   hole with a tap (an internal thread cutting   universal milling machine-A milling
          accurate location & minimum play are   machines, drill presses and so forth, to hold   tool).   machine with a worktable that can be
          desired.                   the cutting tools or the work, and to give   T-bolt-Term for the bolts inserted in   swiveled for milling helical work. Always
          SAE steel-Steel manufactured under the   them their rotation.   the T-slots of a worktable to fasten the   supplied with attachments, including an
          specifications by the Society of Automotive    spindle speed-The RPM at which a   workpiece or work-holding device to the   indexing fixture.
          Engineers.                 machine is set. spot facing-Finishing a   table.       universal vise-Designed for holding work
          sandblasting-A process of blowing    bearing surface around the top of a hole.   tempering-A heat-treating process used   at a double or compound angle. Also, a
          sand by compressed air with considerable   spring collet-See collet.   to relieve  the stresses produced when   toolmaker's vise.
          force through a hose against an object.   spur gear-A gear having teeth parallel to   hardening and to impart certain qualities,   ways-The flat or V-shaped bearing surfaces
          scale-The rough surface on  hot finished   the axis of the shaft on which it is mounted.   such as toughness sometimes called   on a machining tool that guide and align the
          steel and castings.  Also, a shop term for   square, solid (toolmaker's tri-square)-A   drawing.   parts which they support.
          steel  rules.              very accurate try square in which a steel   template-A guide for laying out or   wheel dresser-A tool or device for dressing
          scraper-A hardened steel hand tool used to   blade is set firmly into a solid, rectangular-  machining to a specific shape or form.   or truing a grinding wheel.
          scrape surfaces very smooth by removing   shaped handle so that each edge of the   tensile strength-The property of a    work-Workpiece or part being machined.
          minute amounts of metal.   blade makes an angle of exactly 90° with   metal which resists force applied to pull it   working drawing-A drawing, blueprint
          scribe (scribe; scratch awl)-A steel rod 8   the inner face of the handle.   apart.   or sketch of a part, structure, or machine.
          to 12" long and about 3/16" in diameter. It   square surface-A surface at a right angle   thread-A helical projection of uniform   worm-The threaded cylinder or shaft
          has a long, slender, hardened steel point on   with another surface.   section on the internal or external    designed to mesh with a worm gear.
          one or both ends.          square threads-A thread having a depth.   surface of cylinder or cone. Cutting a    worm gear-A gear with helical teeth made
          sector-A device that has two radial, beveled   width and space between threads that are   screw thread.   to conform with the thread of mating worm.
          arms which can be set to include any   equal. It is used on heavy jack screws, vise   thread angle-The angle formed by the two   wrought iron-A commercially pure form
          number of holes on the indexing plate of a   screws and other similar items.   sides of the thread (or their projections)   of iron with minute slag inclusions which
          dividing head to eliminate recounting the   steady rest-A support that is clamped to   with each other.   make it soft, tough & malleable.
          holes for each setting.    the bed of a lathe used when machining a   thread axis-A line running lengthwise   zinc- A bluish white ductile metal used to
          set-The bend or offset of a saw tooth to   long workpiece. They are sometimes called   through the center of the screw.   make hard varieties of aluminium and light,
          provide a clearance for the blade while   a center rest.   thread crest-The top surface joining the   strong zinc casting alloys.
          cutting. Also, the permanent change in the   stellite-A cast alloy of chromium, cobalt   two sides of a thread.
          form of metal as the result of repeated or    and sometimes tungsten, used to make   thread depth-The distance between the
          excessive strain.          lathe cutter bits that will stand exceptionally   crest and the root of a thread.
          set screw-A plain screw used principally   fast speeds and heavy cuts.   thread pitch-The distance from a point on
          for locking adjustable parts into a fixed   step block-A fixture designed like a series   one screw thread to a corresponding point
          position.                  step to provide support at various heights   on the next thread.
          shank-That part of a tool or similar object   required for set-ups.   thread pitch diameter-The diameter of
          which connects the principal operating part   stock-A term for the materials used to   a screw thread measured from the thread
          to the handle, socket or chuck by which it is    make parts in a machine tool. Also, the die   pitch line on one side to the thread pitch
          held or moved.             stock used for threading dies.   line on the opposite side.
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