Page 1755 - All Industrial Tool Supply | General Catalog
P. 1755

          coolant-A common term given to the   dovetail-A two-part slide bearing    emulsion-A coolant formed by  mixing   force fit-A fitting which one part is forced
          numerous cutting fluids or compounds   assembly used in machine tool   soluble oils or compounds with water.   of pressed into another to form a single
          used with cutting tools to increase the    construction for the precise alignment   extruded-Metal which had been shaped by   unit. There are different classes of force
          tool life and to improve surface finish on   and smooth operation of the movable   forcing throughchine a flat surface,    fits depending on standard limits between
          the material.              components of the machine.   as in the end of a shaft in the lathe   mating parts.
          corrosion-Oxidation (rusting) or similar   dowel-A pin fitted or keyed in two adjacent   (operation is known as facing).   forge-To form or shape heated metal by
          chemical change in metals.   parts to accurately align the parts when   face milling-Milling a large flat surface   hammering. Also the name of the unit used
          counterbore-To enlarge the top part of a   assembling them.   with a milling cutter that operates in a   for heating metal.
          hole to a specific size, as for the head of   down feed (climb cutting, climb   plane that is at right angles to its axis.   formed cutters-Milling cutters which will
          a socket-head or cap screw. Also, the tool   milling)-A seldom used method of feeding   faceplate-A large circular plate with    produce shaped surfaces with a single
          that  is used.             work into milling cutters. The work is fed   slots and holes for mounting the   cut, and so designed that they may be
          countersink-To enlarge the top part of a   in the same direction as the portion of the   workpiece. It is attached to the headstock   sharpened without changing their outline
          hole at an angle for a flat-head screw. Also,   cutter which comes in contact with it.  of a lathe.   or shape.
          the tool that is used.     dressing-The act of removing the glaze   facing-The process of making a flat or   forming tool-Tool ground to a desired
          cross feed-The feed that operates across   and dulled abrasives from the face of a   smooth surface (usually the end) on a piece   shape to reproduce this shape on the
          the axis of the workpiece or at right angles   grinding wheel to make it clean and sharp.    of stock or material.   workpiece.
          to the main or principal feed on a machine.   See truing.   fatigue-The effect on certain materials,   free cut-An additional cut with no
          cross section-A view showing an internal   drift-A tapered, flat steel used to remove   especially metals, undergoing repeated   advancement of depth.
          structure as it would be revealed by cutting   drills and other tapered shank tools from     stresses.   free cutting steel-Bar stock containing a
          through the piece in any plane.   spindles, sockets or sleeves. Also a round,   feed-The rate of travel of a cutting   high percentage of sulfur, making it very
          crucible steel-A high-grade tool steel    tapered punch used to align/ enlarge holes.   tool across or into the work, expressed   easy to machine. Also known as Bessemer
          made by melting selected materials in a   drill-A pointed tool, rotated to cut holes.   in inches per minute or in inches per   screw stock.
          crucible.                  drill bushing-A hardened steel guide   revolution.      free fit-A class of fit intended for use
          cutting fluid-A liquid used to cool and   inserted in jigs, fixtures or templates for   feed mechanism-The mechanism, often   where accuracy is not essential or where
          lubricate the cutting to improve the work   the purpose of providing a guide for the   automatic which controls the advancing   large temperature variations are likely to
          surface finish.            drill in drilling holes in their proper or exact   movement (feed) of the cutting tools used   be encountered, or the presence of both
          cutting speed-The surface speed  of the   location.    in machines.                conditions.
          workpiece in a lathe or a rotating cutter,   drill, center-A combination drill &   female part-A conca  ve piece of    fulcrum-The point or support on which a
          commonly expressed in feet per minute    countersink.  equipment which receives a mating male   lever turns.
          (FPM) and converted to revolutions per   drill chuck-A device used to grip drills and     (convex) part.   gage-Devices for measuring or checking
          minute (RPM) for proper setting on the   attach them to a rotating spindle.   ferrous-A metal alloy in which iron is the   the dimensions of  objects.
          machine.                   drill, twist-A commonly used metal-  major ingredient.   gage blocks-Steel blocks machined to
          cyaniding-A process of case hardening   cutting drill, usually made with two flutes   file test-A test for hardness in which a   extremely accurate dimensions.
          steel by heating in molten cyanide.   running around the body.   corner of a file is run across the piece of   gage, center-See center gage
          dead center-   center, dead.   drill jig-A jig which holds parts or units    metal being tested. The hardness is shown   gage, depth-A tool used in measuring the
          dead smooth-The finest cut of a file.   of a structure by means of bushings,    by the dent the file makes.   depth of holes or recesses.
