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P. 387

Keyway Bushings & Shims • BROACHES

                     Keyway Bushings
                     Inch Or Metric Sizes

          APPLICATIONS:              FeATureS:                  TeChNICAL DATA:
          •  Specialty tools designed to be used   •  Ground cylinders with precision slots   •  Straight precision slot acts
           in conjunction with standard keyway   cut into one side.   as a guide for the broach.
           broaches for cutting keyways in   •  Used in conjunction with keyway   •  Made to guide either inch
           machined holes.            broaches and shims to cut the keyway.   or millimeter size broaches.
          •  Ground cylinders with slots cut into   •  The knurled collar type bushings are   •  Bright finish.
           one side.                  used with A, B and C broaches.
          •  To be used manually with an arbor   •  The plain type bushings work with the
           press or a hydraulic press and   D and E broaches.
           broaches to produce the keyways.
          •  Designed to act as guides to position
           and direct the keyway broach through                      Broach Shims,
           the cutting stroke.                                       See Below          A, B & C KNURLED/  D & E PLAIN
                                                                                        COLLAR BUSHINGS
                                                                                                      TYPE BUSHINGS
          Inch SIzeS                 Inch SIzeS                 MetrIc SIzeS               MetrIc SIzeS
                 Overall  Order  PrIce      Overall  Order  PrIce      decIMal  Order  PrIce      decIMal  Order  PrIce
            SIze                       SIze                       SIze                       SIze
                 lenGth   #     each        lenGth   #     each         SIze    #     each          SIze   #     each
          “a” BUShInGS FOr “a” BrOacheS  “d” BUShInGS FOr “d” BrOacheS (cOnt.)  “a” BUShInGS FOr “a” BrOacheS  “d” BUShInGS FOr “d” BrOacheS
          1/4"  1-1/8"  30-633-301 $12.53  1-3/4"  4"  30-633-353 $24.86  6mm  .2362"  30-633-306 $13.43  32mm  1.2598" 30-633-130 $23.64
          5/16  1-1/8  30-633-302  12.53  1-13/16 5  30-633-354  24.86  7  .2756  30-633-307  13.43  34  1.3386  30-633-131  23.64
          3/8   1-1/8  30-633-303  12.53  1-7/8  5  30-633-355  24.86  8  .3150  30-633-308  13.43  35  1.3779  30-633-132  23.64
          7/16  1-1/8  30-633-304  12.53  1-15/16 5  30-633-356  27.22  9  .3543  30-633-309  13.43  36  1.4173  30-633-133  23.64
          1/2   1-1/8  30-633-305  12.53  2  5    30-633-357  27.22  10  .3937  30-633-310  13.43  38  1.4961  30-633-134  23.64
          “B” BUShInGS FOr “B” BrOacheS  2-1/16  5  30-633-358  27.22  “B” BUShInGS FOr “B” BrOacheS  40  1.5748  30-633-135  25.64
          1/2"  1-11/16" 30-633-313 $11.00  2-1/8  5  30-633-359  27.22  11mm  .4331"  30-633-320 $13.37  42  1.6535  30-633-136  25.64
          9/16  1-11/16 30-633-314  11.00  2-3/16  5  30-633-360  27.22  12  .4724  30-633-321  13.37  44  1.7323  30-633-137  25.64
          5/8   1-11/16 30-633-315  11.00  2-1/4  5  30-633-361  36.33  13  .5118  30-633-322  13.37  45  1.7716  30-633-138  25.64
          11/16  1-11/16 30-633-316  11.00  2-5/16  5  30-633-362  36.33  14  .5512  30-633-323  13.37  46  1.8110  30-633-139  30.01
          3/4   1-11/16 30-633-317  11.00  2-3/8  6  30-633-363  36.33  15  .5905  30-633-324  13.37  48  1.8898  30-633-140  30.01
          13/16  1-11/16 30-633-318  11.00  2-7/16  6  30-633-364  36.33  16  .6299  30-633-325  13.37  50  1.9685  30-633-141  30.01
          7/8   1-11/16 30-633-319  11.00  2-1/2  6  30-633-365  46.18  17  .6693  30-633-326  13.37  52  2.0472  30-633-142  39.80
          “c” BUShInGS FOr “c” BrOacheS  2-9/16  6  30-633-366  46.18  18  .7087  30-633-327  13.37  54  2.1260  30-633-143  39.80
          3/4"  2-1/2"  30-633-334 $14.68  2-5/8  6  30-633-367  46.18  19  .7480  30-633-328  13.37  55  2.1653  30-633-144  39.80
                                      2-11/16 6
          13/16  2-1/2  30-633-335  14.68  2-3/4  6  30-633-369  46.18  “c” BUShInGS FOr “c” BrOacheS  “e” BUShInGS FOr “e” BrOacheS
          7/8   2-1/2  30-633-336  14.68  2-13/16 6  30-633-370  46.18  17mm  .6693"  30-633-101 $15.32
          15/16  2-1/2  30-633-337  14.68                        18    .7087  30-633-102  15.32  52mm  2.0472" 30-633-150 $52.18
          1     2-1/2  30-633-338  14.68  2-7/8  6  30-633-371  46.18  19  .7480  30-633-103  15.32  54  2.1260  30-633-151  52.18
                                      2-15/16 6
          1-1/16  2-1/2  30-633-339  14.68  3  6  30-633-373  46.18  20  .7874  30-633-104  15.32  55  2.1653  30-633-152  52.18
          1-1/8  2-1/2  30-633-340  14.68  “e” BUShInGS FOr “e” BrOacheS  22  .8661  30-633-105  15.32  56  2.2047  30-633-153  52.18
          1-3/16  2-1/2  30-633-341  17.74                       24    .9449  30-633-106  15.32  58  2.2835  30-633-154  52.18
          1-1/4  2-1/2  30-633-342  17.74  2-5/16" 6"  30-633-374 $40.18  25  .9842  30-633-107  15.32  60  2.3622  30-633-155  52.18
          1-5/16  2-1/2  30-633-343  17.74  2-3/8  6  30-633-375  40.18  26  1.0236  30-633-108  15.32  62  2.4409  30-633-156  52.18
          1-3/8  2-1/2  30-633-344  17.74  2-7/16  6  30-633-376  40.18  27  1.0630  30-633-109  17.74  64  2.5197  30-633-157  56.60
          1-7/16  2-1/2  30-633-345  17.74  2-1/2  6  30-633-377  40.18  28  1.1024  30-633-120  17.74  65  2.5590  30-633-158  56.60
          1-1/2  2-1/2  30-633-346  17.74  2-9/16  6  30-633-378  49.60  30  1.1811  30-633-121  17.74  66  2.5984  30-633-159  56.60
          1-9/16  2-1/2  30-633-347  17.74  2-5/8  6  30-633-379  49.60  32  1.2598  30-633-122  17.74  68  2.6772  30-633-160  56.60
          “d” BUShInGS FOr “d” BrOacheS  2-11/16 6  30-633-380  49.60  34  1.3386  30-633-123  17.74  70  2.7559  30-633-161  56.60
          1-7/16" 4"  30-633-348 $17.74  2-3/4  6  30-633-381  49.60  35  1.3779  30-633-124  17.74  72  2.8346  30-633-162  56.60
          1-1/2  4    30-633-349  17.74  2-13/16 6 6  30-633-382  49.60  36  1.4173  30-633-125  17.74
          1-9/16  4   30-633-350  17.74  2-15/16 6  30-633-384  49.60
          1-5/8  4    30-633-351  17.74  3  6     30-633-385  49.60
          1-11/16 4   30-633-352  24.86
                     Broach Shims
                     Inch Or Metric
          •  Shims are placed between the broach and bushing to permit the broach to cut deeper slots in succeeding passes through the hole.
          •  For optimal performance and the best tool life the correct cutting set-ups and operations must be used and suitable lubricating/cutting
           oils or appropriate coolant fluids are recommended.
          Inch SIzeS                 Inch SIzeS                 MetrIc SIzeS                MetrIc SIzeS   SHIm
                      Order    PrIce              Order   PrIce          thIcK-  Order  PrIce       thIcK-  Order  PrIce
              SIze                       SIze                      SIze                        SIze
                        #      each                #      each           neSS   #     each           neSS   #     each
            1/8" (A)  30-633-400  $3.60  5/16" (D)  30-633-408  $5.01  3mm (A)  .031" 30-633-420 $3.60  14mm (D-1) .062" 30-633-428 $5.01
            1/8 (B)  30-633-401  3.60  3/8 (D)  30-633-409  5.01  4 (B-1)  .038  30-633-421  3.60  16 (E-1)  .062  30-633-429  5.01
            5/32 (B)  30-633-402  3.60  7/16 (D)  30-633-410  5.01  5 (B-1)  .050  30-633-422  3.60  18 (E-1)  .062  30-633-430  5.01
            3/16 (B)  30-633-403  3.60  1/2 (D)  30-633-411  5.01  5 (C)  .047  30-633-423  3.60  20( F-1)  .062  30-633-431  5.01
            3/16 (C)  30-633-404  3.60  5/8 (E)  30-633-412  5.01  6 (C-1)  .062  30-633-424  3.60  22 (F-1)  .062  30-633-432  5.01
            1/4 (C)  30-633-405  3.60  3/4 (E)  30-633-413  5.01  8 (C-1)  .078  30-633-425  3.60  24 (F)  .062  30-633-433  5.01
            5/16 (C)  30-633-406  3.60  7/8 (F)  30-633-414  5.01  10 (D-1)  .056  30-633-426  5.01  25 (F-1)  .062  30-633-434  5.01
            3/8 (C)  30-633-407  3.60  1 (F)    30-633-415  5.01  12 (D-1)  .056  30-633-427  5.01
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