          deburr-To remove sharp edges.   guides the drill so that the holes are   fillet-A curved surface connecting two   gage, drill-A flat steel plate drilled with
          decalescence-A decrease in temperature   properly located.     surfaces that form an angle.   holes of various sizes, each marked with
          that occurs while heating metal through   drill rod-A high-carbon steel rod   fishtail-A common name for the center   the correct size or number into which small
          a range in which a change in structure   accurately ground to size with a    gage.  It is used to set thread cutting tools   twist drills may be fitted to determine the
          occurs.                    smooth finish. It is available in many    and has scales on it for determining the   size of their diameters.
          dedendum-The depth, or that portion of   sizes and is used extensively in tool   number of threads per inch.   gage, drill point-A gage use to check the
          a gear tooth from the pitch circle to root   making.   fit-The relation between mating or   59° angle on drills.
          circle of gear.            drill sleeve-An adapter with an internal   matching parts, that is, the amount of or   gage, feeler (thickness gage)-A gage
          diametral pitch-Ratio of the number of   and external taper which fits tapered shank   lack of play between them.   consisting of a group of very thin blades,
          teeth on a gear to the number of inches of   tools such as drills or reamers to adapt   fitting-Any small part that is used in    each of which is accurately ground to a
          pitch diameter or the number of teeth to   them to a larger size machine spindle.   aircraft construction.   specific thickness.
          each inch of pitch diameter.   drill socket-An adapter similar to a    fixture-A production workholding device   gage, indicating (dial indicator)-A gage
          die-A tool used to form or stamp out    sleeve except that it is made to adapt a    used for machining duplicate workpieces.   consisting of a dial,  commonly graduated
          metal parts also, or to cut external    larger tapered-shank tool to a smaller    Although the term is used interchangeably   (marked) in thousandths of an inch, which
          threads.                   size spindle.               with a jig, a fixture is not designed to guide   is fastened to an adjustable arm or holder.
          die stock-The frame and two handles   drill, twist-A metal-cutting drill,    the cutting tools as the jig does.   gage, radius (fillet gage)-Any number of
          (bars) which hold the dies (chasers)   usually with two flutes running around   flange-A relatively thin rim around    small, flat, standard-shaped metal leafs or
          used for cutting (chasing) external screw   the body.   a part.                    blades used  for checking the accuracy of
          threads.                   drive fit-One of several classes of fits in   flash-A thin edge of metal formed at the    regular concave and convex surfaces.
          dividers, spring-Dividers whose legs are   which parts are assembled by pressing or   parting line of a casting or forging where it   gage, screw pitch-A gage consisting of
          held together at the hinged end by the   forcing one part into another.   is forced out between the edges of a form   a group of thin blades used for checking
          pressure of a C-shaped spring.   ductility-The property of a metal that   or die.   the number of screw threads per unit of
          head (index bead)-A machine tool   permits it to be drawn, rolled or hammered   flute-The groove in a cutting tool    distance, usually per inch, on a screw, bolt,
          holding fixture which positions the work   without fracturing or breaking.   which  provides a cutting edge and a    nut, pipe or fitting.
          for accurately spacing holes, slots, flutes   eccentric-A circle not having a geometric   space for the chips to escape and    gage, surface (scribing block)-A gage
          and gear teeth and for making geometric   center. Also, a device such as a crankshaft   permits the cutting fluids to reach the   used to check the  accuracy of plane
          shapes. When geared to the table lead   or a cam for converting rotary motion to   cutting edges.   surfaces, to  scribe lines at desired
          screw, it can be used for helical milling   reciprocating motion.   fly cutter-A single-point cutter mounted   distances  from a given surface and to
          operations.                element-Matter which cannot be broken   on a bar in a fly cutter holder or a fly cutter   check  the height of a point or points on a
          do-all saw-A trade name for a type of   up into simpler substances by chemical   arbor, used for special applications for   piece of work from a given  surface.
          band saw used for sawing metal.   action, that is, whose molecules are all   which a milling cutter is not available.   gage, telescoping-A T-shaped gage used
          dog-A clamping device (lathe dog) used   composed of only one kind of atom.   follower rest-A support for long, slender   to measure the diameter or width of holes.
          to drive work being machined between   elongation-Lengthening or stretching out.  work turned in the lathe. It keeps the work   gang milling-A milling setup where a
          centers. Also, a part projecting on the   emery-A natural abrasive used for light   from springing away.   number of cutters are arranged on an
          side of a  machine worktable to trip the   grinding and polishing.Though highly   footstock-Part of an indexing attachment   arbor so that several surfaces can be
          automatic feed mechanism off or to   effective, it is being largely replaced by   which has a center and serves the same   machined at one time. It is used for
          reverse the direction of travel.   artificial abrasives.   purpose as the tail stock of a lathe.   production purposes.
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